I recall seeing a group policy setting in Enterprise that does this? Not sure but it is worth a check.
after click run as administrator i see only blicking command line still not working for me WINDOWS 10 1607 14393.953
users need remember that when working with file system is obvious that these files need stay always in root folder normaly C:\
Hmm, sounds like you have disabled vbscript. Try this, open install.cmd with notepad and remove the following lines in the beginning of the script: (Line 4-12) Code: chcp 1252 >nul 2>&1 net.exe session >nul 2>&1 || (REMGet Administrator Privilege echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\GetAdmin.vbs" echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~f0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\GetAdmin.vbs" "%temp%\GetAdmin.vbs" del /f /q "%temp%\GetAdmin.vbs" >nul 2>&1 exit ) chcp 850 >nul 2>&1 Save the changes and run it as admin again. Better?
now maybe works but i suck sorry i mean how disable this login screen on windows 10 1607 before i see my desktop so i want normal boot to desktop i still see this stupid startup screen or this startup screen is this lock screen ?
yes i try this this but not working wtf stupid MS this login screen!! i dont have any password on account
The latest version works for me again for the third time after another damn Windows update turned the lock screen back on- Thanks!