Almost finished with all this: Code: Fixed lines 324 and 325 in "W7_x64_AiO_TEST_2.5b.cmd" now called "W7_x64_AiO_2.6_Modern.cmd" Fixed the calling of the updatepack faillure Removed the Beta state from the scripts Modified the script cmd filenames to contain: Modern = Win 10 based ISO (wim or esd) Legacy = Win 7 based ISO (wim or swm) Fixed the duplicate SiMPLiXED in the ISO filename Cleaning up leftover "rem'ed" out code lines
I was just going to post this, it bugs me more than it should, and it's already fixed. Tried 2.5b worked great for Win 7 Ultimate. This tool is awesome, thank you all.
Updated the OP, post 2 and post 3 with Changelog: Code: Fixed lines 324 and 325 in "W7_x64_AiO_TEST_2.5b.cmd" now called "W7_x64_AiO_2.7_Modern.cmd" Fixed the calling of the updatepack faillure Removed the Beta state from the scripts Modified the script cmd filenames to contain: Modern = Win 10 based ISO (wim or esd) Legacy = Win 7 based ISO (wim or swm) Fixed the duplicate SiMPLiXED in the ISO filename Cleaned up leftover previously "rem'ed" out code lines Updated the bare tool to Updated the separate addons package Updated the separate scripts only
@Enthousiast, the code used to elevate these scripts has an error. Even if the scripts are launched from an admin cmd, a new window with another uac prompt is opened. The code used is: Code: if not "%1"=="am_admin" powershell start -verb runas '%0' am_admin & exit /b it should be: Code: fsutil dirty query %systemdrive% 2>nul || if not "%1"=="am_admin" powershell start -verb runas '%0' am_admin & exit /b
I tried W7_x64_AiO_2.7_Modern.cmd. The script worked for me without any errors. Is there a way to skip on creating other SKUs? I only want to create Professional, Ultimate, and Enterprise. Thank you.
Next update only ESU supported SKUs will be left (was already planning to do this but not without first upload the current updated scripts), saves me a lot of code updating when those are gone
When i initially made this "tool" it was just a lining up of commands i previously ran manually, i've mentioned that my coding skills where next to none (some boolean which we had to use to program a traffic light situation (programming a NE555 IC, iirc) in school, a little bit of msbasic and turbo pascal 7 (after that i lost all interest in coding entirely)). From the start i planned to have some sort of sku toggling but again not at that level of coding, yet. If you can provide me with some actual code to do this i could check if i am capable of using it, in one way or the other.
How about the N editons and E editions? I would like to use the tool to upgrade these images. Thanks in advanced.
Spoiler Code: @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set "starter=" set "hb=" set "hp=" set "pro=1" set "ent=1" set "ult=1" :menu cls if defined starter ( echo [S] Starter: [On] ) else ( echo [S] Starter: [Off] ) if defined hb ( echo [B] Home Basic: [On] ) else ( echo [B] Home Basic: [Off] ) if defined hp ( echo [H] Home Premium: [On] ) else ( echo [H] Home Premium: [Off] ) if defined pro ( echo [P] Professional: [On] ) else ( echo [P] Professional: [Off] ) if defined ent ( echo [E] Enterprise: [On] ) else ( echo [E] Enterprise: [Off] ) if defined ult ( echo [U] Ultimate: [On] ) else ( echo [U] Ultimate: [Off] ) choice /c sbhpeu0 /m "Toggle editions, or press 0 to start the process: " /n set "_errtemp=%errorlevel%" if [!_errtemp!]==[1] call :toggle starter if [!_errtemp!]==[2] call :toggle hb if [!_errtemp!]==[3] call :toggle hp if [!_errtemp!]==[4] call :toggle pro if [!_errtemp!]==[5] call :toggle ent if [!_errtemp!]==[6] call :toggle ult if [!_errtemp!]==[7] call :start goto menu :toggle if defined %~1 ( set "%~1=" ) else ( set "%~1=1" ) exit /b :start rem rest of the script... if defined pro ( echo============================================== echo Creating Professional %warch% %StarterLang%... echo============================================== bin\imagex /mountrw "TEMP\wim\aio.install.wim" 1 "%SystemDrive%\AiO_Mount" %_dism% /Image:"%SystemDrive%\AiO_Mount" /Set-Edition:Professional bin\imagex /commit /append "%SystemDrive%\AiO_Mount" Windows 7 Professional bin\imagex /unmount "%SystemDrive%\AiO_Mount" set "imgcount=" for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%i in ('%_wimlib% info TEMP\wim\aio.install.wim ^| findstr /c:"Image Count"') do set imgcount=%%i Bin\imagex.exe /flags "Professional" /info "TEMP\WIM\aio.install.wim" %imgcount% "Windows 7 Professional" "Windows 7 Professional SiMPLiXED" ) rem add code for other editions similarly rem at the end, delete starter index if not chosen if not defined starter ( for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%i in ('%_wimlib% info TEMP\wim\aio.install.wim ^| findstr /c:"Image Count"') do set imgcount=%%i for /l %%# in (2,1,%imgcount%) do %_wimlib% export "TEMP\WIM\aio.install.wim" %%# "TEMP\WIM\new.install.wim" --compress=lzx:100 if exist TEMP\WIM\new.install.wim del TEMP\WIM\aio.install.wim ren TEMP\WIM\new.install.wim aio.install.wim ) pause exit /b add code as needed
With a little adaption, the scripts could be changed to support N SKUs, although @Enthousiast won't be the one doing that. About E SKUs, unless you are in for a lot of pain, it's best to just forget it. Lots of time intensive tasks in Audit mode, capturing, re-deploying base images for the heavily adapted scripts. Not fun. One example: As Windows 7 E was barely released, there don't exist any "Windows 7 E with SP1" media, required by the script. You need to create these by yourself, first. Another: Windows 7 Starter E x64 and Windows 7 Enterprise E x86+x64 cannot be created, as the packages are missing. It goes on like this.
Separately create the x86 ISO and the x64 ISO, put them in the UUP>ISO conversion project folder and run multi_arch_iso.cmd and select option 1 (not sure if option 2 is supported for non W10+ ISOs), it will create a multi-arch iso for you: