Is it fine if I do a clean install of 17763.1 and then run WU? Will that take care of everything or will I need to download and install some updates manually? Apologies if this has been asked and answered earlier.
For those affected perhaps it is related to the graphics card driver or display driver incompatibilty .
I Always needed an easy way to switch off and on my Internet connection without unplugging cables (Lan case). My actual solution is a script in an already opened PowerShell ISE : Code: function Go-Offline { Get-NetAdapter -Name Ethernet | Disable-NetAdapter -Confirm:$false Write-Output "You've been taken offline!" Sleep 1 } function Go-Online { Get-NetAdapter -Name Ethernet | Enable-NetAdapter Write-Output "Internet access restored!" Sleep 1 } Go-Offline Go-Online If someone can propose another easy solution you are more then welcome
A one-liner for cmd: wmic path Win32_NetworkAdapter where (NetEnabled=False and PhysicalAdapter=True and PNPDeviceID LIKE '%PCI%') call Enable &wmic path Win32_NetworkAdapter where (NetEnabled=True and PhysicalAdapter=True and PNPDeviceID LIKE '%PCI%') call Disable But since this needs admin rights, a script is advised - I have one I use will attach it when I get access to my pc EDIT: Actually, forget about script, here's a one-liner to enter as a target for new shortcut: cmd /c powershell -c "start powershell -ArgumentList '-c \"gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapter -filter \\\"PNPDeviceID LIKE ''%PCI%'' AND PhysicalAdapter=True\\\"^|foreach{if($_.NetEnabled){$_.Disable()}else{$_.Enable()}}\"' -verb RunAs" This would take care of admin rights needed via powershell and fits the retard ~260 characters limit for a shortcut command via cmd /c (since it's shorter than the path to powershell). @Tonyblair
Build 17763.17 is for Insiders, we are the update for build 17763.104, you can integrate update : Code: dism /mount-wim /wimfile:C:\temp\install.wim /index:1 /mountdir:C:\mount dism /image:C:\mount /add-package /packagepath:C:\update\ dism /image:C:\mount /add-package /packagepath:C:\update\ dism /image:C:\mount /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup /resetbase dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:C:\mount /commit
I did that and have had several updates from WU since, currently i'm on 1809 Build 17763.55 after Windows Update.
Dism command gives me "Error: 0x80070003" when i tried to install 17763.104. Any solutions for this error ? my os is win 10 edu x64.