1. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #16061 inTerActionVRI, Jul 31, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2020

    Sent an 2020-07-31 updated file in the post above.

    Merged with new Toolkit 10.2

    Some improvments:

    When you selected any option to remove all components and decided to return by answering "no" for some reason. You would always return to the Main Menu. In the Custom Toolkit when you answer "no" you are returned to the menu you were in.

    In previous Custom Toolkits I couldn't see a way to maintain the Original "Apply Tweaks Menu" without increasing the code size.

    But thanks to the changes that @MSMG made in the new version, it opened my eyes and I managed to put both menus. The original "Apply Tweaks Menu" back and the "Custom Apply Tweaks Menu".

    The problem was that when deciding to apply a tweak individually, fall into the system of applying all tweaks by answering questions. But now this is fixed.

    Edit: new updated file 2020-08-25

  2. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    Enabling .NET 3.5 also causes pending operations.
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  3. simple-hormiga

    simple-hormiga MDL Novice

    Apr 18, 2012
    I know, but in my case I have not enabled it, I always do it on the first boot with SetupComplete.cmd, so I asked if I was doing something wrong
  4. Dusktilldawn

    Dusktilldawn MDL Junior Member

    Oct 24, 2009
    #16064 Dusktilldawn, Aug 1, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2020
    Hello friends & Master of toolkit
    on Windows 8.1 x64 integration:
    Although before the Net 3.5 integration,
    Cleanup op still getting ``Cannot Perform Image Component Cleanup when Pending.xml is present``...error

    BTW one quick question:
    what about if we skip the cleanup op then directly pick "apply" option?
    is "cleanup" op in mandatory?
    or just related wıth image size?
    thanks in advance..


    Attached Files:

  5. usrcero

    usrcero MDL Novice

    Dec 12, 2016
    Readme details about updates integration. I can't see your previous posts.
    I looked at ntlite forums and they suggest integrating updates and using the iso to update windows 10 keeping your files.
    I think their host refresh method does something similar. I read somewhere that updating with DISM is better since it doesn't add removed components, I'm not sure though.
  6. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    With 1809 support ending November this year looks like those still on it (if not already been forced on to 2004), will have to upgrade or face the risks. I've avoided the upgrade because everything but Windows apps gets restored by a CU. I've spent some time working with Linux, but it doesn't run everything I need and Wine is not that great from my limited experience. I think it's fairly safe to say now (it's been almost 18 months since 1903 came out), there will never be a solution to "keep removed components removed", so it's going to be a process of disabling stuff, which in many cases doesn't actually completely disable stuff.

    With that in mind does anyone know any of the following;

    1. Registry and group policy changes between 1809 and 1909. Microsoft used to publish a spreadsheet for this but from what I can tell, 1809 was the last time. There are some sites that talk about specific group policy additions, but I've not been able to find anything comprehensive. I'm particularly interested in registry settings. I have over 500 registry tweaks I do now. Don't want to make a change that breaks Windows.

    2. I vaguely recall seeing something about end of life registry settings or some such for keeping components off the system. I don't recall where I saw it and I'm damned if I can find it again. Anyone heard of anything like that?

    3. Can everything I want to disable, which is pretty much everything, be disabled via the toolkit? Looking through the release notes and readme.txt it looks as if a couple of components can be disabled but most cannot be disabled via the toolkit. Am I reading that correctly? I don't know how many things the toolkit removes, but if there are 100, I'm keeping around 5%.

    4. Cortana, store and Defender seem to be three of the most resilient components and I don't want any of them anywhere near my systems. Perhaps I can remove them with the toolkit, and script something that I run after installing a CU to re-re-remove those components? But from memory, I think MSMG has said some things can't be accomplished with DISM? @MSMG can you confirm that. Or is it that DISM just doesn't remove all of a component?

    Sorry for the long post. No disrespect intended to anyone.
  7. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    Yes in your case it was the enablement package (Edge Chromium) I was referring to the case of tefor that used clean 19041.1 and did not integrate the enablement package.
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  8. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    In Windows 7/8.1 several updates cause pending operations. Cleanup/resetbase is not mandatory and serves to reduce the size of the image by removing superseded files and updates. There is no side effect of not doing so and you can ignore it although the image size will be significantly larger. The ideal is to boot the image in audit mode and do the cleanup/resetbase then do sysprep and capture the image again to an install.wim file.
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  9. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    At least System Apps can be made completely inactive so you will have the same effect as removing them with the difference that they are still present in the SystemApps folder and the updates will not "restore" them. As for the other components I don't know if it is possible to disable them entirely since I continue to use versions 1809 and 1607.

    So in your case I think it's worth testing this:

    Although I am not a fan of this script because in addition to its use having become very complex it adds several reg tweaks by default so things like autorun for example are disabled without asking the user. So if you are going to use this you will have to edit the script for your need and even this has become super complex.
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  10. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
  11. Andrey102

    Andrey102 MDL Novice

    Jun 9, 2020
    in the RemovePkgsList_W10.txt file:

    Microsoft-Windows-ContentDeliveryManager-Package - the "Windows interesting" option on the lock screen
    Microsoft-Windows-DesktopFileExplorer-Package - what is it ?
    Microsoft-Windows-Management-SecureAssessment-Package - what is it ?
    Microsoft-Windows-Store-Client-Package - what is it ? or the Store from which the application will be downloaded, etc. ?
  12. letmeout

    letmeout MDL Novice

    Jun 15, 2020
    Can someone make a video tutorial of How to integrate updates & Remove apps ? for Toolkit_v10.2 version
    last tutorial is from v8 and ...
  13. zero cool root

    zero cool root MDL Senior Member

    Jun 17, 2011
    #16079 zero cool root, Aug 3, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2020

    Witch software do you use for monitoring changes regedit by O&O ShutUp10..??

    Thanks in advance..!!
  14. Igor147

    Igor147 MDL Member

    Oct 20, 2016
    Copied one application, but it is not identified ... Why?