1. Jeandre

    Jeandre MDL Novice

    Jul 15, 2021
    Meaning to remove the applications via local uninstaller?
  2. ultimate_live

    ultimate_live MDL Expert

    Mar 15, 2011
    With the latest update of toolkit.cmd, there isn´t the option to integrate DaRT 10 anymore. There is just the option for DaRT 11. Were can I find the new version?
  3. geese howard

    geese howard MDL Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    Try to use this RemovePkgsList

    Attached Files:

  4. rulman

    rulman MDL Member

    Jan 25, 2012
    2021-07 .NET 5.0.8 Update for x86 Client (KB5004698)

    Toolkit_v11.6\Packs\NET5 Update File
  5. tefor

    tefor MDL Senior Member

    Apr 5, 2017
    I used toolkit 11.6 for removing packages from 10.0.19044.1147 iso but it says

    Error: Unsupported Windows OS Image
    ToolKitHelper only support Windows 10 v1809, v1903, v1909, v2004 and v20H2

    Does anybody know how to fix it ?
  6. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    On Windows 11 ISOS I integrated Dart 10 and it was integrated correctly, but I haven't tested it working. Since this leaked Windows 11 is based on 19041, it should work.

    You will probably have to rename the files. Check the folder and files name requested by the Toolkit.

    I'm going to post a Custom Toolkit with a minor bug fix plus the new version of CreateVirtual Editions and I'm going to add an Official Toolkit named as Toolkit_Beta.cmd, with some Fixes to help everyone, until @MSMG returns. This is the file I'll be changing as I find something to improve. It already has the Skins integration, optimized too.

    When it's Windows 11 to integrate, for now, Dart 10.
  7. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    This is related to updating the Toolkithelper.exe binary

    In this case, only when MSMG brings an update.

    In Toolkit, you will only be able to remove, at the moment, through DISM list.
  8. rulman

    rulman MDL Member

    Jan 25, 2012
    The program throws an error because the filenames are incorrect.
  9. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    Just rename to Microsoft-Windows-NetFx48-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.3.9600.16384

    In the mega.nz MSMG repository, all packs are in this format with ~ instead of _.
  10. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #19931 inTerActionVRI, Jul 17, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2021

    Sent an 2021-07-16 New Custom Toolkit updated file attached in the link above.

    Added the condition to Integrate Windows Media Feature Pack
    :: Checking whether that N Editions supported for Windows Media Feature Integration are selected as source.
    If only non-N editions are selected, the following message will be displayed:
                 MSMG ToolKit - Integrate Windows Media Feature Pack
    No Edition N was found. And, Non-N Editions are not supported.
    Added Toolkit_Beta (It is the Official with the fixes i found until now).

    Use GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd to start Toolkit, Toolkit_Beta and CustomToolkit.

    Minor Fixes - New File mega.nz "VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions.zip" with updated abbodi1604 convert-UUP Script v67.

    From now on I will post the packages separately.

    Package "CustomToolkit(xx.x)202x-xx-xx[RaiyvaN].zip" referring to the CustomToolkit will be attached, and the package "VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions.zip", referring to the integration of the convert-UUP abbodi1604 Script for the Virtual Creation of Editions, will be stored and made available through mega.nz. Because due to the size of the file, it is not allowed to attach directly to the post in the forum.
    Note: To work with Virtual Create, it is not necessary to extract the file. Just save it to the Toolkit folder. The script will do the entire process. But you can extract to see what has changed. This is up to you.

    New File updated aboddi convert-UUP.cmd v66f

    Download the Custom Tookit if you want. It is not necessary, as it does not affect the part that has been customized and integrated for Virtual Creation of Required Editions.

    Merged with Toolkit's 11.5.0 [2021-05-16]
    11.5.1 [2021-05-17]
    11.6.0 [2021-06-13]
    11.6.1 [2021-06-14]
    11.6.2 [2021-06-15]
    11.6.3 [2021-06-16]
    11.6.4 [2021-06-19]
    11.6.5 [2021-07-02]

    Due to the increased size of the package, it will no longer be possible to attach the Custom Toolkit to the message. It will be mega.nz link.

    * @mhussain Majid, the sequence for automated component removal
    3 > 1 > 1 > 1 > S > C
    3 > 0 to Remove Windows Components Using Package List tru Toolkithelper
    3 > 1 > 0 to Remove Windows Components by Accessibility Custom Preset for the Visually Impaired
    If it is not through this shortcut, the Preset Accessibility components will be more generic (comprehensive) and thus able to serve people with Hearing Impairment.

    An automation system has been added for the pauses of the script and bypass for the questions presented by the script, so that only non-stop beeps will be heard.
    this can only be activated from the menus:

    When activated through the Main Menu, only the pauses will be automated with beeps indicating the end of each process. Also disables the Toolkit's Official Dialogues.
    in some longer processes I kept the beep active by default. It's interesting to go for coffee.
    Use 0 to enable and disable. Anyone can use it unless they want to check the processes.

    To find out if both are activated, just note that in the Main Menu a letter I (pauses automation) and letter O (questions bypass = out) will appear in the menu title. Activating the other menus will show the letters "I" and "I".

    *Added the Windows 11 Bypass TPM tweak.

    Fixed the issue of having to keep only one iso in the folder for auto detection. Now you can get them all. It was easy to select.
    "Keep just one ISO file in the ^<%ISO%^\^> folder"
    The selection of Install Media Images is now through GridView.

    echo.  [3]   Extract Source from Install Media ISO Image
    echo.  [4]   Extract Source from OEM IMG Image
                             MSMG ToolKit - Source Menu
      [1]   Select Source from <C:\ToolKit\InstallMedia> Folder
      [2]   Copy Source from Install Media Drive
      [3]   Extract Source from Install Media ISO or OEM IMG Image
      [4]   Extract Source from Store ESD Image
      [5]   Extract Source from Media Creation Tool Image
      [6]   Extract Source from Custom Windows ESD Image
      [X]   Go Back
    Enter Your Choice :

    For ISO Extraction, I made an EXTRA folder only for sources, since it is now possible to select the ISO to be used, in a Grid-View List.
    The ISO folder remains for saving custom ISOS.
     MSMG ToolKit - Extract Source from:
                     Install Media ISO or OEM IMG Image to <Install Media> folder
    Toolkit's Source <C:\ToolKit\InstallMedia> folder is not empty...
    Do you want to remove it & continue ? ['Y'es/'N'o] : Y
                        MSMG ToolKit - ISO Folder Menu
      [U]   ISO Sources <B:\Toolkit\ISOsource> Folder (Untouched ISOs)
      [C]   ISO Saves <B:\Toolkit\ISO\> Folder (Customized ISOs)
      [X]   Go Back
    Enter Your Choice :

    01* If the script was interrupted and/or you somehow needed to close, you will have to respond "Performing Toolkit pre-cleanup operation" when prompted at the beginning of the Script. In Official MSMG Toolkit, this will be done automatically.
    If you wish to close the Custom Toolkit, simply select "No" when prompted to perform Cleanup.
    I took the tests here and if you answer "No", you can continue where you left off.

    So, it has to work normally.
    Except the times when activities with registry changes occur. So it is recommended to discard, extract the ISO source and start again.

    02* Script to Remove LangPacks Empty Folders is available too.

    03* Integration of all Skins has been Optimized. Same scheme as WinRE.wim, in order to keep files with the same hash.

    04* Optimized ISO naming.

    05* Burn DVD from ISO Image and Burn USB stick with optimized ISO Image too, to allow choice of ISO image.

    I owe you all an apology. So, sorry for forgetting to complete the Customization work for the Integrate InboxApp and Thin PC sessions. I couldn't test, at the time, due to lack of space for the packs. But now, everything has been fixed.

    06* I contacted @MSMG and @abbodi1406 and we briefly talked about my intention and the idea reported below.
    I've been learning a lot from you guys.

    This idea originated in September of last year (2020). Today it is achieved by the simple creation of a Menu, with a slight integration.

    06.1*In other words, Toolkit users: if you so wish... You can download the ISO from the UUP Dump with only the base editions (HOME and/or PRO and/or N), work through the Toolkit and create the editions virtually later.

    I thought about just adding this option inside the Custom Toolkit, but there are those who want to use only the Toolkit.

    So, I added the option both inside the "GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd" since it serves to execute external scripts and also in Save Source after the Save, Unmount and Optimization of "install.wim".
    And, it can also be run from Apply Menu without needing to mount anything. Just open the Custom Toolkit, go to menu 5 and follow the steps.

    Script "create_virtual_editions.cmd" from @abbodi1406's Convert-UUP v66 package which received a light customization, for our use.

    1. Select one of the Editions: Home or Professional or both.
    2. In the Apply Menu: Check the Option "C" Virtual Create Image Index Editions changing from "Disable" to "Enable", if you selected one of the required indexes or both this will activate the Trim if Image Count is greater than 1 to eliminate the Unwanted Editions that will be recreated by Custom abbodi1406 Script "VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions.cmd".

    Obs 1: Officially the abbodi1406 Script, takes care of Applying only the pertinent Editions to your Image.
    Note 2: N Editions will not be created if this is not your case, and vice versa.

    The new package contains the following files:

    Detects the presence of files

    There is a zipped package "VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions.zip with the custom version of "create_virtual_editions.cmd" and the tools from the @abbodi1406 Convert-UUP v66 package. The "Virtual Create Needed Image Index Editions" function can be used from the "GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd" or through ApplyMenu, after save and unmount at the end of the "install.wim" optimization step.

                           MSMG ToolKit - Apply Source Menu
      [C] (Enabled)Virtual Create Image Index Editions
          Note 1: You will can Choose
                -->  Home Core     Based Editions  <--
                -->  Professional  Based Editions  <--
                on abbodi1406 - Virtual Create Image Index Editions Script.
        Note 2: When Enable this, Trim unwanted Image Indexes be Enable too.
      [T] (Enabled) Trim unwanted Image Indexes
      [1]   Cleanup Source Images
      [2]   Apply & Save Changes to Source Images
      [3]   Discard Changes & Unmount Source Images
      [X]   Go Back
    Enter Your Choice :
             MSMG ToolKit - Apply & Save Changes to the Source Images
    Un-Mounting Image Registry...
    ####Starting Applying & Saving Changes to Source Images#######################
    Do you want to cleanup Image folder ? ['Y'es/'N'o] : Y
    Cleaning up Image folder...
    Cleaning up Image temporary and log files or folders.
    Applying Changes & Un-Mounting [Boot.wim, Index : 1] Image...
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.21382.1
    Saving image
    Unmounting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Applying Changes & Un-Mounting [Boot.wim, Index : 2] Image...
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.21382.1
    Saving image
    Unmounting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Optimizing Source [Boot.wim] Image with Maximum Compression...
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.21382.1
    Exporting image
    Exporting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Applying Changes & Un-Mounting [Install.wim, Index : 2 -> WinRE.wim] Image...
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.21382.1
    Saving image
    Unmounting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Optimizing Source [Install.wim, Index : 2 -> WinRE.wim] Image...
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.21382.1
    Exporting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Copying Optimized [WinRE.wim] Image File to [Install.wim, Index : 1] Image...
    Applying Changes & Un-Mounting [Install.wim, Index : 1] Image...
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.21382.1
    Saving image
    Unmounting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Copying Optimized [WinRE.wim] Image File to [Install.wim, Index : 2] Image...
    Applying Changes & Un-Mounting [Install.wim, Index : 2] Image...
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.21382.1
    Saving image
    Unmounting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Reading Image Information...
    | Index | Arch | Name
    |   1   | x64  | Windows 10 Home
    |   2   | x64  | Windows 10 Pro
    ##### Copying Generic EI.cfg Config file to:
                            <C:\ToolKit\InstallMedia\Sources> Folder #####
    ##### Copying Toolkit's Customized Source Install Media...
                  from: <C:\ToolKit\InstallMedia>
                    to: <C:\VirtualCreate_ImageIndexEditions\InstallMedia> #####
                    abbodi1406 - Editions Creation Method Menu
     [1] (+)vAutoStart
            start the process directly
            it will create editions specified in AutoEditions if possible
     [2] (-)vDeleteSource
     [3] (-)vPreserve
            source distribution folder will be directly modified
            Note: if source distribution is .ISO file, this option has no affect
                  It isn't the case here.
     [4] (-)vwim2esd
     [5] (-)vSkipISO
            will create ISO file, result distribution folder will be deleted.
     [6] Go to Choose - Needed Image Index Editions
    Enter Your Choice :6
                    abbodi1406 - Choose Editions Menu
     [1] (+)Pro for Workstations or N
     [2] (-)Pro Education or N
     [3] (+)Enterprise or N
     [4] (+)Enterprise multi-session for Virtual Desktops
     [5] (-)Education or N
     [6] (+)IoT Enterprise {OEM}
     [7] (-)IoT Enterprise LTSC {OEM}
     [8] (+)Cloud or N
     [9] (+)Home Single Language
     Note: you can leave all Editions with negative sign. vAutoEditions
           will be empty. So, it will create *all* possible editions.
     [S] Select All Editions | [R] Revert to Default
     [C] Start Virtual Create - Needed Image Index Editions
     [X]   Quit
    Enter Your Choice :

  11. Titanos

    Titanos MDL Novice

    Dec 11, 2019
    #19932 Titanos, Jul 17, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2021
    I've got same Windows Update error - 0x800f0984 - when I removed in [5] System following components: Easy Transfer / Manual Setup / Windows Subsystem for Linux / Windows To Go.
    I'm not sure which one generates that error. I suspect Manual Setup and / or Windows To Go.
    I've did the tests using 10.0.19043.1082 ISO and kb5004237 update.

    Removed "Easy Transfer" and "Windows Subsystem for Linux" only. Result: Windows Update error 0x800f0984
    Removed "Manual Setup" and "Windows To Go" only. Result: Windows Update PASSED.
    Removed "Manual Setup", "Windows To Go" and "Windows Subsystem for Linux". Result: Windows Update error 0x800f0984.
    Removed "Manual Setup", "Windows To Go" and "Easy Transfer ", Result: Windows Update PASSED.
  12. tefor

    tefor MDL Senior Member

    Apr 5, 2017

    First thanks for continuing MSMG's project
    I have downloaded CustomToolkit(11.6)2021-07-16[RaiyvaN].zip file and there are 5 cmd files in it
    now i want to ask
    1-Which one fully supports Windows 11 ?
    2-Which one fully supports Windows 10 Build 19044 ?
    Thank you
  13. mhussain

    mhussain MDL Senior Member

    Oct 1, 2012
    that is a modded toolkit.cmd,
    the core of msmg toolkit which is the toolkithelper.exe file has not been changed and can't be changed by @RaiyvaN
    this is due to the code protection that is present.
    the toolkithelper.exe is responsible for o.s support and component removals.
    you could try using component removal via dism?
    for windows 11 iso.
  14. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    #19935 inTerActionVRI, Jul 17, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2021
    Everything like @mhussain said.
    By the way, mhussain. Give me feedback on reading the documentation and using CustomToolkit. I don't know if I mentioned it but when using "GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd" to start the "Official Toolkit" or "Custom Toolkit" a menu will appear. So, just type 1 for Official Toolkit or 2 for Custom Toolkit.
    It's a hell of a blunder of me that I didn't describe it sooner.

    CustomToolkit only facilitates Integration through Implemented Multi-Choice Menus.
    Toolkit.cmd is Official.
    Toolkit_Beta.cmd is Official with details that I provided some fix or optimization at this time while @MSMG is busy.
    CustomToolkit.cmd is my fork of Toolkit.cmd.

    There is no full support in this case, but I did some workarounds to be able to do tests with the available packs, without disturbing the functioning with the Windows versions already supported.

    Then, as Beta Testers that we are, it's up to us to do the tests and bring some feedback when possible. Just yesterday I made an ISO of 18363.1679 to install my Mother's Notebook. Everything was fine. Still afraid to put the versions from 2004 onwards for daily use.

    @mdl052020, I know your Script is more generic to work with all versions. How is the "Windows-ISO-Tweaker Script" compatibility with these new versions? Correct me if I'm wrong: Everything is done by PowerShell. But PowerShell runs the procedures through DISM too, right? Only through the commands built into it. That's it?

    So, for those versions you mentioned, only component removal has to be via DISM list.

    1. Another suggestion, first of all, work on only the Editions: Home (Core and/or CoreN) and Pro (Professional and/or ProfessionalN) and make the Integrations through Toolkit or CustomToolkit and save by Trimming the other editions.

    3. Remove components by mdl052020 Windows-ISO-Tweaker Script "https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-tweaking-scripts.82116/#post-1610092" and save (I believe it supports one edition at a time. mdl052020 will correct me here, if I'm wrong)
    Then select Pro and then you do the Virtual Creation of any editions needed;
    or... Remove components by NTlite and save.

    4. Then go back to the Official Toolkit or Custom Toolkit to do Registry Customizations and, Custom Toolkit ([5] Apply Menu) or "GenericStart_LauncherMenu.cmd" [C] to Virtually Create the Editions you need. They will be based on the Home and Pro Editions you changed.
  15. You are always correct my brother @RaiyvaN . You are a genius & knows more then me .
    I pray to god for good health of MSMG Dev i hope he is good :)

    Thanks & Regards.
  16. June's Hill

    June's Hill MDL Novice

    Jul 1, 2021
    Hello dear brother, thanks a lot for your tests.

    But I still don't know where's the problem. I do not have "Manual Setup" nor "Windows To Go" (this was removed some previous version ago).
    Also, how did you remove them?? Please let me know, maybe I still have "Windows To Go" or "Manual Setup" and I don't know.

    Thank you again, have a good day :)
  17. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    But "Windows To Go" was eliminated from 19041 onwards.
  18. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009

    Implemented the algorithm to integrate Icons Skins in builds from 17763 and below.

                MSMG ToolKit - Integrate Windows Icons Skin
    ####Starting Integrating Windows Icons Skin####################################
        Image                    : Install.wim
        Image Index              : 2
        Image Architecture       : x64
        Image Version            : 10.0.17763.2061.0
    ####Integrating Windows Windows Icons Skin#####################################
    Copying Windows Icons files to Temporary Folder...
    Applying Windows Icons Skin to [imageres.dll]
            Processing [imageres32.dll] Temporary File...
            Processing [imageres64.dll] Temporary File...
    Applying Windows Icons Skin to [imagesp1.dll]
            Processing [imagesp132.dll] Temporary File...
            Processing [imagesp164.dll] Temporary File...
    Applying Windows Icons Skin to [shell32.dll]
            Processing [shell3232.dll] Temporary File...
            Processing [shell3264.dll] Temporary File...
    Applying Windows Icons Skin to [zipfldr.dll]
            Processing [zipfldr32.dll] Temporary File...
            Processing [zipfldr64.dll] Temporary File...
    ===========================[Install.wim, Index : 2]============================
    Copying Patched Windows Icons files...
    ####Finished Integrating Windows Icons Skin####################################
    The tests still need to be done. But Integration was successful.

    Nothing changed regarding MSMG Icon Pack. This one remains the same.

    Only the correct dll paths were added for builds below 18362.
  19. ingviowarr

    ingviowarr MDL Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    Thanks, friend, for all your valuable contribution.
    But Icons are very secondary thing in comparizon with some critical and many other bugs were found recently and they should be fixed first.

    I foresee a lot of chaos until MSMG comes back...
    So we all have to be patient and wish him good health and a successful overcoming of all life challenges.