hmm i have never seen that screen before myself either! Seen one about we have some updates for you etc. Secureboot/Uefi i doubt is the cause as MRP works with either... Has the iso/usb got the ei.cfg file in so you can choose the edition, i ask this as if the pc has a MSDM for the edition installed, without the ei.cfg the windows setup would bypass MRP being run or any other oobe related files such as setupcomplete.cmd and get to desktop as soon as possible. So if the MSDM is for home then it would install home/core edition and no choice, same if the MSDM is for Pro and then bypass oobe stages such as when MRP runs. A ei.cfg is in the 'Optional\win10 - optional\ei.cfg' folder that is suitable for use on Consumer editions which should stop setup from bypassing the oobe stages and give you the edition screen to select.
Both of you, as well as @Enthousiast have now told (taught) me that I must put ei.cfg there. I've never done that before. This PC definitely had MSDM, but as far as I was concerned, I just wanted to clean install with the clients key. So I thought, no need for ei.cfg / edition choosing. I've done Windows 10 installs many, many times, without ei.cfg being present. Are you telling me that MRP only worked on those machines because they didn't have MSDM?
if no MSDM then you will see the edition selection screen appear, but if a MSDM is present as mentioned above setup will see that and bypass the oobe stage where MRP is run at.
Got it Just seems so strange to me that I've never clean installed 10 on a PC that didn't have W10 MSDM. Almost impossible. But hey, if you're telling me setup skips the stage, it skips the stage Hmm. Learned something new today Just to make sure I'm understanding this. The only way MRP will run on a computer that has a Windows10 key in MSDM is with a ei.cfg? (Which means that all the times I've installed W10 on a PC, without adding the ei.cfg, yet I know MRP worked, it means it didn't have a W10 MSDM? Its so hard for me to believe!)
It is all explained in the read me files. If you use ei.cfg and you know it is say Pro MSDM (via the QT), then MRP will run and detect the MSDM key and insert it at the appropriate time during the installation so you will be activated as pro (providing you had selected pro at the edition selection screen - if Pro was the MSDM in the pc, like wise if Home is the MSDM, then selecting Home it would pull the key from the bios and insert it). Can get a bit confusing with Home (core based) because there are so many of them, so the QT is the go to tool for determine what edition the MSDM is for ie Core, Core-Connected, Single-language etc.
Yes basically. On a windows 8.x/10 installation, if a valid MSDM is present then MRP or any other script/program that is in the $OEM$ folder etc will be bypassed if no ei.cfg is present. Hence why the project wasn't ran and those that add say a KMS solution via a script is also not run because of how Windows Setup checks for a valid MSDM. A 8.x/10 installation on a pc with no MSDM ie a older Win7 pc that only has SLIC, or a generic motherboard, then MRP, (or other scripts in the $OEM$ folder), will run because there is no MSDM table present to block/bypass that stage. There are a few rare cases in which a dummy MSDM is present that can confuse MRP, well it used to, now MRP is more advanced it can detect if the MSDM is real, dummy or even if generated. A dummy MSDM is basically a place marker with 'MSDM' in the ACPI table but any valid key data is not present, it could be all zeros or FF's. A generated MSDM is one that is inserted via bios tools manually (like how a SLIC table can be added), it can be seen as 'valid' because if done right the checksum will be ok, however the key might not activate due to the way the Windows activation mechanism works. *edited to add more information*
Win 10 RS4 x64 Bulgarian MRP 88 + WinTel.cmd (unmodified) + MRPConfig.ini (option for FileSharing w/o SMB = Yes) Results in: Can't see other computers file shares in local (private) network. Never been a problem.
There are notes about that option. I think RS4 not use SMB 1.x by default because of security risks. However i believe there is a problem with RS4 and file/network stuff i have read on this forum about it, MRP 89 (in progress/testing) will attempt to address this issue but there may be a CU update when there are updates available for RS4 to fix this.
A temporary fix that might help: Code: @echo off REG add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\FDResPub" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "2" /f >nul 2>&1 REG add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\FDResPub" /v "DelayedAutostart" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1 SC config "FDResPub" start= auto >nul 2>&1 SC start "FDResPub" >NUL 2>&1 REG add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\fdPHost" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "2" /f >nul 2>&1 REG add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\fdPHost" /v "DelayedAutostart" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2>&1 SC config "fdPHost" start= auto >nul 2>&1 SC start "fdPHost" >NUL 2>&1 REG add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Dnscache" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "2" /f >nul 2>&1 SC config "Dnscache" start= auto >nul 2>&1 SC start "Dnscache" >NUL 2>&1 REG add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SSDPSRV" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "2" /f >nul 2>&1 SC config "SSDPSRV" start= auto >nul 2>&1 SC start "SSDPSRV" >NUL 2>&1 TIMEOUT /T 4 >nul netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Network Discovery" new enable=Yes >NUL 2>&1 Save as NDfix.cmd right click run as administrator and wait about 5 seconds after script completed, it may be wise to reboot but the services should be started. See if you can access your network shares... It may not totally fix the problem for everyone, but so far is the only solution at present. On a test pc connected to a network it 'saw' and accessed any network devices. Disclaimer: Cannot guarantee this will work for all systems.
Ran NDfix.cmd, rebooted after minute, try to open shares after two minutes - same thing. Interesting is I can share a folder on this machine and it's visible and accessible to the others, but that PC (Win RS4) can't access other's shares. Anyway seems like nothing to do with MRP Project so I'll not bother you anymore and will seek help elsewhere. If I find some solution will inform here.
Sorry the 'fix' not work. It seems a specific problem with RS4, for my self it not one as i not use network shares etc, but i can see it is a pita for those that do.
OK it works now. Just had to install SMB1.0 Client from within Win 10 RS4 and all works. Control Panel / Programs and Features / Turn windows features on/off / <tick> SMB 1.0 -> Client Reboot after install - Works So can MRP use an option to enable it as default during install. Also another question - Is it possible to apply W10BlockAdverts.cmd like WinTel.cmd If it's in the scripts folder to be executed during install?
The win10advertblocks are run if you tick the option to block os adverts The same script (slightly edited) is inside MRP's internal code. So if that option is ticked in the ConfigCreator then it will be enabled during setup/oobe stage. It was added as a optional script in case someone wanted to block those adverts for those that have a already running OS. Nice the shares working. Best to leave that option for SMB/shares un-ticked next time
On ConfigCreator v2.7 i have put a note about RS4 and the File Sharing option, i will also disable it automatically if RS4+ is detected in MRP v89 itself.
For me i always use the network as public, and now with enable file share in RS4 i just tested i saw 2 computers, and i can access other pc's with ip's normally As i read before they removed homegroup from RS4 ? v1803 is really a buggy version best to wait the next update of for sure they will include some fixes
Yeah i think it must be to do with the code they removed about Homegroup in 17134 it has certainly caused a few other problems!!
Confirming the script works between two freshly installed PCs with Win 10 RS4 (same install config from my 6 posts above). Before applying script, can see each other in LAN, can't access shares. After apply and reboot accessing shares, no issues so far. 10x PS: Still not accessing older PCs (NAS, Win7 and Win10 RS2 (w/o updates)) shares until SMB 1.0.