Well, I changed the MAC address but nothing happened, network card still appeared as unplugged. Then I remembered I did a backup just before flashing with aflash2 and I noticed its md5sum is different than the one from Asus website, so I tried flashing that and my problem is now fixed. What happened? I don't know. @Serg008 Thanks for your help, if you're interested in examining my backup I'll send it to you.
I unpacked the archive. From the Modified folder, I run the WinFlash.bat file Sorry, but the WinFlash.bat file does not start from the administrator. For 1 second opens a black window - that's all. What am I doing wrong?
Windows 7 or Win10 installed ? right mouse click on WinFlash.bat --> as Administrator ? (and disable Antivirus before)
Thank you. All it turned out only when I unpacked the archive to the root of drive F and to the root of drive C. Then I ran the WinFlash.bat file from disk F. The laptop is now loaded with a new wi-fi card. THANK YOU! - Can I install in laptop CPU lntel quad core Q9100 SLB5G 2.26G 12M?
hey thanks man. The update went smoothly without any error. I think Its done now. will only be able to confirm once i buy a new wifi card. Any suggestions?