This file is Toolkit Helper Template. You need to put the package names into the DISM Lists For This package you may need to put it into RemovePkgsList.txt from Microsoft-Windows-RDC-Opt-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~pl-PL~10.0.17763.1 to Microsoft-Windows-RDC-Opt-Package Just add this line, like the other examples in that DISM Template list (RemovePkgsList_W10.txt). But then you need to test. The script will detect the rest of the package name and try to remove through the DISM command. [3] Remove --> [3] Remove Windows Components Using Package List (Here you can select a DISM Method)
You can look into: Toolkit\Mount\Install\1\Windows\servicing\Packages\ there are a lot of interesting things there... I made a screenshot (1) just for you. (Some components have xxx-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~wow64...) You can also use full names in the list, working with the build from which you received the list of components. But with the release of new cumulative updates, the windows build number in the names of the superseded packages will change... Upd: Therefore, brother RaiyvaN showed ↑ a universal way of compiling a list that can be used with different builds numbers within the base version, in your case - But I prefer removing components, including their language packs, so I use package names like the one shown above. It should be noted that some of them may cause errors. For example, in my case (builds these were: Microsoft-Windows-StepsRecorder-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~ru-RU (error) Microsoft-Windows-WordPad-FoD-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~ru-RU (error) (Just excluded them from the list). In case of any doubts: I always try to show the results of the sfc and dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth scans in my test results. Now that ToolkitHelper has received support for builds, StepsRecorder and Wordpad have been moved by me to RemovePkgsList.txt for ToolkitHelper. This did not affect Removing Windows Components Using Package List. At least for win10 v21H2-v21H1-v20H2-v2004 & win11 v21H2. WindowsFirewall and WindowsDefender were and are removed. Sent an 2021-10-29 New Custom Toolkit updated file attached in the link above and in my signature. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-10-29 *Merged with 2021-10-22 and 2021-10-24 11.8 Toolkit.cmd. Just Minor Typo Fixes. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-10-25 *Merged with 2021-10-04, 2021-10-08, 2021-10-14 and 2021-10-16 11.8 Toolkit.cmd. 1. Minor Fix caused by the implementation of the fully automated process that could give a conflict when using the Source menu. 2. Removed the integration of InboxApps from the fully automated process. Thus, more generically, I think it is best for the production of a fully functional image. 3. Added fixed "Bin\ConvertReg.ps1", "ToolkitREGsConverter.bat" and "ToolkitREGsDoubleConverter.bat" files. 4. (2021-10-26 updated and merged with @abbodi1406 "uup-converter-wmlib-74b") Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-10-03_3 Fixed missing parentesis "(" breaking the script. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-10-03_2 *Merged with 2021-10-03 Toolkit.cmd. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-10-03_1 *Fixed ManualSetup by MSMG suggestion; *:SaveSource session - WinRE minor fix *The names of the custom ISOs were getting the name of UUP Dump ISO. In this case, then the Auto Name was directed to the custom ISOs. It is a function that was already available at the Custom Toolkit at the ":Makeiso" session. *Automated Removal Components process changed from "PreSet Custom Selection" to "ToolkitHelper List". Note: In this method the dependency filter will be applied. So, according to Build, there will be differences. Spoiler: CHANGELOG 2021-10-01 Merged made with the Official Toolkit 11.8 from 2021-09-19 to 2021-09-29. 1. Since my code writing method with the idea of reducing lines was making complicated the merge tasks. As the code was drowned in complications, difficult to readability for other devs. I decided to twist my code, in the sense of wiping. Expanded parts of the code that were in just one line for multiple lines in order to improve the reading of it. Mainly in the "for (loop) command thanks to a tip learned in the @abbodi1406 scripts. And, of course learning every day with @MSMG. In addition to the solutions brought in the Toolkit script, he always answers some people asks that brings new doubts and new learning. 2. In Inbox Apps: 2.1. A detail was modified to indicate what is not present in the packs, before continuing with inboxapps integration. 2.2. Fixed - A problem created by custom toolkit modifications by implementing the multi-selection system of inboxapps that repeated the final optimization that should be once for each index, but was repeating by the amount of apps selected times the quantity of indexes. As much as the whole process was automatic, this caused a very accentuated delay. 3. Added - Condition for integration of Sun Valley Icons Skin Pack only for Builds below 21348. 4. Some minor code upgrade on Tweaks and... 4.1. Added - Simple Bypass Hardware Requisites Checking for InPlace Upgrade. 5. WMP Skin for x64 now apply in WMP Program Files(x86) folder too. 6. Adicionada uma opção de Custom PreSet para "Windows 7 Components Experience Edition" baseada na lista de componentes a serem mantido que o MSMG disponibilizou. 7. Fixed Edge Chromium Integration for w81. OBS: Supplementary information for Devs: After the implementation of Windows 11 support I found some bugs related to the use of subsequent conditions of "not equal" associated with the use of "else" in the same block (NEQ NEQ ELSE). It does not work. Ex: The use (neq w10 neq w11) so that a block block could work for both W7 and W81 and an "else" for when w10 or w11, but this does not work: In this case, what comes in the else block is completely ignored not being executed. I suppose a conflict occurs. Code: if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w10" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w11" ( echo.Performing Tasks for w7 or w81... ) else ( echo.Performing Tasks for w10 or w11... ) To correct this, the possible way is just as below. Code: if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w10" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w11" ( echo.Performing Tasks for w7 or w81... ) if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w7" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" neq "w81" ( echo.Performing Tasks for w10 or w11... ) 8. Spoiler: Fully automated process Guys, I left something at Custom Toolkit, which is to facilitate my tests, but it may be interesting to you too. Basically it is: In the main menu, press the letter "P" and watch the process. This will lead you to the selection of an ISO that will be extracted then beginning the atomatized process. Have your packs updated and with the folder structure updated for Toolkit 11.8 (recently changes made by MSMG). The custom registry folder also has to be duplicated w10 and w11 folders. I put a bypass for that. Instead of having 2 equal folders, leave only one with the name w10_w11. For Inbox Apps it is also possible but probably the licenses should have their folders separated for W81, W10 and W11. @MSMG, joining the folders will release plenty of space in Files hashsum are equal, for both w10 and w11. If you notice any error or jump integration, in the process execution, it is due to some missing pack. If you do not want to integrate something, just change the folder name so that the script can not find the pack. Example: If you do not want to integrate Games change the name of the folder from: ".\Packs\Games" to: ".\Packs\Games_". Automation goes up to, Virtual Create Image Index Editions and ISO finalization. Download "" that is in my signature to the folder where the "toolkit.cmd" file is. Below is the list of packs that will be integrated: Removes Components by Preset Custom Selection. So that you can take the test. Download "" that is in my signature to the folder where the "toolkit.cmd" file is. Below the list of packs that will be integrated, the Tweaks that will be applied and the components that will be removed by the Preset Custom Selection. So that you can take the test. Code: :: Auto Integrate Menu IntWin32Calc IntNetFX48 17763 IntNET5 above 17763 IntOpenSSH IntPowerShell7 IntGames CariocaRummy HoldEm Sudoku Tinker ChessTitans FreeCell Hearts Inkball MahjongTitans Minesweeper Pinball PurblePlace Solitaire SpiderSolitaire IntDaRT IntCustomFeatures IntCustomFiles IntWMPMetroSkin IntWPVMetroSkin IntWin32CalcMetroSkin IntWIconsSkin At this point the removal of the components will be by Toolkithelper list. Leave your favorite list. In this method the dependency filter will be applied. So, according to Build, there will be differences. Code: :: Auto Remove Menu set "RemovalMethod=ToolKitHelper" call :RemoveWindowsComponentsList rem call :CustomPreSets_RemoveWindowsComponents rem call :AccessibilityCustomSelection rem call :ConservativeGenericEditionCustomSelection rem call :LooksLikeLTSCEditionCustomSelection rem call :GamerEditionCustomSelection rem call :LiteEditionCustomSelection rem call :XtremeLiteEditionCustomSelection rem call :W7ExperienceEditionCustomSelection Here is my Personal PreSets rem call :PersonalPreSets_RemoveWindowsComponents rem call :PersonalFamilyCustomSelection rem call :PersonalWorkCustomSelection rem call :ListsandPreSets_Filter rem call :StartRemovingWindowsComponents :: Auto Customize Menu RemoveInboxAppsAssociation ImportInboxAppsAssociation ImportStartMenuLayout ImportCustomRegistry "w8" CustomDisableAutomaticallyInstallationforPreSuggested3RDPartyApps DisableWindowsSmartScreen CustomWindowsDefender_WindowsDefenderSecurityCenterTweaks EnableCustomWindowsDriversUpdateTweaks CustomDisableWindowsUpdateTweaks DisableWindowsUpgrade ForceLatestNetFramework EnablePhotoViewer EnableFMP3ProCodec BlockAutoEdgeChromiumBasedDelivery "w10_w11" HiberbootEnabled EnableDarkThemeandTransparency ControlPanelnConfigsandSettingsforFastestWindows WindowsExplorer_PreferencesandPolicies HideMeetNowIcon HideNewsAndInterests SetQoSlimittozero_internetWithNoLimits BugFix_WiFinoInternetConnection SetLanmanWorkstationandDownloads_OptimizationConfigs CustomDisableAutomaticallyInstallationforPreSuggested3RDPartyApps SetCloudContentfor3RDPartyAppsandDataCollection_Policies SetWindowsSearchandCortana_PreferencesandPolicies DisableSIA_DebugTracing CustomWindowsErrorReporting_Policies DisableWindowsSmartScreen CustomWindowsDefender_WindowsDefenderSecurityCenterTweaks EnableCustomWindowsDriversUpdateTweaks CustomDisableWindowsUpdateTweaks DisableWindowsUpgrade DisableReservedStorage ForceLatestNetFramework EnablePhotoViewer EnableFMP3ProCodec EnableFullResetBase GeneralTweaks "w10" BlockAutoEdgeChromiumBasedDelivery "w11" BypassReq HideChatIcon HideWidgetsIcon TaskbarAlignment_Center2Left UnBlockAutoEdgeChromiumBasedDelivery :: Auto Apply Menu Cleaning up Image folder Trim unwanted Editions VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions Edition to be Virtualy Created if supported. ProfessionalWorkstation ProfessionalWorkstationN ProfessionalEducationN ProfessionalEducation Enterprise EnterpriseN ServerRdsh EducationN Education IoTEnterprise CloudEdition CloudEditionN CoreSingleLanguage Any issues, let me know. 9. (2021-09-20 updated with @abbodi1406 "uup-converter-wimlib-72u") Thnks! EDIT: New Todays Update: (2021-10-26 updated and merged with @abbodi1406 "uup-converter-wmlib-74b")
Hi, the UWP application I installed with APPX cannot be opened. I want to know which components UWP depends on.
I removed everything from Windows components except File Explorer, but when i'm trying to open some for e.g. image files, it won't let me choose "more apps" command on "How do you wanna open this file" windows. I also, applied tweak "Remove Default Inbox Apps Association XML". Does the tweak causing the issue or some system app that was removed? Sry for my english
Used the Official Toolkit or the Custom Toolkit? Which version of ISO (source of ISO is through "Create Installation Media for Windows" or "UUP Dump" and full ISO name)? Always know how you did the procedure to get a necessary help. @myvircandy, Which UWP are you trying? @tarmi011, Yes, if you remove the default association of Inbox Apps, you will have to configure the default applications with those present in your installed system (live system).
What you have changed in your image? For example, what have you added, removed, integrated or which tweaks? Ideally, please post your entire process.
Official Toolkit 11.8, Windows 11 build 22000 from adguard-techbench, file name Win11_English_x64.iso Yea, i know that part but Windows rejects my default association, for e.g. i installed IrfanView and run (as admin) and checked all image extensions to open with IrfanView, when I try to open image it gives me window every time "How do you wanna open this file" and can't check always open with IrfanView. I will make new ISO without the tweak. Thanks a lot for Custom Toolkit.
But it can only be some incompatibility of "IrfanView" with W11. Try to make an ISO of W10 19044 to test. Replace Bin\ConvertReg.ps1 by what I have made available. In the next version of Toolkit, MSMG will bring a definitive version of this script.
No such problems on W10, i want full debloated version of W11 for gaming, this happens with video extensions, pdf etc ... Maybe I try with @sakatgg advise, to leave Notepad, imho it has no logic, but what does when it comes from MS?
This is verified by practice, I also had this problem when deleting everything. I made the association with hands, via file property, it was impossible to make a choice of the association program. then I rebuilt it with Notepad turned on and the manual association started working.
New Todays Update: (2021-10-26 updated and merged with @abbodi1406 "uup-converter-wmlib-74b") If you need, download again directly from my signature, just below.
You have not reported the important part: What did you customize with Toolkit? Which toolkit did you use (official or custom)? Which version of iso, etc ... Which components have you removed and what tweaks did you apply when making your ISO? They are important information for you to receive some plausible response. Are you installing UWP by what method? Manually by command or Microsoft Store? Otherwise, we can not assume hypothetically what may be happening.
Grateful for informing! But as we have nothing illegal here, this is something of people who have nothing to do. It may only have been the work of envy. I still managed to see that MSMG has released a 2021-10-22 Toolkit.cmd update, the Mega page was open in my browser...