1. spidernz

    spidernz MDL Senior Member

    May 20, 2011
    did you ever get around to making a notepad3 pack to replace notepad in windows 10?
  2. 正义羊

    正义羊 MDL Senior Member

    Feb 21, 2016
    @MSMG ,When I Remove Windows Apps,I see the Toolkit v10.4 line 21168:
    if "%Component%" equ "WindowsApps" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%\%%i", "System Apps", "WindowsApps"

    It should be like:
    if "%Component%" equ "WindowsApps" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%\%%i", "Windows Apps", "WindowsApps"
    This code means remove Windows apps instead of System apps

    OK,I see this change in Toolkit 10.5
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  3. cornetaranheta

    cornetaranheta MDL Novice

    Sep 10, 2017
    Good morning it is possible to translate the program to pt-pt or pt-br
  4. joorno

    joorno MDL Novice

    Sep 4, 2010
    I had thought the toolkit way was better...is it just personal preference? Why do you prefer DISM?
  5. ingviowarr

    ingviowarr MDL Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    Here I fully rely on the author's decision. Or this will be included in any manner, or not.
    I prefer GPO methods anyway, then all the rest things.
    Windows is not smth. about "logic" ;) Every dirty thing should be tested.
    If I want "Restore point", then leaving only "System Restore" is not enough. That was tested and confirmed. That's it.
  6. ingviowarr

    ingviowarr MDL Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
  7. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  8. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #16430 inTerActionVRI, Sep 18, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2020

    Sent an 2020-09-18 updated file in the post above.

    Added "Block and UnBlock Automatic Edge Chromium-based Delivery" to Apply Tweaks Menu

    The "Block Automatic Edge Chromium-based Delivery" option was also inserted in the "Apply Custom Selected Tweaks" option. If you want to test Custom Tweaks and want to keep the possibility of receiving the update for Edge Chromium, just apply the option of "Unblock Automatic Edge Chromium-based Delivery" later. What the "Apply Custom Selected Tweaks" option does is described in the download post.

    Merged with new MSMG Toolkit 10.5

    I facilitated the steps in the menu [6] Apply.
    When it finish a step, it goes back to Menu "[6] Apply". Only when you finish the Rebuild Step that goes back to the Main Menu.

    Some aesthetic changes were made just to display the message "Mounting Image Registry ..." and "Un-Mounting Image Registry".

    Fixed the Menus that had the options reversed.

    Since I am doing this, I have already been reviewing the Custom Menus and I saw that after @MSMG added PowerShell7 to the menu, I forgot to change the information about which items are Integrated in the Custom Option. So, I also added PowerShell7 to be integrated into the "Integrate Custom Selected ..." options
                    MSMG ToolKit - Integrate Windows Features Menu
      [A]   Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
      [B]   Microsoft Edge Chromium Browser
      [C]   Microsoft Win32 Calculator
      [D]   Windows Accessibility Braille
      [E]   Windows Media Feature Pack
      [F]   Windows Portable Devices
      [G]   Windows PowerShell 7.0
      [H]   Open Secure Shell (SSH) Client & Server
      [I]   Microsoft Default Metro Apps
      [J]   Microsoft Office Desktop UWP Apps
      [K]   Microsoft DaRT 10.0 Tools
      [L]   Microsoft DirectX 9.0c
      [M]   Microsoft Games
      [N]   Windows Sidebar
      [O]   Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime
      [S]   Integrate Custom Selected L M O C G
      [Z]   Integrate Custom Selected L   O C G
      [X]   Go Back
    Enter Your Choice :

    Merged with new MSMG Toolkit 10.4

    Now, with @MSMG suggestions, the removal menu doesn't show there options for ISO sources integrated with new cumulative or feature updates, is fixed.

    Merged with new MSMG Toolkit 10.3

    Added: Show info in Source Menu when you have already selected your source.

    Merged with new Toolkit 10.2

    Some improvments:

    When you selected any option to remove all components and decided to return by answering "no" for some reason. You would always return to the Main Menu. In the Custom Toolkit when you answer "no" you are returned to the menu you were in.

    In previous Custom Toolkits I couldn't see a way to maintain the Original "Apply Tweaks Menu" without increasing the code size.

    But thanks to the changes that @MSMG made in the new version, it opened my eyes and I managed to put both menus. The original "Apply Tweaks Menu" back and the "Custom Apply Tweaks Menu".

    The problem was that when deciding to apply a tweak individually, fall into the system of applying all tweaks by answering questions. But now this is fixed.

    There was an error with an extra quote in the Edge removal lines, for some Custom Removal to make Specific Editions. First I thought about correcting it just by removing the extra quote. But I changed my mind and simply put it to remove the Edge directly on the command line to remove multiple components at once.

    I decided to make some changes mainly in the "Gamer Edition" (more components removed that can be added through the Windows Store), so I made changes in the other "Custom Editions" as well. But not in the "Accessibility Edition".

    I put some pauses in the custom integration steps "Integrate Custom Selection 8 7 6 5" so that you can see what happens.

    Fixed a registry error in my custom tweaks and added suggestions for use in the Windows Store, automatic installations in silent mode disabled. Autodownload - Update for installed apps enabled

           if "%Component%" equ "PrivacyComponents" (
               %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%\%%i" AssignedAccess;CEIP_SQM;FaceRecognition;KernelDebugging;LocationService;PicturePassword;PinEnrollment;UnifiedTelemetryClient;WiFiNetworkManager;WindowsInsiderHub
               if "%ImageBuild%" equ "17763" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%\%%i" WindowsErrorReporting
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "18362" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%\%%i" WindowsErrorReporting
               if "%ImageBuild%" equ "19041" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%\%%i" WindowsErrorReporting
               if "%ImageBuild%" equ "19042" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%\%%i" WindowsErrorReporting
           if "%Component%" equ "PrivacyComponents" (
               %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%" AssignedAccess;CEIP_SQM;FaceRecognition;KernelDebugging;LocationService;PicturePassword;PinEnrollment;UnifiedTelemetryClient;WiFiNetworkManager;WindowsInsiderHub
               if "%ImageBuild%" equ "17763" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%" WindowsErrorReporting
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "18362" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%" WindowsErrorReporting
               if "%ImageBuild%" equ "19041" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%" WindowsErrorReporting
               if "%ImageBuild%" equ "19042" %ToolKitHelper% "%InstallMount%" WindowsErrorReporting

    Windows Error Reporting is needed for OOBE for v1903 / v1909 OS.
    This component has been reinserted and will pass again, according to specific conditions, to be automatically removed by the "Editions Custom Selection Removal Script" options available in CustomToolkit. Conditions prevent removal on versions v1903 / v1909.

    Only for:
    Remove All Privacy Components
    Accessibility Edition
    Lite Edition
    Xtreme Lite Edition
    Content Delivery Manager is needed for OOBE for v1809 / v1903 / v1909 / v2004 / v20H2 OS.
    For this Component, if you want, just access the "Remove System Components Menu" to remove "Content Delivery Manager".

    I also made available a model of my AutoUnattend *.xml answer file with a ReadMe for those who want to play a little.

    Reported a problem in the question "Do you want to Enable Fraunhofer MP3 Professional Codec ? ['Y'es/'N'o] :" mentioned in the post "https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/msmg-toolkit.50572/page-796#post-1607819" by friend @roedel.

    Problem solved.

    As @MSMG said:
    Content Delivery Manager is needed for OOBE for v1809 / v1903 / v1909 / v2004 / v20H2 OS.
    Windows Error Reporting is needed for OOBE for v1903 / v1909 OS.

    These components will no longer be automatically removed by the "Editions Custom Selection Removal Script" options available in CustomToolkit.

    If you want, just access the "Remove Privacy Components Menu" to remove "Windows Error Reporting" and "Remove System Components Menu" to remove "Content Delivery Manager".

    When I have an idea to edit the code I add commented lines as if they were reminders or a list of what to do.
    So, I removed some obsolete lines left behind.

    Also, I created a way to use the customized version and the original version of the Toolkit, without having to replace the original files.

    When you run Start.cmd, the Original Toolkit.cmd starts.
    When you run CustomStart.cmd, the CustomToolkit.cmd starts.

    In this file I also placed the original files, for those who had previously replaced them.

    Fixed the bug in the question about choosing the StorageDrive, when you answer "No". I kept asking for the letter and did not go to the Main Menu.

    Correcting the problem of saving the iso that I had set for my drive "I:", I decided to add an option to keep it as is or set another one (Optional for those who need to save their isos on some larger drive). Very simple. There is a moment when opening the toolkit that asks you to check <ENTER>. Well select Y or N. "N" will keep the ISO folder where it has always been - inside the Toolkit folder. Than select your drive.

    Fix Cortana App was not removed in 2004 H1 (only in the custom removal options I made available).

    In that apply tweaks menu by answering questions system, I added a question to the end to apply the integration of your Registry (*.reg) files.

    Removed some "pause" commands from the end of some processes in the Menus (Integrate Windows Features Menu - Integrate Windows Custom Features Menu - Remove Menu (when we select some of the Remove All Components) - Customize Menu) and replaced them with a question "Do you want to continue in that menu?"

    The part with menu options with custom component removal scripts has been retained.

    A huge change has made to apply Tweaks by answering Y (yes) or N (no) questions.

    The focus is on Menu 4 -> 2 and feel free to test.
    @mhussain , the part I promised is ready.
    follow 4, 2, A for Accessibility Edition
    at the end of the first part, you will be asked if you want to keep the Mixed Reality Pack, then ask if you want to keep the components for game functionality.
    just select Y or N.
    Back, in my menu is with the letter Q.

    In the initial menu, Exit, I also changed to the letter Q.

    Apply Custom Tweaks Menu is added. My Custom Tweaks List Available to Apply.

  9. OrdinaryNova

    OrdinaryNova MDL Novice

    Mar 15, 2019
    (Sorry if asked few hundred times in past pages and I couldn't notice)
    Is there any plan/roadmap regarding 20H2? ( I intend to postpone setup if 20H2 support won't take long )
  10. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    The Toolkit supports 2009 20H2. We are already in Toolkit 10.5. Download it from the main post link.
  11. ingviowarr

    ingviowarr MDL Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    #16434 ingviowarr, Sep 18, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2020
    Thank you, friend, for your kind invitation.
    But first, I need to do smth. with unresolved question above.
    Then I planed to see on behavior of 20H1 / 20H2 (soon) in general, and how it works after cutting all of these things. (I'm a new in MSMG, remebmer?)
    Then I have to rebuild and complete my own GPO / cmd bundles for the newer OS builds (this is a LOT of work...).
    Only after all of these things being done I'll try to go online on my testing machine...

    May be some day I'll try your forked version, but I have no chance to do it right now. Best regards!

    Running a scripts (cmd commands) on the early stage looks interesting for me.
    Is it a stock part of MSMG or this option is avalable only in your version?
  12. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    I just edited this message that you answered me.

    I spent a few months doing exactly what you want to do.

    Yes all the original Stok part of the Toolkit is in Custom a, in the package there are both. The latest Toolkit and the Custom Toolkit. Most of the edited content is made up of additions and in the Tweaks part I had to change a lot to implement a question and answer system, but keeping the Menu with the individual options. Read the modifications made, everything is described in the Custom Toolkit download post.

    About testing: Of course I was able to make a Laptop available just for that. No worries about data. It improved the possibility of testing. Since the first modifications, more than 200 ISOS installations were created with the Toolkit so that I could understand the removals and registry changes that cause problems, before I could make something functional available. Before that, I lost about a day, to finish an ISO. Today it takes me less than 1 hour to do any ISO for Custom Editions.
  13. ingviowarr

    ingviowarr MDL Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    Sounds pretty promising. OK, I should read more about your bundle and proposed options to understand things better.
    I'll post my feedback, when I try and have smth. to say. Thanks for your detailed answers!
  14. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    It's just a generic translator, not a MSMG specific LP.
  15. cornetaranheta

    cornetaranheta MDL Novice

    Sep 10, 2017
    so it is not possible to translate to pt or br
  16. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Most likely not.