The main thing was that i managed to get the bypass memory part to work. It always amazes me that i research as much i can and the QT still fails on something i never thought existed Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated.
Query Tool v82.0 has been uploaded, 2nd post download link, password and hashes updated. Spoiler: QT Summary + Fixed a crash that happened on HP/Compaq, (maybe others), when processing the extended memory queries. Have added checks and any other problematic manufacturers can be added to the list to prevent the QT from exiting. + Added simple PowerShell host running check which will exit the QT if detected running. This also prevents odd behaviour and false results. + Now shows the Serial Number of the HDD/SSD if available - not all makes give this information so the line may not show. ** + Added network adapter MAC Address/Name where possible, not all adaptors give the results and so not all will be displayed. ** + Added Computer UUID, this may or may not be useful to some as it does provide a way to detect the computer on a network or Server. ** + Added Graphics adapter memory information for each adapter (if available), have limited the checks to two adapters only as it gets way too complicated otherwise to keep track of the masses of data returned via WMIC. So if you have more than 2 adapters then the data shown will be for the first two found only. ** This information is not shown in the saved reports for security reasons. Most of the new data is experimental and may or may not be shown depending on the OS installed and the WMIC/Registry results that can be obtained.
Also not mentioned in the summary/changelog..... If you open a Admin CMD prompt where the QT exe is located you can use two parameters if you wish. /OR = Override the extended memory block for HP/VM's - NOTE: use at your own risk as the QT might abort or give false results on VM's i have added more error checks but i can't cover every possible error. /SL = Once the QT has completed it will copy over the QTLog.log to the desktop. You can used upper or lowercase for the parameters also in any order. This is why the QT was not released yesterday as i wanted to add a bit of an extra feature that can be expanded on in the future. Just double-clicking the exe the parameters are not available and the memory bypass will be in effect for HP/Compaq/VM's.
MRP 106.0 is at internal testing stage 3. Nothing new added at the moment, just the redesign of the project.log being done first. Not that it really matters but it helps separate the sections like the QT reports.
I was trying to search for a post I did in the forum about setting the Time Zone to EST. I'm not to sure if it was the Autounattend.xml. What I'm looking for was the answer from mxman2k. I would appreciate any help locating it. Thanks When you first asked about TZones.
@mxman2k Can this reg entry be added to the MRPConfigCreator so that the user can optionally FORCE this during OS installation? On many of my W7 & W10 installs in the past, the Time Zone was incorrect and had to be manually changed...
it could but as it not be a much used one and the extra code etc to parse the TZ text would not be worth it. The code i linked to can be easily added to the OOBE.cmd file as i mentioned on the posts just after the :CLOSE label. Lists the available Time Zone tables. As you can see to parse them all would be a pain. When i added the updated Locale database that took me a day and half to compile together, the parsing was easier as i just got the numeric code from the OS/Registry/WMIC and just pointed to the right variable. If there is enough call to add the TZone option i may consider adding it at a later stage.