1. Feartamixg

    Feartamixg MDL Addicted

    May 15, 2016
    You're right. People think I am strange because I tell them I still use a hard drive in my PC. :D

    I use an NVME M.2 drive for my OS, programs, games and for working with large files (such as MSMG ToolKit, which works with large ISO images). My hard drive is for personal files and software I wish to keep locally for easy access.

    I do intend to eventually replace my 3.5" hard drive in the future. I suspect with a 2.5" hard drive, but possibly even an SSD if the price of decent SSD drives comes down enough.
  2. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    SSD if you have trimm enabled and you accidentally delete something, full recovery of deleted files is almost impossible, especially on system partitions and constant work partitions. Generally, if the accident occurs, and you take the proper precautions of turning off the PC, preparing another PC with the appropriate recovery software and performing the Trimm deactivation, putting the HD in that PC for the recovery attempt, it still runs the risk of recovering corrupted data. And, there is no point in using SSD in RAID in case of accidental deletion.

    That's why I rely on 3.5" HDDs in RAID for storing important things. In case of accidental deletion it's easier to recover, and in case of disk corruption just replace the damaged HD without further damage.
  3. spriditis

    spriditis MDL Novice

    Mar 7, 2014
    #24203 spriditis, Dec 7, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2022
    Suggestion: add --threads=# to WimlibImagex line:

    setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
    :: Decrease CPU usage (--threads=%_Threads%)
    set _Threads=2
    Line  2770: "%WimlibImagex%" export "%InstallEsd%" 2 "%Temp%\DVD\sources\boot.wim" --boot --compress=LZX --threads=%_Threads%
    Line  2778: "%WimlibImagex%" export "%InstallEsd%" 3 "%Temp%\DVD\sources\boot.wim" --boot --compress=LZX --threads=%_Threads%
    Line  2786:    "%WimlibImagex%" export "%InstallEsd%" 4 "%Temp%\DVD\sources\install.wim" --compress=LZX --threads=%_Threads%
    Line  2797:        "%WimlibImagex%" export "%InstallEsd%" %%i "%Temp%\DVD\sources\install.wim" --compress=LZX --threads=%_Threads%
    Line  2937:    "%WimlibImagex%" export "%InstallEsd%" %%i "%InstallWim%" --compress=LZX --threads=%_Threads%
    Line 20065:    "%WimlibImagex%" optimize "%BootWim%" --threads=%_Threads%
    Line 20082:    "%WimlibImagex%" optimize "%InstallMount%\%DefaultIndexNo%\%WinReWim%" --threads=%_Threads%
    Line 20117:        "%WimlibImagex%" export "%InstallWim%" %%i "%Temp%\rebuild.wim" --compress=LZX --threads=%_Threads%
    Line 20126:    "%WimlibImagex%" optimize "%InstallWim%" --threads=%_Threads%
    Line 21135:        "%WimlibImagex%" export "%InstallWim%" %%i "%DVD%\sources\%WimImageFileName%" --compress=LZX --threads=%_Threads%
    Line 21141:        "%WimlibImagex%" export "%InstallWim%" %%i "%InstallWim%" --compress=LZX --threads=%_Threads%
    Line 21219:    "%WimlibImagex%" export "%InstallWim%" %%i "%InstallEsd%" --compress=LZMS --solid --threads=%_Threads%
    Line 22796: "%WimlibImagex%" optimize "%InstallWim%" --threads=%_Threads%
    ~Only issue i forsee - wimlib requires value to be 'non-negative number' (can't use "--threads=autodetect" or empty "--threads="), but low default value might 'annoy' owners of high core CPUs. Could be solved with conditional + extra line when set..
  4. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #24204 inTerActionVRI, Dec 7, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2022
    This would be even better, if we ask a question for the user to decide according to his machine, how many threads people wants to use.

    set /A HostProcessorThreadsCount=0
    for /F "tokens=* delims= " %%p in ('reg.exe query "HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor" /s /v "ProcessorNameString" 2^>nul ^| findstr.exe /I "REG_SZ"') do (set /A HostProcessorThreadsCount+=1)
    if "%_Threads%" equ "" (
        set /P "_Threads=Processor Threads amount for ESD compression ['1'... '%HostProcessorThreadsCount%', 'D'efault] : "
        set /A _Threads=!_Threads!
        if "!_Threads:~,1!" equ "-" set _Threads=
        if !_Threads! equ 0 set _Threads=
        if !_Threads! geq %HostProcessorThreadsCount% set _Threads=
    Maybe need to use:
    Edit: I have done the tests and it need to be used.
    if "!_Threads!" equ "" "%WimlibImagex%" export "%InstallWim%" all "%InstallEsd%" --compress=LZMS:100 --solid
    if "!_Threads!" neq "" "%WimlibImagex%" export "%InstallWim%" all "%InstallEsd%" --compress=LZMS:100 --solid --threads=!_Threads!

    We can also do something no questions asked...
        if %HostProcessorThreadsCount% leq 4 set /A _Threads=1
        if %HostProcessorThreadsCount% gtr 4 if %HostProcessorThreadsCount% leq 6 set /A _Threads=%HostProcessorThreadsCount%-2
        if %HostProcessorThreadsCount% gtr 6 if %HostProcessorThreadsCount% leq 8 set /A _Threads=%HostProcessorThreadsCount%-3
        if %HostProcessorThreadsCount% gtr 8 set /A _Threads=%HostProcessorThreadsCount%-4

    Note: This method to obtain the total amount of processors (core + logical), lacks testing on other systems (Here tested on w10 19044 x64).

    In optimization commands this will only work with visible benefit if the recompression argument is added. That is, recompression for wim images is not necessary and generates a delay as if we were converting to solid format (ESD).

    Note: the services in wim images (export and optimization), even using the total number of threads, do not use 100% of the processing.

    So, it is only valid, as there is benefit, when converting install.wim to install.esd. Thus, you convert without stopping everything.

    EDIT: @spriditis, I've finished the implementation and I'm in the middle of testing. From 8 threads I left 5 threads dedicated to the conversion. Usage of the notebook was great in the middle of converting to ESD. Before I couldn't type a message here in the forum during the conversion.
    And with 5 threads it did it at the same speed as if it were all enabled and everything was crashing, kkkk
    Approved! Much more beneficial. Thanks for the tip!
  5. NathanIT

    NathanIT MDL Novice

    Jun 15, 2021
    how to add .reg file to boot.wim file to bypass TPM Win 11 when using MSMG Toolkit ??? there are no instructions
  6. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    This is a ready-made tweak.
    [4] Customize
    [8] Apply Tweaks
    [G] Disable Windows 11 Installer Hardware Check
  7. zbigniew59

    zbigniew59 MDL Senior Member

    May 14, 2016
    #24207 zbigniew59, Dec 8, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2022
    Please, please pay attention.

    This topic turned into a topic of highly developed professionals.!

    This is no longer for users - who at least a little understand what's going on.
    ORDINARY - they don't understand anything anymore.
    NO ONE - does not check, specifically the author - that the latest development of posts is the basis for analysis between several users?
    And that - ORDINARY - users are no longer interested in this script?
    Just because of that? - Because they don't understand anything from these discussions anymore?
    I used this script myself - about 2 years ago.
    Now - I'M AFRAID - opens this topic - because I don't understand anything!

    Sorry for my english - I use google translate.
  8. zbigniew59

    zbigniew59 MDL Senior Member

    May 14, 2016
    #24208 zbigniew59, Dec 8, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2022
    inTerActionVRI - BARDZO CIĘ WDZIĘCZAM - ale twoje dyskusje tak zaśmiecają temat - że już nic tu nie można znaleźć.
    Dodałeś TWÓJ temat do tego tematu - i dyskusje o TWOIM skrypcie w TYM temacie - a teraz nic nie możesz znaleźć! - I NIC NIE ROZUMIESZ - temat ma 1200! strony.
    Jeśli tak - przenieś te dyskusje do swojego tematu.
    TEN TEMAT - teraz to katastrofa.
  9. zbigniew59

    zbigniew59 MDL Senior Member

    May 14, 2016
    It was supposed to be - relatively - simple script - certainly the author of the topic thought so.
    NOW - this is one of the most complicated - TOPICS - on this forum.
    Anyone else interested in this topic? - apart from highly specialized professionals?
  10. zbigniew59

    zbigniew59 MDL Senior Member

    May 14, 2016
    CERTAINLY - I - and many others - are unhappy with what - this topic has turned into.
  11. zbigniew59

    zbigniew59 MDL Senior Member

    May 14, 2016
    Lots of - posts showing - parts of the scripts - that - ONLY YOU - UNDERSTAND.
    Who are these discussions for?
  12. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    From beginners to the most advanced, if the answers are not in the main post, the questions are always answered. They are also answered by those who know what is being asked.

    I've been following it for a while and it's always been that way. Many are assiduous, many take the tool, succeed in doing their iso, put it to use and only use the tool again the next time they do some maintenance on their machine.

    The people are eclectic, very diverse.

    Feel free to ask. If anyone knows the answer, they probably will.

    I have my moments very busy, this week I see that many people frequent in the forum are busy.
    However, I'm in a quieter moment and taking the opportunity to update and put ideas into practice, carrying out the tests, to make them available in my Script.
  13. zbigniew59

    zbigniew59 MDL Senior Member

    May 14, 2016
    :worthy::worthy:I'm sorry for what I wrote, but I hardly understand anything about this topic - AND I'm sure a lot of other people.
  14. zbigniew59

    zbigniew59 MDL Senior Member

    May 14, 2016
  15. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #24215 inTerActionVRI, Dec 8, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2022
    It has recently been moved.

    My script started here with authorization from MSMG.

    There are details that serve both to innovate the Toolkit and to innovate IMCK. So I'll keep leaving my posts that are pertinent to the Toolkit here.

    When doubts or suggestions are brought here, they will be answered here.
    When they are taken there, they will be answered there.

    Everyone contributes one idea or another and the MSMG, in its time, brings news with these contributions. It's no different with me. And, as he is, at the moment, much more busy than I am, nothing like leaving some already worked things available to him.

    Someone who is looking for something here in the topic, can search and put his name to get the specific answers.

    You don't need to observe my activities, ignore my future answers.

    To understand it, people have to download, read how the main thing works. And, when it is something technical, leave it to those who will take advantage of the subject. I started without understanding about scripting, MSMG taught me a lot and I went after learning. I ended up teaching a few things to other people, and the learning they had also generated great ideas and productions on their part that brought me more knowledge.

    It is a double way path. In teaching, learning takes place. In learning, questioning generates knowledge for the teacher.
  16. NathanIT

    NathanIT MDL Novice

    Jun 15, 2021
    is there a way to do it manually with the boot.wim file to add the .reg in? detailed instructions please
  17. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    The way I see it is that creating a modified image is in itself something a normal user does not even know exists. If a normal user had access to a 100% user friendly tool, they would likely make a broken image never understanding why what they removed was a problem.

    When I came to this forum I had a lot of experience in IT but had never once modified an install image. I was searching for a tool that could make Windows 10 be more like Windows 7 and ended up here. I think I started using the toolkit somewhere around 1703 or 1709. I've learned a lot since then and rarely install out of the box Windows 10/11 anymore.
  18. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #24218 inTerActionVRI, Dec 8, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2022
    Man, one way for you is to use rufus which is already integrated into boot.wim and send the image to the pendrive.

    But if you take a look here on the forum, even the friend @zbigniew59 put a link that leads to this @Enthousiast topic
    Remove Secure Boot And TPM Requirements From Windows 11
  19. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    simply congrats for your words :worthy::hug2:
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  20. bala1

    bala1 MDL Member

    May 2, 2015
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...