Servers are a beast unto themselves! As Server 2019 is based on W10's 1809 kernel you would think any problems with non Server 1809 would be the same, but it goes to show that there are subtle differences in what is 'bolted' on around the kernel. Considering Themes are not normally associated with them and are generally not used by default shows the different OS's coding structure. Plus it seems there may be MSDM's available for S2019, but due to limitations, MRP will not be able to process them like non Server Editions, I have added information into the Server 'Read Me' notes for the next MRP to explain why. The project log will show new info too if S2019 is installed. Basically because Servers not usually have .Net installed by default this causes the MSDM routine to fail as it relies on .Net to obtain the MSDM key etc, so to avoid a lot of extra code to be added, the routine is simply ignored. Maybe in the future i am able to write a non .Net/C# reliant method which will make MRP non dependant on those external libraries, we will see.
Believe me they, (Servers and including M$ in general), are weird at the best of times. It took some working out how to get the theme stuff to work on them, it may not be perfect, but it does allow a user to have branding of some sort on Servers if they wish, without a lot of manual DISM work or using the 'add features' bits.
They finally fixed the background app bug in Feb update, now notifications is working while background app turned off Now it's build 17763.316
I'm working on MRP 109.1.IT3 at this moment so will adjust the auto disable of the background apps option to be allowed again only if the UBR number is 316 or above as below that the bug is still present until the OS is updated to latest 316+ CU.
%Temp% is the usual temporary location as denoted by the environmental variable which can be seen by a cmd prompt and typing 'SET Temp'. I use TEMP so that the drive is not cluttered with any left over files etc, plus it is easier to tidy up. if you wish to exclude a location then enter your code within OOBE.cmd after the @ Echo off line and before decompile ( :MRPINSTALL ) section. Oobe.cmd is ran BEFORE any user is created. So no registry references to HKCU will work as they not exist at that time. SetupComplete.cmd is ran AFTER the username has been created and the HKCU hive is created. I altered the way WinTel.cmd is called so that future edits that involve HKCU can be added as before when it was run via oobe.cmd they would not work as the user's hive was not created.
no as i use the %temp% variable which will auto expand to the correct location when it is ran via a script or command.
Also it is wiser to use the %temp% variable to point to the current 'temporary' location as the user could change where it is pointed to such as 'D:\Temp' etc to save space or writes to a SSD, my temp and TMP locations are set to 'D:\SysTemp' but that just my personal preference. Plus if the system drive is not C: then if you preset your script's location to say 'C:\Temp' then it could fail, using the environmental variable saves that hassle.
I asked because i'm not sure if Windows Security will understand %Temp% I thought the command should convert %Temp% to the long location and add the long location to Windows Security
it does expand. well it does in my scripts.... example: Code: REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions\Paths" /v "%Temp%\whateverfoldertoexclude" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f remember the defender registry entries may be locked under windows 10!
You will need to unlock the defender registry entries so that you can add your exclusions, using %temp% does indeed auto expand to the right location temp is pointing to - providing you are using REG ADD .... in a script/pshell. Unlock: "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions" and maybe also: "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions\Paths" So that you can add your exclusions. I personally use SetACL but there area other tools that can unlock the registry areas, just be careful in the HK_Classes_Root area or you can really screw up the OS!
AFAIK, setupcomplete.cmd runs under SYSTEM account, even though it runs after user account is created so its %temp% expand to C:\Windows\Temp
WIth a fresh install then yes the %Temp% would be '<system drive letter>\Windows\Temp' the system drive letter is usually C: but on a dual+ boot or some other booting/multi-drive method it could be the next available letter, ie D, E, F etc. So it is better to use the %Temp% environmental variable to avoid possible problems.
first time i seen MRP see a board that not have any DMI, SLIC or MSDM brand names to use! A case for customtheme if a theme other than windows one is required. The QT sees 'Acer' from the emulated SLIC.
Sapphire Tech. LTD. only PC i can find under that 'name' is a mini PC series. They mainly seem to do Graphics cards...