the dino`s ate more than enough cows to keep the planet ultragreen... they may even have had a macDino`s, God knows....
The fundamental question is, does the Earth need humans?! Answer, it doesn't, it went on quite fine for billions of years without any humans. So, if the last human falls from a tree in a forest and dies, do you think it will make a sound?! I can tell you it will be good eating for the forest denizens, who wouldn't care if it made a sound or not! The point is, the Earth doesn't need humans, the humans need the Earth.
Sorry if someone else has already said it ---- > The semitic texts say that god made man in his own image ...... and as everyone knows those texts are gods word = He's a massmurdering perverse war mongering capitalist psycho maniac masochist moron .
Unfortunately, despite my desire for knowledge and news and traditionally feeling like being willfully ignorant is stupid... you have a point. What with the coronavirus outbreak, my mental health is getting destroyed if I spend too much time reading about the news or certain subreddits for example. I have to essentially fight my compulsion to keep reading such things and distance myself, if I want to be able to function somewhat normally. On the plus side, most of the news is just variations of existing stories about the virus. Anything actually important gets filtered down to me regardless.