Anyone else having problems mounting ISOs, Autoplay and playing media DVDs? PC is freezing when playing a media [video] DVD and will not mount an ISO of that DVD. I know that this is old hat but sometimes these tasks crop up, I had no problems until this poxy upgrade. What a pile of crap, bring back Windows 8. Running Windows 10 Pro x64 1809 no KMS, all genuine licenced software, all as clean as a whistle at time of upgrade. "Cutting edge" and "Awsome" are out of place in this thread, "Dump" crops up a lot, a far more fitting term. MS have taken one huge Dump on us with this latest release. MS can stick their new features where the sun dont shine.
Hi I'm running 17763.55 & i have updates KB4464455 & KB4465477 in a folder How do i add they so i end up with 17763.104 I tried The Cmd. DISM.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath\update\ And got errors can someone explain where i put them so the cmd works i.e. folder Thanks
Are you sure? Does KB64455 includes the issues addressed by KB4464330 wich includes the following improvements: Addresses an issue where an incorrect timing calculation may prematurely delete user profiles on devices subject to the "Delete user profiles older than a specified number of day” group policy. Security updates to Windows Kernel, Microsoft Graphics Component, Microsoft Scripting Engine, Internet Explorer, Windows Storage and Filesystems, Windows Linux, Windows Wireless Networking, Windows MSXML, the Microsoft JET Database Engine, Windows Peripherals, Microsoft Edge, Windows Media Player, and Internet Explorer.
you can find them in the above post :
Did you do this ? Create Folder in C:\ & name it update then copy the SSU KB4465477 to it then run with CMD (Admin) and install dism /online /add-package /packagepath:"C:\update\ or x86 Then delete KB4465477 in update Folder & copy in or x86 Then run this in CMD (Admin) dism /online /add-package /packagepath:"C:\update\ If successful you will be asked to reboot. You should now have 17763.104
i have 1803 vl and to this day i still didnt received 1809 through windows update, is 1809 not released for vl or what?