I'm aware of that. But the real question is why are those apps/components there in the first place? It's an enterprise version of Windows. It's meant to be used on ATM's and other commercial machines. From what I know it wasn't on LTSB 2016. I gotta look into that, how do you go about that? Oops! You're right! Yes, it's US-EN. I'll add that in.
Sorry, talked too fast. Windows can be installed and works OK, but CANNOT BE ACTIVATED IN ANY WAY. Tested using the 3 legal methods + the pirate method. Something quite broken here... will try the original ISO (not the 1809 V2 published by microsoft and see what happens)
Thanks - I will shortly be testing 17763.1. Are there any disadvantages using 17763.1 instead of 17763.379, other than no updates? The SSU and CU should bring the 17763.1 image to 17763.437, so I am a little confused. Anyway I will testing soon.
Yeah, there's even some cortana stuff in there, shouldn't be there but oh well. You can use abbodi's online .net 3.5 installer, it only takes a minute and you won't have to deal with the pending flag set when integrating it offline. Cheers.
Not any disadvantage. Most of us will offline integrate the SSU and CU, so the final result will be an updated image. Some people think the refreshed ISO is a new build, but that is not the case. It's just an image with updates integrated. I remember MSMG saying he coded and tested the toolkit with 17763.1 images, so I stick with that for the moment. Cheers.
Using the same same method, SSU and CU mentioned here on 17763.1.180914-1434.RS5_RELEASE_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X86FRE_EN-GB.ISO I still get errors with sfc.
if i may say, maybe have support for 1903 and forget 1809 for now hehe. latest is what most people would use.
Hello guys..!! Where is sfv files Windows Sever 2019 1903 with GUI, please..?? Thank you in advance..!!
Using my method on 17763.1.180914-1434.RS5_RELEASE_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X86FRE_EN-GB.ISO and not installing the SSU and CU updates, sfc completes without any errors. After completing Windows Update, sfc completes without errors.
I always use an 17763.1 image and I start the script with the help of a program called ExecTI. I stopped having that window message problems I had. Maybe it's an overkill if it works I keep on using it.
Absolutely... Started with an image downloaded via heidoc tool. updated with the whddownloader tool and built with msmg 9.2. The only errors were the Systemreflection windows ones. The image built and installed correctly, all features added/removed were effectively added/removed, but won't activeta using any method possible (including the knwon pirate ones). To verify my key wasn't blacklisted i installed the vanilla iso downloaded, and installed and activated ok. Since my weekend is ending, i'm just going to stick to 1809 v1 and update from it. last time worked ok, so should work now.
I have realised something while testing the Toolkit for sfc errors. The message box error that I reported previously in this thread (link to post) does not appear when working with 17763.1 images. Also these are the same images that do not give sfc errors. Perhaps this is linked, perhaps not. But why would 17763.1 not give errors and refreshed images, such as 17763.253, give errors?
This issue has been covered before by others but isn't fully confirmed. It's because Toolkit is not compatible after v17763.107, and thing above this version will not work right. So just download 17763.107, use Toolkit v9.2 then update through Windows Updates afterwards. Work like a charm!
He has his own topic: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/abbodi1406s-batch-scripts-repo.74197/ You'll find it at the bottom of the first post. There are two, the first one is for WinX. Cheers.