Just watched te video from Notfa, there is an increase in performance although not very big. It starts faster and memory usage is somewhat lower from what I could see. Nicely done, thank you for the time you've taken to make this. Cheers.
Hello everyone. I would like to say sorry for MSMG that I wrongly accused him for not resolving a bug. My mistake was that in the Windows basic features file there was a dot, so the MSMG toolkit could not find the specified file. I have deleted this unnecessary dot and all works fine. Once again, I am sorry for my mistake. My post from 187 post can be deleted to avoid users misleading.
Hi dude I'm not MSMG of course but I participate here for long time so I can tell for you I think your attitude is very beautiful and no issues all us make errors this is normal many times us make wrong things and also many tmes us reach objectives simply congrats for post
Is there a manual way to remove NetFX 3.5 Pending trigger after its integration? Upon OS installation with NetFX 3.5 pre-integrated, rebasing is possible, which makes me assume that OS does something to remove that pending trigger. Why can't it be removed offline before the installation?
That is confusing because all other integrate-able external packages, like Win32Calc neither place a pending flag nor prevent rebasing when the image is offline, and yet they also install along with the OS... Windows OS is made up of files, directories, and registry entries. Files, directories, and registry entries can all be manipulated on a mounted offline image. What is so special about NetFX 3.5 that it requires a special approach? If OS with NetFX 3.5 is installed, rebased and then SysPrep'ed + Captured, then all the following updating would not prevent further rebasing of the captured image (when offline), would it?
I (among many others) have posted it manymanymany times, offline enabling dotnetfx3 sets the pending flag, it's a fact. Normally all updates integrated after the pending flag is set will also have the pending state. But recently on 15063 we noticed when we first integrate the updates (no pending flag set) and enable dotnetfx3 and re-install the CU afterwards, the CU still has the "installed" state (using W10UI_3.3). Installing the OS will set all flags to "installed" and a resetbase can be performed but only when the "resetbasedisabled" registry key is changed to "0", else only the cleanup image part of the command will be performed.
Read from here, down: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-hotfix-repository.57050/page-218#post-1361888
I assume setting DisableResetbase value to 0 manually will allow offline rebasing without negative consequences? I just loaded an image updated purely through W10UI (3.3), mounted the image with DISM++, checked the registry (of the mounted image) and DisableResetbase value is 0, which rebasing should be possible, shouldn't it?
yep and in my humble opinion 1607 LTSB(LTSC) is our salvation to keep using Windows O.S. at least until 2019
Then why is it not set for me? I took stock 1607 Pro + Home, updated with W10UI 3.3, enabled NetFX 3.5, enabled rebasing, mounted with DISM++, navigated to mounted registry entries and it is set to 0...