1. hoxlund

    hoxlund MDL Member

    Nov 6, 2017
    18362.53 seems to be the one boys, unless something else crops up and they yank it back again, like last time, last time and the time before that
  2. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    18362.86 has already been released
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  3. hoxlund

    hoxlund MDL Member

    Nov 6, 2017
    no just saying that looks to be the version on the officially released 1903 iso from MS
  4. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    Yes the build 18362 will be the 1903 version, but nobody knows if it will be 18362.30 or some more recent point release.
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  5. #10325 Deleted member 1148457, Apr 27, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2019
    Can anyone confirm by removing ContentDeliveryManager and UnifiedTelemetryClient, does it break anything in the OS? Has anyone encountered any issues after removal? Thanks in advance!
  6. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #10326 Windows 10 User, Apr 27, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2022
    The first one breaks the OOBE in Windows 10 RS5 x64. It makes a step to be skipped (the one in which you can choose to sign in to the Microsoft account so it would be as if you had chosen the option to create a local account).

    I think the second one breaks the WU's search for drivers' updates in the mentioned Windows 10 version but I'm not sure if it was already fixed.
  7. For ContentDeliveryManager, I dont use OOBE anyways, so I guess it won't affect me much. And for UnifiedTelemetryClient yes you're right, but it has been fixed I believe in v9.1. I also won't be using the search for drivers through WU option anyways. Thanks again for the response!
  8. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    You're welcome. Do you know what the UnifiedTelemetryClient removal breaks, if it does?
  9. #10329 Deleted member 1148457, Apr 27, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2019
    From the original comment I made earlier https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/msmg-toolkit.50572/page-513#post-1517704

    I'm reporting back with some errors I found during tests I've done on the OS. I used Tookit v9.2 on Windows 10 LTSC 2019 64bit US-EN v17763.107 (updated to v17763.437 through Windows Update)

    List of Apps & Components that were removed associated with these errors:
    - AssignedAccess
    - AssignedAccessLockApp
    - EaseOfAccessThemes
    - GameExplorer
    - Paint
    - ParentalControls
    - SnippingTool
    - WindowsMediaPlayer
    - WindowsPhotoViewer
    - AADBrokerPlugin
    - AdobeFlashForWindows
    - EdgeDevToolsClient
    - InternetExplorer
    - SkypeORTC
    - WindowsReaderPDF
    - BioEnrollment
    - ContentDeliveryManager
    - CustomerExperienceImprovementProgram
    - FaceRecognition
    - KernalDebugging
    - LocationService
    - MapControl
    - SettingSync
    - UnifiedTelemetryClient (Asimov)
    - WindowsErrorReporting
    - PeopleExperienceHost
    - QuickAssist
    - RetailDemoContent
    - WindowsMixedReality
    - XboxApp
    - XboxGameCallableUI

    DISM Log Errors:
    Error - Failed to resolve package 'Microsoft-Windows-QuickAssist-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.17763.1' [HRESULT = 0x80070490 - ERROR_NOT_FOUND] (probably because I removed quick assist)
    Error - Failed to resolve package 'Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-Optional-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~11.0.17763.1' [HRESULT = 0x80070490 - ERROR_NOT_FOUND] (probably because I removed internet explorer)
    Error - Failed to resolve package 'Microsoft-Windows-MediaPlayer-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.17763.1' [HRESULT = 0x80070490 - ERROR_NOT_FOUND] (probably because I removed WMP)

    SFC Log Errors:
    Warning - Current tick count: 800 lower than last tick count: 951. [HRESULT = 0x8007000d - ERROR_INVALID_DATA] (I got this error multiple times throughout the log)
    Info - (p) CSI Payload Corrupt (w) (Fixed) wow64_microsoft-windows-r..ment-client-v2-core_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17763.1_none_5133a422fa8e317d\winmsipc.dll
    Info - (p) CSI Payload Corrupt (w) (Fixed) amd64_microsoft-windows-hello-face_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17763.1_none_f212b07e8ad5f2c2\FaceRecognitionSensorAdapterResources.dll (probably because I removed bioenrollment/face recognition)
    Info - (p) CSI Payload Corrupt (w) (Fixed) wow64_microsoft-windows-mfmp4srcsnk_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17763.1_none_01ca8b373a9f90c1\mfmp4srcsnk.dll
    Info - CSI 00001cec Warning: Overlap: Duplicate ownership for directory \??\C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.5 in component Microsoft-Windows-NETFX35CDFComp, version 10.0.17763.1, arch amd64, nonSxS, pkt {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}
    Info - CSI 00001ced Warning: Overlap: Duplicate ownership for directory \??\C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.5 in component Microsoft-Windows-NETFX35CDFComp, version 10.0.17763.1, arch amd64, nonSxS, pkt {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}
    Info - CSI 000023a9 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:57]'WindowsInternal.ComposableShell.Experiences.TextInput.dll' of microsoft-windows-shellcommon-textinput, version 10.0.17763.348, arch amd64, nonSxS, pkt {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35} in the store, hash mismatch
    Info - CSI 000023aa [SR] This component was referenced by [l:78]'Package_559_for_KB4493509~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~'
    Info - CSI 000023ad [SR] Could not reproject corrupted file \??\C:\Windows\TextInput\\WindowsInternal.ComposableShell.Experiences.TextInput.dll; source file in store is also corrupted
    I also got multiple "Warning: Overlap: Duplicate ownership for directory ..." for random directories, mainly C:\Windows directory.

    Other Errors:
    Windows Update get some errors while performing the first windows update, then eventually updates normally.
    Windows Troublshooting Wizard Does not work at all. (Error 0x80070002)

  10. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    I've not noticed the breaking of driver updates. I generally disconnect my internet to prevent windows from downloading driver updates, but even after removing the telemetry client it still downloads the damn drivers if I forget to disconnect the internet during an install. My image was created from v9.1
  11. You need to do three things:
    Step 1. When using MSMG Toolkit, go to Customize>Apply Tweaks>
    - Disable Automatic Driver Updates through Windows Update
    - Disable Automatic Downloading and Installing 3rd Party Apps

    Step 2. Disable the setting in: System Properties>Hardware>Device Installation Settings

    Step 3. Enable this policy in Global Policy Editor: Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates>Windows Components>Windows Update>Do not include drivers with Windows Updates.

    Although I'm sure things will be fine without Step 1.
  12. boyonthebus

    boyonthebus MDL Expert

    Sep 16, 2018
    Drivers are horrible things. I delete them all. Surely, I jest! I do like it when I have installed Windows, and everything is updated even before first logon. That for me is the ultimate.
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  13. Supern00b

    Supern00b MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2010
    Nice work @ShinRamYun247, that list is pretty neat so far. It will be very helpful the next time I'll bake an image.

    Hard to imagine you don't use any drivers, so I assume you mean MS supplied drivers. How do you go about video, audio and network drivers btw?

  14. Take the list with a grain of salt because there are too many broken parts of the OS after removal. I narrowed down the list into a new list (only crucial privacy and bloatware removal). I will upload the list soon. The new list has less problems, but more manual work to disable in GPedit. But I think it's worth it, rather than having a broken OS.
  15. denuvo

    denuvo MDL Novice

    Aug 27, 2016
    Windows 10 19h1 1903 Support
  16. Gunmicha

    Gunmicha MDL Novice

    Apr 24, 2015
    Is that a request or are you confirming that the current MSMG version support 1903?
  17. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    I don't understand why after updating a driver and searching for updates for it the device manager installs the previous ones (and maybe WU detects and installs the previous ones in some cases, too).
  18. Bluescreen

    Bluescreen MDL Senior Member

    Jul 16, 2009
    Glad to see you for the first time on MDL.
    Next time, maybe you can be more polite and say "hello".... :oops: for your first post on this community.
    Back to subject, we don't understand what you are asking for.
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  19. biatche

    biatche MDL Addicted

    Nov 14, 2009
    how is 'hello' or politeness useful in a thread like this? you make no sense.
  20. rcstar6696

    rcstar6696 MDL Senior Member

    Jun 11, 2017
    #10340 rcstar6696, Apr 27, 2019
    Last edited: May 21, 2019