man just go here: too much off topic on this thingy
Good evening. I just upgraded to a Samsung 970 EVO and with it, it's time to progress via another version of windows. Currently, I'm using: OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB Version 10.0.14393 Build 14393 ... And I'm wondering what version I should install next. I've recently started utilizing Hyper-V, and want as many sysadmin features & customization options as possible.. while killing telemetry to the max. I tried installing 1809 Pro for Workstations, and struggled with the built-in security features. Even in the disabled state, they're nuking Toolkit / KMSpico. Could someone with real knowledge mind lending me a hand or at least pointing me in the right direction? These forum posts are overwhelming to say the least. Replies here, PM or via Discord, Telegram, etc. would be fantastic. Thanks =)
Since you like Hyper-V there is a workaround to get the PRO version activated permanently without too much hassle. But you need a extra HDD to do a VM installing windows 7 on, activate with DAZ-loader. To do this take the sacrificial HDD off line and use in Hyper v as install disk. Make sure to remove ALL settings for restorepoints or it will fail using real HDDs. Switch HDDs so the Win7 disk is BOOT disk and upgrade using 1511 version of Win10. When done make sure it upgraded and activated and digitally signed. Switch HDDs around again and re-activate win 10 pro. Viola. Permanently activated. Still works as of ateast october -18. It takes a lot of time and is a general hassle, but its a one time deal per pc. EDIT: typo fixed version to the correct one.
Just generate the hwid on the real hardware, by using the latest hwid generation options or just put a spare hdd in, install 7Sp1, activate it and make sure lan drivers are installed and generate a genuineticket and disconnect the spare hdd and clipup the ticket on the 10 installation, should take 20min tops..
Sorry guys; I'm a dummy. Having trouble following this. Because my end goal is using my brand new NVME, can I just install Windows 7 & activate it as a normal USB ISO install and then upgrade?
Makes no sense if you want to use LTSC since there is no Upgrade way that will result in a HWID for it.
Not much that @bmilcs does makes sense, from what little i can gather. We'll get him straightened out with this... it's GREAT / clever idea to still get legit Winblows 10 Pro. I was punching in old Win7 Pro keys i had lying around, but used my last one on my laptop ~6 months ago. This is wonderful process if we can make it work. Thanks for all the pro-tips fellas!
Don't mind Harry. He's unstable and transitioning. I'm going to give Windows 10 Pro legit a shot and see how it goes. I've only tested Workstation, so I'm hoping it's toned down a bit. If not, I'll just roll out LTSC.
Good thing he had a backup plan, cuz you guys are giving WAY too advanced instructions for him to follow along. Having a legit version of Winblows is NOT in @bmilcs's future, unfortunately. Well, not unless he pays Micro$oft a couple/few hundred of his hard earned dollars.