Sorry, I do not think I was very objective, because I'm not fluent in English..!! How do some activators like Microsoft Toolkit activate Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 2016 .. ?? What do they do with this Windows that it is possible to activate with activators .. ??
Read the readme, and run the appropriate cmd's, first (1) and second (2) if you use KMS_VL_ALL by @abbodi1406.
What doesn't work for you? KMS_VL_ALL is tested for all new SKU's and license switches. EVAL editions can't be KMS activated by any KMS solution, i meant for non EVAL 2016 LTSB.
I would like to learn how to change a LTSB 2016 Eval to Full ISOs download from Microsoft. Those ISOs LTSB 2016 that we activated with KMS, how is it done ?? That's what I would like to learn .. !! I think it was hard for you to understand because I'm not fluent in your language. Sorry..!!
Firstly, thank yo so much..!! Just to clarify for me, does the Normal LTSB 2016 version exist officially or is it a change from the LTSB 2016 Eval or any other version .. ??
Sorry, I thought the Normal LTSB 2016 version was some change from the LTSB 2016 Eval version. You would have the link to the Portuguese-Brazil version..??
Hi, I have w10 v1703.15063.850, En-US Ent clean install and when I run Start.cmd ->ToolKit.cmd ( v8.0 ) I got this error Reading Host OS Information... - Microsoft Windows 10 / Server 2016 (x64) [~,-1] -1 was unexpected at this time. The error it is from line 236 for /f "tokens=6 delims= " %%a in ('DISM /Online /English /Get-Intl ^| findstr /i /C:"Default system UI language"') do ( set HOST_Language=%%a ) It looks like this DISM /Online /English /Get-Intl ^| findstr /i /C:"Default system UI language" is the problem, on cmd ^| is translate as | and command don't get en-us variable For now I pass the error with chcp 437 >nul after line 256