Hello wkeller, thank your for your insightful reply. I mounted my win7 iso's install.wim using DISM++ and I found those drivers in the folders you mentioned above! This is quite strange since I properly set the removelegacydriver setting in the integrate7 script. If it's possible I'll try to remove those drivers using DISM++. Update: I managed to remove the above mentioned driver using DISM++ but I'm still stuck in the starting windows screen when I restarted after Installing the windows 7. I'll try removing the catalog files on my driver.
So the script has failed. Files like vga.sys and vgapnp.sys should have been automatically removed from install.wim / install.swm. I have tested it on Windows 7 host (with UAC disabled) many a time and it worked everytime.
I disabled my UAC too on Windows 10, currently in the progress of installing hotfixes using Integrate7. I hope this will work well
Figured out what's borked. You need to recursively take ownership and grant all permissions of the folder and subfolders install.wim is mounted on. Otherwise registry edits and the like all fail. This can be done by either using the takeown commands or just using the pause command and doing it all through gui in the mount directory.
I want to use this script to download the needed updates and update a live system. The system I want to update has i7 9700k CPU. Is there something special I need to do and some order I need to install those updates?
Use Simplix UpdatePack. https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...egrate-hotfixes-into-win7-distribution.45005/
The system I want to update has no access to USB or Internet meaning I can only use CD/DVD. Can it be done? Also I can not reinstall the system.
Hi! I am trying to use this script in a X17-58879.iso image and it seems the process crashes. The script reports the following at the start: Code: Extracting archive: G:\software\ISOs\Integrate7_v3_13_USB3_AHCI_NVMe\Integrate7\x17-58879.iso -- Path = G:\software\ISOs\Integrate7_v3_13_USB3_AHCI_NVMe\Integrate7\x17-58879.iso Type = Udf Physical Size = 3252027392 Comment = GSP1RMCULXFRER_ES_DVD Cluster Size = 2048 Created = 2011-04-12 12:50:50 Everything is Ok Folders: 199 Files: 877 Size: 3266060054 Compressed: 3252027392 ================================================================ Found the following images in ISO/DVD: Index: 1 Name : Windows 7 HOMEBASIC Architecture: x64 Language: es-ES Index: 2 Name : Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM Architecture: x64 Language: es-ES Index: 3 Name : Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL Architecture: x64 Language: es-ES Index: 4 Name : Windows 7 ULTIMATE Architecture: x64 Language: es-ES ================================================================ is there a log file to know what is going wrong? Thanks.
So the Pack already contains all ie and windows updates without having to download anything? Then perfect.
The mentioned WA addons can be found here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...-install-wim-esd-creation.79421/#post-1516362
So I simply place those wa files alongside with the main exe and run the exe with proper parameters and I am good to go? I only need to place 64bit files if the system is 64bit right?
Maybe the info about the use of another project is better discussed in the thread of the project. But rename the updatepack to UpdatePack7R2--ie11++.exe and yes, the WA files, put next to the pack, will be installed by it.
Thank you for all your help! The system was refusing to install some programs and missing updates seems to be the culprit. I will report the results in the correct thread.
I just finished doing a clean install of Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit with Integrate7-v3.13 in a 4th generation Intel desktop. The entire setup and install process took less than an hour, and everything went fine. The needed drivers (chipset, graphics, audio, ethernet, wireless) were installed afterwards. A scan with Windows Update confirmed all needed updates to August 2020 are included. There is no need at this time for the bypass ESU tool to be used.
This does work on 7x64 SP1 Enterprise.iso right? Finished .iso was 4.46 GB and during install when clicking "Install Now" it errors out with "0xC0000096, ... install files can't be located, restart install ... " or similar. Using 8.1 Ent x64 to run script. I haven't d/l WAIK or ADK. Didn't read past first page until now. One thing is probably certain, it's something I've done wrong. THANKS, michael UPDATE - I just noticed/remembered the ISO Download Tool he recommends using will not D/L an Enterprise Edition of Windows. It's a Genuine M$ ISO but the tool doesn't support it so ... .