[Leak] Windows 10 Build 10036

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Tito, Mar 13, 2015.

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  1. Meneer

    Meneer MDL Member

    Apr 2, 2014
  2. Rob Jansen

    Rob Jansen MDL Junior Member

    Apr 17, 2011

    A new build is available due to a leak, it doesn't work as expected and people say that the build is s**t.
    Like ''I can't play my game!!'' (and more of that kind).
    What do you except from a leaked build that isn't bug free.

    You want to run Beta software, well, then live with it that stuff doesn't work as expected, corrupts files and so on.

    Be glad that you have at least something to try out.
    Be glad that people took the time to leak it.

    If you want to help, stick to the official builds and provide feedback.
    Real feedback, not like ''Release a new build'', but more like ''Program X doesn't run, it generates errorcode Y''.

    You are running a Beta version of Windows.
    Do you accept that it contains bug(s), can corrupt files, doesn't work as expected and to provide feedback if something isn't right?

    If you use this software you are agreeing with at least the above items.
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  3. burfadel

    burfadel MDL EXE>MSP/CAB

    Aug 19, 2009
    I did consider that, however I took in to account the statement that the fast Fast path is going to get faster. The current method of distributing to fast first then to slow a few days later wouldn't work with that method.

    We also have no idea being 'Outside Insiders' of what the differences are between each build. If the last couple of builds are just bug fixes, no reason why it can't be 10041. If it's the build where there are large changes, then it might be an earlier one. It's also possible employees have been testing it over the weekend at home, you never know. For some reason, 10041 just seems to fit. It's build 10042 you have got to be wary of ;).
  4. Meneer

    Meneer MDL Member

    Apr 2, 2014
    Couldn't agree more with you
  5. germanhess

    germanhess MDL Member

    May 26, 2012
    Yes, but 3 months more or less to final build and how is it possible these bugs so obvious ?
  6. joja

    joja MDL Novice

    Aug 19, 2012
    how can i install a language from languagespack
  7. Chibi ANUBIS

    Chibi ANUBIS MDL Chibi Developer

    Apr 28, 2014
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  8. Rob Jansen

    Rob Jansen MDL Junior Member

    Apr 17, 2011
    Open lpksetup.exe, select to install a new language.
    Then use the browse button to select the folder with the lp.cab in it and then let it install.
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  9. joja

    joja MDL Novice

    Aug 19, 2012
    #269 joja, Mar 15, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2015
    to Rob Jansen
    where i open ipksetup.exe
  10. jygoro

    jygoro MDL Senior Member

    Sep 21, 2011
    Clean installed 10036 and I like what I'm seeing. They are fixing little things (with taskbar at top now startMenu also has a search box). Multiple Desktops now are really useful with a nice transition effect.
    All the problems I have so far are with the Universal Apps. I can't install an app from the store and apps can't get into full screen mode with taskbar on top yet.

    It really feels better than build 9926. I even could use it in my main PC.
  11. ashio83

    ashio83 MDL Novice

    Oct 25, 2011
    You can install a language pack cab with

    Dism /online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\test\LangPacks\lp.cab
  12. TiBon

    TiBon MDL Novice

    Oct 5, 2014
    That's what most of the users addicted with having the latest of the last version of their favorite OS/programs/apps do not understand.

    Since all of you in this thread like opting in for beta I'll make an easy example.

    Have you tried your favorite browser's beta release channel? (Chrome Beta, Firefox Developer Edition, Opera Developer, etc.)
    If yes have you wondered how the hell can the speed dial in Opera for example be perfectly fine for the last 10 releases and in the "X" newly released version is broken?
    You probably understand that by adding experimental features and enabling flags (or a version released with newly enabled flags) will cause instability and break fully stable features.
    But for browsers it is not a problem since you can have installed both release channel and switch to whichever one you want for your default browsing depending on your mood or the stability of the weekly release.

    The same goes for OS. Right now MS has introduced some very newborn features on W10 like the Notification panel, the XML start Me(TRO)nu, DX12 and experimental Drivers, and many other front-end and back-end features that are interrelated and where if one of them has a tiny problem it may 'cause instability or make a program refuse starting.

    This doesn't mean that it is a step back or a "bad" build leading to "worse" Windows. Every tiny feature is steadily being polished by the team responsible for it and every mishap that appears between 2 or more features is being investigated by the curators of these so it will be resolved.

    Having leaked builds like with previous versions of Windows or have officially released builds like the pilot Windows Insider program, always made fans and casual users to get excited and quickly update to see what the future of Windows holds.

    I am not and I will never judge someone for using beta releases as their daily OS or not; but before you install such a release you must take a step back and realize that you have then mindset and knowledge needed to go on and being ready to experience whatever this build has to offer (good or bad).

    Asking for daily/weekly builds with new features without any bugs, better performance and full compatibility with your daily programs/apps/games is something not possible for even the simplest OS, let alone the chaotic Windows.

    Internet users were from the early days overly enthusiastic and quickly jumped into conclusions without having extended or any at all knowledge, which lead to the creation of haters and fanboys. Neither of those user bases were truly respected from the critical thinking users. Also this is the reason developers always had closed betas or Q&A partners/employees, so they were sure they would get accurate feedback from people knowing the sector. However with the internet user base increasing vastly through the last years most companies decided to switch to open betas to cut the cost of Q&As and created a new system of filtering junk/spam/hate feedback from valuable feedback taken from all over the world. Even Apple one of the most mystic companies about their unreleased technologies has started an effort to start taking feedback through open betas.

    After all of these things I felt the need to put down. It is the users choice to decide if they want to install, how and where they want to install and experiment beta software. If and what feedback they decide to give back (for free) to the software developer in order to optimize their software better. And finally if they want to have real impact on the developing process and how they want respected communities like MDL for example to think of them.
  13. Taunty

    Taunty MDL Novice

    Jul 14, 2009
    A bit off topic but it's nice to know that Riot is quick with these fixes on the PBE.

    But back on topic. Has anyone tried this on an iMac?
  14. thessalonik

    thessalonik MDL Senior Member

    Apr 7, 2014
    What's a PBE account?
  15. Laniakea

    Laniakea MDL Novice

    Jan 23, 2015
    Public Beta Environment server of League of Leaguends.
  16. warlordll

    warlordll MDL Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    lol my start menu wont open now, fingers crossed for official new build this week :)
  17. Inge

    Inge MDL Member

    Apr 2, 2008
    Just to extend it: League of Leaguends = LOL ;)
  18. alperi75

    alperi75 MDL Senior Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    #278 alperi75, Mar 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  19. nosense

    nosense MDL Senior Member

    Sep 9, 2013
    #280 nosense, Mar 15, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2015
    Why do people keep saying windows 10 rtm is 2-4 months? No source besides a s**tty article by neowin saying MS should meet back to school computer sales?

    win xp\win vista\win 7\win 8 where all release in Nov\Oct.