[HOW-TO/SUPPORT/CHAT] OFFICE C2R Download/Install/Activation

Discussion in 'Microsoft Office' started by s1ave77, Jul 19, 2015.

  1. lqthai

    lqthai MDL Novice

    Aug 8, 2012
    I already had MAK key activated product (VL office 2016). Can I do the below:
    1> Uninstall my VL office 2016.
    2> Use O2016RTool tool to install C2R "Business Channel".
    3> Use Retail2VL to convert office 2016 retail to volume
    4> Apply my own MAK key instead of KMS.

  2. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #1682 ratzlefatz, Nov 11, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2017
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  3. lqthai

    lqthai MDL Novice

    Aug 8, 2012
    Thank you!
    I successfully installed latest monthly_channel (16.0.8625.2121) and applied my own MAK key.

    Can you make one option to start O2016RTool without checking new updates?
    Sometime I just want to use the tool without checking for new office updates.

    One issue: With my own MAK key, it shows "LICENSED" when I check license status with command: "cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus". But with O2016RTool: SHOW CURRENT ACTIVATION STATUS shows: Activation Status: 0 (---UNLICENSED---)
  4. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #1684 ratzlefatz, Nov 12, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2017
    Will add commandline-switch -NRC ( = no release check ) to the next O2016RTool version.
    Primary goal was to show KMS-status and remaining KMS-activation period.
    I will check, how to deal with MAK-key / Retail-key activation.
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  5. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #1685 ratzlefatz, Nov 13, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
    A new O2016RTool version (2017/November/13) was released today

    Error correction:
    Changed function (A) SHOW CURRENT ACTIVATION STATUS to show correct info of
    permanent MAK- / Retail-key activated Office products.

    Feature enhancement:
    Added command-line parameter -NRC
    By using parameter -NRC, O2016RTool skips check for new releases and goes straight to
    main menu.

    No other changes were made.

    Download-links and checksums in OP were updated.
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  6. antihack

    antihack MDL Novice

    Apr 15, 2015
    #1686 antihack, Nov 14, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
    It seems that something breaks. I've tried it already on few machines. New or old package of the script is crashing out of nowhere. Also seen that antivirus (bitdefender) is blocking csscript and even version check txt file in temp directory. And it was never belocked by anything, in past. Everything was working fine until Today i guess. Perhaps something changed on MS side, on their servers.

    EDIT. Script breaks whenever it has to do the version check. Sure that you can skip initial check, but then upon downloading, it makes a check again and breaks. Sometimes it will not run at all.
  7. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #1687 ratzlefatz, Nov 14, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2020
    Just tested latest OfficeRTool on 2 PC's (1x Win7, Kaspersky with manual excludes and
    1x Win10, Windows Defender with auto-excludes by OfficeRTool) without any issues.
    I suspect your Antivirus (BitDefender) got updates and now detects and blocks KMS-activation
    files or your Proxy/Firewall is interfering here.

    I suggest to check and add permanent scanning exclusions in your AV for the following directories
    and files:
    %OfficeRToolpath%\OfficeFixes\%winx%\WinDivert32.sys     (either WinDivert32.sys or WinDivert64.sys
    %OfficeRToolpath%\OfficeFixes\%winx%\WinDivert64.sys     located in %winx% based on OS architecture)
    %temp%\GetAdmin.vbs          (temporarily created)
    %temp%\GetAdminUnicode.vbs   (temporarily created)
    %OfficeRToolpath% = directory where OfficeRTool was extracted to
    %winx% = "win_x32" or "win_x64" based on WinOS architecture used
    %temp% = system's local temp files folder
    I suggest too, to add "OfficeRTool.cmd", "FakeClient.exe", "vlmcsd.exe",
    "wget.exe", "GetAdmin.vbs" and "GetAdminUnicode.vbs" to the list of
    allowed / trusted applications in AV.
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  8. Metalpriest

    Metalpriest MDL Novice

    Nov 10, 2017
    I keep getting this error when the setup is almost 90% done - error code: 30015-11 (-2147023838).

    Tried uninstalling completely and re-installing, only to get the same error codes again. Repeated this thrice, but the same thing happens.
  9. Metalpriest

    Metalpriest MDL Novice

    Nov 10, 2017
    I do see Word, Excel, Outlook and other apps installed though. Should I proceed with this installation or try doing a fresh one again?
  10. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    I would always do a clean install to avoid further errors.
    Please use Microsoft Office FixIt-Tool from post#4 to uninstall, not Control Panel - Programs and Features.
    For FixIt-Tool's download link and instructions, scroll down a little in post.
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  11. Metalpriest

    Metalpriest MDL Novice

    Nov 10, 2017
    #1691 Metalpriest, Nov 14, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
    I tried the uninstall using fixit and fresh install multiple times, but the problem persists. It throws the error at exactly 94% in the installation process.

    EDIT: Just to confirm, should I run the O2016RTool Public Beta-Test from a separate folder in the non-system partition, or from C:/Program Files.

    What I did was create a new folder in C:/Program Files/MS Office, and ran the O2016RTool Public Beta-Test from that location. Should I run it from another drive (like E:\)?
  12. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #1692 ratzlefatz, Nov 14, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
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  13. Metalpriest

    Metalpriest MDL Novice

    Nov 10, 2017
    Thanks for the link. I checked services.msc on my computer, and strangely, software protection services is greyed out and "disabled". I cannot activate this service even after running services.msc as administrator.

    I use Windows LTSB x64 downloaded and activated referring to the guide on this forum, and do not remember switching off "software protection services". Does Microsoft Toolkit disable "software protection services" by default?
  14. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #1694 ratzlefatz, Nov 14, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
    "Software Protection Services" greyed out and disabled? Normal state is selectable, Automatic Start (delayed), but not running (will run when activation is needed).

    So you got a Windows problem. You could try to delete and recreate the activation license file (contains activation for Windows and Office) and try again.

    - rename file "tokens.dat" in folder C:\Windows\System32\spp\store\2.0 to tokens.old
    - rename file "cache.dat" in folder C:\Windows\System32\spp\store\2.0\cache to cache.old

    Reboot and redo Windows activation again. You can use KMS_VL_ALL as an alternative for Microsoft Toolkit.
    Check in services.msc if Software Protection Service can be fully configured now. I'm afraid, if this service still
    fails, you should consider a new clean Windows install.
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  15. Metalpriest

    Metalpriest MDL Novice

    Nov 10, 2017
    Great! I changed its status from 4 to 2 in regedit. It is now "Automatic (Delayed Start)" and is "Running" after a reboot.

    I will be running the setup.exe downloaded by the tool from a non-system drive and report the findings.

    Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.
  16. antihack

    antihack MDL Novice

    Apr 15, 2015
    #1696 antihack, Nov 14, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
    I've checked.

    1. Bitdefender Free has locked file %USERPATH%\appdata\local\temp\found_office_build.txt on initial build check > Resolved by adding to exclusions list.
    2. Windows Firewall was blocking the O2016RTOOL on initial build checks on fresh Windows 10 Home (version 1709, 16299.19) by saying "access denied" > Resolved by allowing "O2016RTool (no release check -NRC).lnk" all traffic in windows firewall. Note that "O2016RTool.cmd" was not possible, as only .exe/.com/.icd were allowed to be added from firewall "let application to communicate..." option. After that it was possible to download office by NRC link.
    3. On Install attempt Bitdefender blocked (with reason "Avc") freshly downloaded files:
    a) c:\xxxx\16.0.8625.2127_pl=pl_x64_monthly_channel\office\data\v64.cab > Resolved by returning this to it's own place and excluding from Bitdefender scanning.
    b) c:\xxxx\16.0.8625.2127_pl=pl_x64_monthly_channel\office\data\package.info > Resolved by returning this to it's own place and excluding from Bitdefender scanning.
    All the actions allowed to make selection of needed and not needed options.
    4. Upon selecting on what I want to install and what not, Bitdefender has blocked C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe and did it again, when I've selected "c" to create a package. O2016RTOOL did not fail/close and did create the installation package.
    I did not add yet cscript.exe to exclusions. I've just run the installation .bat to check, if blocking cscript.exe by Bitdefender, has affected the installation bundle somehow.
    5. Office installed. Converted successfully.
    6. Upon selecting K for activation, tool closes/crashes/disappears. Bitdefender reported cscript.exe as blocked app. Adding it to exclusions.
    7. Noticed that "start_setup.cmd" and "configure64.xml" (from the downloaded content) were put to Quarantine by Bitdefender. Strange, because Office was already installed. > Added both files to exclusions and returned to its place.
    8. Made another attempt to activate. Successful. Tested Excel and it works fine.

    Summary: Lots of files blocked on the way. Bitdefender Free allowed to complete the installation with files listed in the attachment.
    I can't say since when there is this strong action towards office app from Bitdefender side, but it could happen just in last few days. It was working with no problem in past. Also I could not exclude something in-front but only once it was blocked. I also hope that this might be helpful to others. Good luck.


    Attached Files:

  17. alorsnon

    alorsnon MDL Novice

    Jul 7, 2010

    With O2016RTool, I cannot check Activation because in Reg Query the default value in French language is (Par défaut) and not (Default).

    In french we have 2 words not only 1 : (Par défaut) REG_SZ Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016

    after that %ProPlusVLFound% is not equal to "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016" because %ProPlusVLFound% equal "REG_SZ Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016"

    I think you must keep only the 39 last caracters same as this :

        for /F "tokens=2,*" %%A IN ('reg query "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\InstalledPackages\90160000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE" /ve 2^>nul') DO (Set "ProPlusVLFound=%%B") >nul 2>&1
        if "%ProPlusVLFound:~-39%" EQU "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016" set "_ProPlusRetail=YES"
        for /F "tokens=2,*" %%A IN ('reg query "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\InstalledPackages\90160000-0012-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE" /ve 2^>nul') DO (Set "StandardVLFound=%%B") >nul 2>&1
        if "%StandardVLFound:~-30%" EQU "Microsoft Office Standard 2016" set "_StandardRetail=YES"
        for /F "tokens=2,*" %%A IN ('reg query "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\InstalledPackages\90160000-003B-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE" /ve 2^>nul') DO (Set "ProjectProVLFound=%%B") >nul 2>&1
        if "%ProjectProVLFound:~-35%" EQU "Microsoft Project Professional 2016" "set _ProjectProRetail=YES"
        for /F "tokens=2,*" %%A IN ('reg query "HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\InstalledPackages\90160000-0051-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE" /ve 2^>nul') DO (Set "VisioProVLFound=%%B") >nul 2>&1
        if "%VisioProVLFound:~-33%" EQU "Microsoft Visio Professional 2016" set "_VisioProRetail=YES"
        if "%_ProPlusRetail%" EQU "YES" goto:OfficeVL32onW64Path
        if "%_StandardRetail%" EQU "YES" goto:OfficeVL32onW64Path
        if "%_ProjectProRetail%" EQU "YES" goto:OfficeVL32onW64Path
        if "%_VisioProRetail%" EQU "YES" goto:OfficeVL32onW64Path
  18. Metalpriest

    Metalpriest MDL Novice

    Nov 10, 2017
    #1698 Metalpriest, Nov 15, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2017
    The installation was failing due to "Software Protection Services" being disabled. Now the installation is complete, however I am now confused now how to activate Office. Do I follow steps 3 and 4 serially, or directly skip to step 4.

    Right now I am getting an activation status of 9.

    EDIT: Followed steps in serial order, activated successfully. :) Thank you!
  19. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #1699 ratzlefatz, Nov 15, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2017
    Mercie / Thank you for reporting.
    Regarding this "french localized" Registry entries (and this may affect other countries too):
    Your suggested code changes to compare strings starting from right to left make sense.

    I will check this. Expect a new version real soon...
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  20. ratzlefatz

    ratzlefatz MDL FUBAR Recon Squad

    Sep 1, 2012
    #1700 ratzlefatz, Nov 15, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2017
    A new O2016RTool version (2017/November/15) was released today

    Error correction:
    Detection of Volume Office Products failed due to localized registry entries.
    Thanks to french user "alorsnon" for reporting and credits for his code suggestion
    that I gladly used.

    Feature enhancement:
    Now remaining days are shown in Grace-state too. Not only in Licensed-state.

    No other changes were made.

    Download-links and checksums in OP were updated.
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