This script is good ? Code: @ECHO OFF FOR /F "DELIMS=" %%A IN ('"%~dp0MSDM-SLIC.exe" /OS') DO (SET SERIAL=%%A) slmgr.vbs /ipk %DELIMS% RMDIR /S /Q "%WINDIR%\Setup\Scripts" exit
Hi Chibi ANUBIS, Change it to serial.. Code: @ECHO OFF FOR /F "DELIMS=" %%A IN ('"%~dp0MSDM-SLIC.exe" /OS') DO (SET SERIAL=%%A) cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs -ipk %SERIAL% RMDIR /S /Q "%windir%\Setup\Scripts" exit
Hi, what do you want to integrate ? Vista/Win7 = 3.5 Win8/8.1 = 4.0 EDIT: Forgot to mention i made a little update..
This tool isn't working for me. Ran it from the run box. Detailed message, but not sure what to do with that information to fix the situation. Command line switches work. All items that can be viewed from the GUI do not work except for product KEY View attachment 34050
Thinkpad laptop with x32 Win7+SP1+Repo. My normal command prompt is 80 x 25. Your utility always starts with a tiny window. Also, I have 120 DPi set on my display settings.
This one is okay for the slic view (80 x 25 with scrollbar) , but Cert view shows as follows: View attachment 34079 The window size there is 80 x 3 with scrollbar I can't test the msdm view since my bios is SLIC 2.1
Since this is only for correct output when viewing in windows, I don't need to update the multi oem project yet but I grabbed it so I have it. Thanks Alphawaves.