Is it possible to install microsoft office on other OS?

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by kumaramy, Jan 19, 2020.

  1. kumaramy

    kumaramy MDL Member

    Feb 16, 2013
    I use Centos 7. In this system, i have KVM software which is Virtual Machine Manager same as VMware.
    I want to use Microsoft Office but for that i need to create virtual machine of Win 10 in KVM.
    But as we all know that, Win10 is not free. And just for using MS Office, why I need to install entire Windows 10? That's what I am thinking.
    So, Is there any way that I can use MS office 2013 in different way?
    I tried Wine in Linux but it's failed. So, I needed to know if there is any other lightweighted OS that supports MS office.
    Windows 10 is heavy. Installing that heavy CPU consuming entire Windows 10 just for MS office doesn't seems good deal.

  2. Office 2013 is compatible with Windows 7 and above. It can't be used on anything other OS. By that, just create a Win7 VM (if you have its disc or ISO) and install the needed software there.
  3. kumaramy

    kumaramy MDL Member

    Feb 16, 2013

    I think I can also use Office online from official microsoft website. But it needs internet connection and it has 5 gb free storage only.
    I tried Windows on VM but it heats my CPU a lot. So, I believe i would give try to online office because I need it so rarely for my resume update and other nominal documents.
    I don't even use it's other products like powerpoint or Excel. I may also use Excel however but so rarely. So i think i would try Online Office.
  4. Well if you only use Word, then I think sticking with Office Online would be best for you :)