I don't want to get involved with your personal business, but when you mention that you have memory issues, did you you have a stroke, or a TIA (mild stroke)? My mom had the same isses about ten years ago.
He posted it here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...l-project-mrp-mk3.71555/page-244#post-1511803
Progress Report: New OEM Theme added into MRP (v112): CyberPowerPC Creator/Editor (v18.0) has had it added into its CustomTheme selectable database. The next QT (v94.0) will also detected the new theme too.
@mxman2k I know you need to continue with this project because it keep you active, but please take it easy there is no rush, we all can wait until you finish next version. Hope you get 100% fine very soon. taviruni
I'm still refining the project(s) even a serious illness hasn't stopped me - almost did though! I got v111 released as majority of the code was done the day before i went into hospital, but it had to wait until i was allowed home for me to actually release it. MRP v112 and QT v94 is being worked on a bit at a time and is progressing nicely. This extra time taken on the code with no rushing has helped a lot in hopefully clearing any old 'bugs' etc. I take a lot of breaks in between bits of scripting etc. As i am technically 'housebound' for a while this project has kept me sane as i have focus on something, even with the slight memory problems i have now. My passion in this project has not changed, even in tough times, not just with illness, but when m$ throws a spanner in the works and i have to find a way around it, which seems fairly regular these days.
I pray for a speedy recovery for you. I've been off the grid for almost a year now handling some personal issues myself. Take care of yourself brother keep in touch with me.
Query Tool v94.0 has been uploaded and 2nd post download link, password and hashes updated. Spoiler: QT94 Summary + Added TimeZone Data. It may show the current bias if plus/minus a certain time also if Daylight Saving Mode is in operation or not, this last part depends on if your country uses that method of time changing. + Updated some code sections and a small tidy up.
MRP v112 has been uploaded, 2nd post download link, password and hashes have been updated. Spoiler: MRP v112 Summary + Various internal code fixes and updates to clear any potential bugs. + Updated MSDM detection routine's error and information sections. + Added Windows 10 19h1+ option: Remove the 7+ GB Windows Update/Feature reserve space, this can be reverted if required. + Updated Creator/Editor with the new option above. + Added TimeZone information, bias and if daylight saving in operation, this may not always be accurate as it is dependant on location. + Updated the debug log, (if used), to show a bit more data. + Slight update to the 'Project.log' design. + Added new brand: CyberPowerPC and updated the OEM's.7z with the wallpaper etc for it. That's it for another month, unless any bug fixes.
@mxman2k Can anyone tell me where I can find the Time Zone in MRPConfigCreator_v18.0? I was unable to locate this setting. I've been looking for it for about forty-five minuets. Thank you.