Iirc this is for small icon view: Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] "ForceClassicControlPanel"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ControlPanel] "StartupPage"=dword:00000001 "AllItemsIconView"=dword:00000001
Update: Config Creator will now have the option(s) to select what 'Control Panel View' is used, default is Category, Large Icons and Small Icons. This section will only work if the 'User Folder/Control Panel on desktop' option is used, it will be ignored if the option is un-ticked. Just this section alone has taken a good 2 hours of work, making sure the boxes are in the right area then to test that the options actually work and save in the .ini file. Now the fun starts implementing the code into MRP.
Control Panel view now added to MRP v89's code base. T7 Stage reached and tests so far are looking good. Technically you now have 'four' new options to play with.
Code: [NOBGA] Enabled: Turn off all Background Apps, {Windows 10 Only}. ? or Code: [CPTCM] Applied: Enable Extra Context Menus, {Command/Powershell, TakeOwnership, CopyTo/MoveTo}. [DIMSD] Applied: Disable UAC's Secure Desktop Dimming. There is so much to love
hehe The new options may be of some use to a few, maybe more than a few. Thought i would sneak an extra one in. So 'technically' five new toys to play with.
As it just gone midnight here, MRP v89.0 is now Baseline. Within the next 12hrs from time of this post, (its 00:40), i will release it. As just got to sort out the changelog etc and will do that in the morning.
Tempting fate as never release one on the 13th lol Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 180513-R89.0 - BaseLine [MRP via MDL Forum ONLY]
Typical 13th! The host upload.ee is offline (502 Server Bad Gateway). Have put alternative links for QTv55.0 and UserTweaks barebones. MRP v88.0 is offline at present. Just completing the changelog for MRP v89.0 and will upload shortly. Have dated it the 14th May.
MRP v89.0 Baseline has been uploaded and the 2nd post's download links have been updated with new link and password. Spoiler: MRP 89.0 Summary Network sharing, due to a some changes in RS4, maybe RS5 too, Microsoft have altered the Networking stuff ie Homegroup and may of upset some other settings. You may still have to enable SMB v1.0 via the 'Programs and Features' option within Windows itself to enable your Network devices to be seen and used. As SMB v1.0 can be a potential security risk MRP does NOT enable that for you, that is your choice. - Removed ReFS option due to it may cause problems if enabled on OS/Editions that not normally support creating ReFS volumes. If the OS/Edition does support it then the Edition will allow you to create the volumes, others will just allow to read/write to a previously created ReFS volume as normal. + Replaced the ReFS option with Extra Context Menus that include Command/Powershell Prompt Here, TakeOwnership and CopyTo/MoveTo menu items. If you not want all enabled, you can leave the option un-ticked (disabled) in the MRPConfigCreator and look in the MRP's archive under 'Optional\Misc_ExtraScripts' there you can find the individual scripts you can run for the menu option of your choice these are standalone scripts to be used once the OS has been installed. You will have to run them as Administrator it will inform you if you are not. + Added new option so you can place the User's Folder and Control Panel onto the desktop via MRP Config. Ticking the box will tell MRP to place those icons on the desktop. If you not require one or the other you can simply delete the unwanted icon from the desktop once the OS has been installed. + Along with the new option you can now also set the Control Panel view, to 'Category' (OS default), 'Large' or 'Small' icons via the radio (dot type) buttons within the MRPConfigCreator program. + Bonus! Another option added, Disable UAC's Secure Desktop Dimming, normally the UAC (if enabled) will dim the desktop and you will see the Yes/No box about a certain action. his little tweak prevents the desktop from being dimmed until you action the requester. It does NOT affect any other UAC actions, just the dimmed desktop which can stop everything running until you click an action. If you have turned off UAC via another tweak then this option will still be 'set' but the OS will ignore it. + Updated the MRPConfigCreator which is more tidy and the text is aligned better. Added an 'About' button. For Help on the options presented just hover the mouse pointer over the option and a 'tooltip' will appear with what the option does. Change of file host as upload.ee seems to be 502 errors, so have used another file host that hopefully does not have many adverts, an advert blocker is advised.
that's great thank you so much i love the uac tweak i always do that via control panel, now it will be done automatically
it didn't remove library folders from this pc but i think it disabled searching for drivers from windows update