Microsoft adds child abuse warnings to Bing Bing has become the first of the big search engines to display pop up warnings whenever anyone from the UK uses it to look for child abuse images. When someone enters any of the keywords from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop)’s blacklist into the search site a warning will be displayed informing them that "Child abuse material is illegal" and providing help and advice from The move comes days after the UK Prime Minister David Cameron said internet companies needed to do more to block access to child abuse images. He suggested that the warnings should state that anyone looking for such material risked losing their job, family, and even access to their children, however Bing has decided to skip the Daily Mail approach and keep things simple. Explaining the introduction of the warnings, a Bing spokesman said, "This is in addition to Microsoft's existing and longstanding policy of removing any verified links to illegal content of this sort from Bing as quickly as possible. Microsoft has been, and remains, a strong proponent of proactive action in reasonable and scalable ways by the technology industry in the fight against technology-facilitated child exploitation. We have teams dedicated globally to abuse reporting on our services and the development of new innovations to combat child exploitation more broadly". Yahoo is believed to be considering a similar move, but Google currently has no plans to follow suit, preferring to use its own methods for combating child abuse on the web. Credit for this goes to: Wayne Willams Source:
I do believe that is a need for any Search engine on the Internet, at least! Pedophiles and Child abusers are some of the worst humans and they should stopped in any means and possibility! Good move Microsoft!
I strongly have to disagree it's a joke. Do you really think that would have an effect on the crime statistics? Lol. It is not the job of a US monopolist to control the internet. And no wonder that the British are involved. It is the job of the parents to take care about their kids. And each nation has different laws and it's the job of the national govt / their institutions to support parents and to give advice. Information and education are far more important than control. I don't care what M$ says...they should keep their hands off from constantly playing the US world-police. I am sick of their hyprocritical fuss. How do they know what is crime / who is criminal and what / who not? What if they are accidentally wrong? Don't get me wrong, child abuse is a heavy crime, that is not the point. The point is that such a measure (filter /warning of a search engine) is absolute inappropirate.....either to fight crime or to protect children. Pedophiles are usually hidden 'beyond' the internet, P2P 'dark net'... and share their 'interests'. It is a poor attempt of M$ to gain trust after their NSA 'support' eyewash..
Another unfortunate point is a lot of child abuse actually occurs at home, family members friends e.c.t
That's your personal meaning Yen, and I've to accept that, which I do, but agree. The Internet isn't controlled by Microsoft that's done by Facebook, Google and others! Those huge so called Social Networks are the one who also having an huge effect on the daily life an many people and it's used for to spread the worst informations against anybody around the net! Microsoft didn't need to gain trust from NSA, they work with them together for a long time already I do believe! So, no need for eyewash! Sure it's the job of the parents of the kids for to take care for them, nor anybody normal would deny that! 100 years ago that was still quite easy but today! How much control the parent's really having today? In an time where the kids even bringing the own parents before the court because they get teached by the school teachers to do so! And what power the parents having really for to guide the kids on the right way if they see them just for a few hours a day because the majority of time the kids are out of the reach of the parents?! I could point to much more but reading your post, it tells it would be for nothing. Have a nice day!
M$ needs to gain trust from the consumers not from the NSA, lol... You name some problems the parents have. Sure they exist. But if the parents are not willing to take care (it is their job!) then M$ can?! If the power of the parents is not sufficient then M$ should have (should get) it???? Out of the reach of the parents? If the kids become run over by a car because they had been out of the reach of the parents then who is responsible??? So why shouldn't they care when they sit in front of a PC browsing the net???? Parents need to be educated to develop a new awareness about potential dangers for their kids, it is NOT the job of a US monopolist to control it. It's the job of local govt / institutions. They already offer info material and software....also a router can be configured to block sites. It is the responsibility of the parents!!! Those 'filtered' contents are actually not dangerous for kids. And pedophiles don't care about. Before a pedophile can make a crime he has to make conversations (over the net). And no filter would stop that. The parents are first who might recognize that a pedophile tries to 'contact' their kids, if at all. The measure introduced by M$ is good for nothing. That is my opinion.