First off thanks a lot for this great lil tool Alpha! I used this on my new HP ENVY x360 TouchSmart 2 in 1 laptop/tablet. Worked just like it should. I also used pid checker to check what version is installed by oem and it was core. I have all the info I need for the future regarding my new lappy. Thanks again.
I used this on a Lenovo T440S ultrabook and a Dell Vostro 3560 laptop both with Windows 7 Ultimate and yes, it worked! Thanks so much for this little but great tool!
@Alphawaves Hate to nag but when will you finish it? And make it net framework 4.5 compatible? Sorry about the latter, I was thinking on ComputeHASH lol
Project updated: MSDM-SLIC Dumper Code: /SLIC = Dump SLIC Table /MSDM = Dump MSDM Table /OD = Dump OEM-DM Key /SV = Dump Slic Version
Thanks very much for the tool, is so cool ! But I want use SetupComplete.cmd and if I want to use OEM key in UEFI for reinstall Windows since the DVD, I must use this command ? : Code: %~dp0OEM-DM.exe /OD
Yes, that would dump key to text file but you must have the setupcomplete.cmd query the text file and set variable to be used to activate. I will be adding this tool to the multi oem project but lacking motivation right now.
Ill add another switch to get oem-dm key without extracting it to text file (for windows setup). Then can be read in setupcomplete like this: Code: FOR /F "DELIMS=" %%A IN ('"%~dp0MSDM-SLIC.exe" /OS') DO (SET SERIAL=%%A) Will post it in a few mins
Updated to v0.3: Added new switch Code: /OS = Read OEM-DM Key internally - ie :setupcomplete.cmd. If no key present will return Un-listed