Has anyone else seen displayed this way? If so, have you tried to connect using it? If so, what happened when you did?
Sorry I wrote black instead of blank, anyway Not, me. Perhaps assuming that many routers are set up on that address, i never seen a router accessed via rdp. Perhaps that filed stores the connections only after a successful logon, so it's even more puzzling
That's right, and without entering the necessary port fowarding and dhcp info, no other connection will be made. I don't have W10 installed, so I don't know what shows up by default in the RDC, but the presence of in the computer field should not be a problem. However, if port fowarding and your public IP are somehow enabled, then that is a problem.
I have routers repeating friends routers I'm connected to. My friend's names are Alfa, DD-WRT, Kali linux, reaver, and pixie dust.
did all this info gathering or stealing info begin with 8 or has it always existed since windows 7? did it exist back in the day before sp1 for 7? anyone know anything about this?
Keep in mind, that arstechnica post, they only flipped switches that are presented by default, they did not mention any methods or tools created by people related to the scene. I personally wasn't expecting these switches to actually disable anything. I've been watching my network traffic closely with Fiddler and there's absolutely no phoning home to Microsoft or anything strange, after I've modified everything to my liking. I also found have a few more addresses that should be added to the hosts file: blogs.msdn.com msstomsdnblogs.112.2o7.net i1.social.s-msft.com i1.blogs.msdn.com msstomsdnblogs.112.2o7.net I found the following lines trying to phone home using fiddler and I already have Metro completely disabled and am using Classic Shell, not sure where these were poking through. Edit: Someone whose cataloging addresses for hosts file, please PM me letting me know that you've added these to known lists circulating about so I know not to try and notify peoples, thank you.