Beta available now to download at post #2, my VM was on a go slow today, realized had set it to 30% speed. Hopefully this be a quick testing phase as it all seems to work correctly. The only one i have not tested is Vista, as my ISO is corrupted.
There will be another beta shortly, quite a few few changes have been added, was working on the project until gone 3 am last night (GMT), one are was to do with VM's as some little glitches reared their heads, plus branding area. Others are new code changes for additional checks which should make the whole project not give as many odd messages in the log files. Hardware detection will be the 'key' focus. Will remove the current beta and replace it with the new coded one soon. Stay tuned as they say!
Isn't that a certificate authentication error, system time and date are ok? What happens when you try it on another browser?
You can try Archive dot org and they allow direct links. No popups nor ads. Even available in torrents if you wish to share that link as well. Just a suggestion since most upload servers have multi popups and ads, not to mention their download managers. If you are interested and need help knowing where to find direct link, yell at me. I use them for my other project now. I sent you a pm showing a yt vid that explains how to get direct link.
MRP Beta 45s status... Hopefully MRP will be out of BETA within next day or so, may even be later today? The list of changes is quite long, so in brief, (which is rare for me lol): 1. New method for checking OEM's folder structure. 2. Enhanced GPT/MBR method. 3. Major re-optimization of all scripts. - Unless on a slow PC/VM the first part for branding etc takes less than a minute. 4. Added an enhanced debug mode - this, when enabled will give more information on what stages MRP is at. Default OFF. 5. If non fatal errors the project will attempt to keep going, but if something fatal then MRP will abort gracefully. Here is a example project.log with the enhanced debug mode on: Spoiler Code: Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170105-R45S-BETA [MRP/MDL] Files present and extracted successfully. NOTE: This is a BETA release and MRP may not work as expected. Enhanced Debug Mode: ON. DEBUG: Checking OEM's Structure. OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. OS Installation Date: 05/01/2017 8:01:24.69 DEBUG: Checking OS Name. 8:01:24.71 Windows 10 Pro x64 version found. 8:01:24.73 DEBUG: Checking OS SKU. 8:01:25.26 Professional Edition/SKU installed. 8:01:25.46 Build Version: 14393.0.amd64fre.rs1_release.160715-1616 DMI BIOS Information #1 CS PRODUCT NAME : [VirtualBox] #2 CS MODEL : [VirtualBox] #4 CS VENDOR : [innotek GmbH] #5 CS SYSTEM MNF : [innotek GmbH] #6 BASEBOARD MNF : [Oracle Corporation] #8 BIOS ID/VER : [VBOX] 8:01:31.67 DEBUG: Drive Name Status. 8:01:32.03 DEBUG: Checking DMI. 8:01:32.52 Defined VBOX [VBox] manufacture found. 8:01:32.52 VBOX [VBox] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 8:01:32.53 DEBUG: Checking For MSDM Key. 8:01:34.22 No MSDM key detected in BIOS. 8:01:34.22 DEBUG: Branding Section. 8:01:34.23 Force theme text file not present. 8:01:34.92 DEBUG: Checking System Product Name. 8:01:35.06 DEBUG: Branding Part 2. 8:01:35.06 System Product Name, not defined. 8:01:35.06 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 8:01:35.09 DEBUG: Windows 8.x/10 Branding Section. 8:01:35.11 OOBE.xml file deleted. 8:01:35.11 User.bmp replaced. 8:01:35.31 User.png replaced. 8:01:35.40 User-40.png replaced. 8:01:35.45 DEBUG: Windows 10 User Picture Section. 8:01:35.47 User-32.png replaced. 8:01:35.48 User-48.png replaced. 8:01:35.48 User-192.png replaced. 8:01:35.50 {Background} img105.jpg replaced. 8:01:35.79 DEBUG: Theme Section 1. 8:01:35.79 Resources aero.theme has been replaced. 8:01:35.95 {Background} img100.jpg replaced. 8:01:36.00 DEBUG: Transfer Files Section. 8:01:36.01 oobe\Info folder created. 8:01:36.03 Required Theme files transferred to System32\oobe\Info folder. 8:01:36.45 Cleanup registry entry added. 8:01:36.45 MRP installation script has completed. 8:06:31.19 Advanced Log-On screen has been enabled. 8:06:32.40 User Account Pictures registry entry applied. 8:06:32.44 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected. 8:06:32.44 Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the folder... 8:06:32.55 Removal of 'defaultuser0' folder successful. 8:06:32.87 DEBUG: Check for MBR/GPT, Legacy/UEFI, SBoot Status. 8:06:51.22 BIOS Mode: UEFI, Partition Type: GPT, Secure Boot: On 8:06:51.22 DEBUG: Checking Online Status. 8:06:51.22 Device not connected to the Internet, online license check failed. 8:06:59.15 License Status: Not licensed. 8:07:02.25 UserTweaks.cmd present, attempting to apply. 8:07:11.25 UserTweaks.cmd completed. 8:08:22.38 MRP Cleanup script has completed. ============================================================================ Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize. ============================================================================ The new additions are taking a bit longer to check and re-check hence the delay. Plus not been feeling too well for the past few days and lack of sleep has caused a few coding mistakes that have taken me a few hours to correct.
Public acknowledgement I want to make public acknowledgment just to express my thankfulness to mxman2k. He has put all his life lately on this project and deserves all my admiration for the hard work and splendid project. Just like The_Guardian and searchengine did in their time.
Thank you, it's been a struggle at times, but the results are worth all the frustration! As by the download totals it also shows that MDL members still use the project, thank you all for supporting MRP. Beta testing is about over , just one final test which is being done as I type this. Then <drum roll> the new enhanced MRP will be ready to download. A big thank you to Mr.X, who thrashed tested the beta and helped find what was going on with MBR/GPT checking under VMware, it worked ok on VBox (EFI) and real PC's. Now the new method is 99.9% accurate on VM's and PC's. Will post the baseline MRP shortly.... (once this snail of a VM gets to the We're Happy Your Here... and can check nothing has broken.)
MRP Main Project Only - Updated! MRP is now out of Beta! Version: 170105-R46s-BaseLine See change log for details. See OOBE.cmd for details on how to enable Enhanced Debug Mode. Uploaded and ready to download. First post updated.
@mxman2k thanks a lot for your application I know that you make a BIG effort to conclude this job so CONGRATS DESERVED
I did a quick test on vm and i noticed that Secure boot is on but i don't have Secure boot in my motherboard or in my vm is it normal in vm ? Spoiler Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170105-R46s-BaseLine [MRP/MDL] Files present and extracted successfully. Enhanced Debug Mode: ON. DEBUG: Detecting If a SSD is present. DEBUG: Checking OEM's Structure. OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. OS Installation Date: Thu 01/05/2017 21:49:02.37 DEBUG: Checking OS Name. 21:49:02.42 Windows 10 Enterprise x64 version found. 21:49:02.43 DEBUG: Checking OS SKU. 21:49:02.64 Enterprise Edition/SKU installed. 21:49:02.64 Build Version: 14393.0.amd64fre.rs1_release.160715-1616 DMI BIOS Information #1 CS PRODUCT NAME : [VMware Virtual Platform] #2 CS MODEL : [VMware Virtual Platform] #4 CS VENDOR : [VMware, Inc.] #5 CS SYSTEM MNF : [VMware, Inc.] #6 BASEBOARD MNF : [Intel Corporation] #8 BIOS ID/VER : [INTEL] 21:49:07.87 DEBUG: Drive Name Status. 21:49:07.89 DEBUG: Checking DMI For Manufacture Information. 21:49:08.57 Defined VMware [VMware] manufacture found. 21:49:08.59 VMware [VMware] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 21:49:08.59 DEBUG: Checking For MSDM Key. 21:49:09.57 No MSDM key detected in BIOS. 21:49:09.57 DEBUG: Branding Section Part 1. 21:49:09.57 Force theme text file not present. 21:49:10.22 DEBUG: Checking System Product Name. 21:49:10.26 System Product Name - 'VMware Virtual Platform' detected and applied. 21:49:10.26 DEBUG: Branding Section Part 2. 21:49:10.26 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 21:49:10.29 DEBUG: Windows 8.x/10 User Picture Section. 21:49:10.29 OOBE.xml file deleted. 21:49:10.29 User.bmp replaced. 21:49:10.33 User.png replaced. 21:49:10.33 User-40.png replaced. 21:49:10.33 DEBUG: Windows 10 Account/Background Picture Section. 21:49:10.33 User-32.png replaced. 21:49:10.34 User-48.png replaced. 21:49:10.34 User-192.png replaced. 21:49:10.34 {Background} img105.jpg replaced. 21:49:10.57 DEBUG: Theme Management Section 1. 21:49:10.57 Resources aero.theme has been replaced. 21:49:10.64 {Background} img100.jpg replaced. 21:49:10.70 DEBUG: Transfer Theme Files Section. 21:49:10.70 oobe\Info folder created. 21:49:10.73 Required Theme files transferred to System32\oobe\Info folder. 21:49:11.04 Cleanup registry entry added. 21:49:11.04 MRP installation script has completed. Thu 01/05/2017 21:49:11.06 WinTel.cmd file present and applied. 21:50:56.47 DEBUG: MRP Add-On's Module. 21:50:58.11 Advanced Log-On screen has been enabled. 21:50:58.42 User Account Pictures registry entry applied. 21:50:58.51 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected. 21:50:58.51 Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the folder... 21:50:59.03 Removal of 'defaultuser0' folder successful. 21:50:59.29 DEBUG: Check for MBR/GPT, Legacy/UEFI, SBoot Status. 21:51:04.22 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR, Secure Boot: On 21:51:04.22 DEBUG: Checking Online Status. 21:51:04.23 Device not connected to the Internet, online license check failed. 21:51:06.97 License Status: Licensed. 21:51:06.98 DEBUG: [MRP C3] Status. 21:51:07.01 MRP Cleanup script has completed. ============================================================================ Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize. ============================================================================ Nice work you doing, Thanks for spending time to make the project better
I think secure boot is 'emulated' if using EFI mode on Vbox/VMware, the only Hypervisor - mSofts you can fully access secure boot to turn on/off like a real pc. Code: The registry area what MRP looks at for secureboot is: "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SecureBoot\State" and the sub entry "UEFISecureBootEnabled" Is either 0 or 1 ---- > 0 = SB off, 1 =SB on REG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SecureBoot\State" /v "UEFISecureBootEnabled" Copying that REG QUERY line to a cmd admin prompt will give result. If secure boot not available ie it not in bios you will get a error that entry not exist. I have set sboot as N/A if it not exist so it must be emulated on the VMware/Box apps as i not seen the "switch" on Vbox preferences, as i not use VMware i not sure if it hidden in the prefs on that app. *edit* I might of got a bit of code wrong for s/boot check. It not important as MRP will run normally, its only for information. Will sort that on next beta.