My first post here. Tested under VMWare, works perfectly for Vista 64 bits. Just a suggestion: At step 8, link for Internet Explorer 9 is down, so I have found one (seems more recent one) for my country. This one need install from Step 9, so I suggest to permute steps 8 and 9 at post 1. I am up to date to 2023, waing next patch tuesday to see if automatic updates are comming... Shame Microsoft hasen't uptated schannel like for Seven, lot of sites (like wikipedia that requrires elliptic curves) are no more working with IE9 (at version 9.0.190 for 64 bit version) Browsers with gecko's embedded TLS are working fine.
I'm not familiar with the word "permute". Can you explain exactly what you're wanting me to do? The guide has been working fine as it currently is.
Captain just use the links that Aboddi posted from the catalog. No need for oldversion, etc. Also steps 8 and 9 are not related to each other. On the other hand between steps 7 and 8 you need to restart the computer or the IE9 won't install (disconnect the internet during those steps and you will see what I mean). My guess is that @Seven4ever is not online during those steps hence he gets an error message basically saying that ie9 prerequisites are missing since he hasn't restarted yet and the updates are still pending. Have a look on the second post of my script page and you will see what is the optimal sequence for the updates.
I was on line, but last Ie9 packs need KB2763674 (SHA-256 Bug Fix - 01/07/2013), so you need to do install step 9 BEFORE ie9
In response to posts #792 and #793: The guide has been working fine for a long time with installing IE9 first and then installing KB2763674 afterwards. As stated in the guide, I do a restart after completing each step, whether it is needed or not. I do not plan to do another clean install and update for testing purposes until after the end of the year. Until I do, steps #7 and #8 and #9 will remain as they are in the guide.
All IE9 installers (exe or msu) are sha1 signed, why would they need it? only latest IE9 updates need it
Even if they were SHA2 signed, KB2763674 is not adding SHA2 support. It is fixing a bug related to application signing and it is dated much earlier than SHA2 support itself (for example notepad++ and .net 4.6.2 installers won't run without this update). With that being said I personally install it on the first pass with IE9 setup being on the second pass. This is though just because I install .net 4.6.2 on the second pass and notepad++ fairly early on.