@mxman2k Why does MRP set the ShowDriveLettersFirst registry value to 4? Is there a way his can be disabled? I can't find an option in MRPConfig.ini.
Will investigate the drive letter registry entry when i get home. I think it is one of the very first options before the ini usage and the code line is still in mrp somewhere, but the default is 'on' instead of 'off'. Also will give the registry code to revert the 'show the drive letter first' back to the os's default of 'off' for anyone that needs it.
Some may not know how to revert Open command window as admin and enter the line below, refresh explorer to show results: Code: REG Delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer" /v "ShowDriveLettersFirst" /f Values that alter this setting [delete registry entry] = Default OS setting. 0 = Show all drive letters after drive labels. Also the OS default setting. 1 = Show only network drive letters before drive labels. 2 = Hide all drive letters. 4 = Show all drive letters before drive labels. The one that was inadvertently used in MRP: Code: REG add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer" /v "ShowDriveLettersFirst" /t REG_DWORD /d "4" /f **EDIT** Have now added that 'drive letter view' as a multi-selection option in the Creator and MRP for the next release. Testing in progress...
As i mentioned in my other post above, it was added as a early type of option - way before i added in the Creator + ini system, it was simply a line of code left over, most likely caused by a revert of a test MRP at some stage that failed, so reverted back to a previous working script and forgot to remove that line. It just 'one of those things' ... It has been sorted now for the next release.
Actually, I prefer it that way and thus never noticed it. Who knows what else lurks in the depths of that code. And that's actually nothing compared to the complexity of the Windows code. So, oddities and issues in Windows are expected. Something to consider.
I have looked through the main code of the project and cannot see anything else hiding in the shadows, that was one that sneaked past the gremlin sensors. At least now it is a more elaborate user multi-select option. Testing has been successful and it will be in the next release.
With MRP v137+ if an Insider Build is detected then some options will be auto disabled to prevent odd WU problems it may also fix some other obscure glitches too? Thanks to @Enthousiast for his mega install marathon yesterday which narrowed the options down to a few that seem to affect the Windows Updates operation of the newer Insider Builds. As m$ are now using the new 'Dev' reference on these newer Insider Builds, and not always using the old way of adding the 'Insider Preview' reference, this then caused the option(s) that upset WU was not auto disabled as MRP did not detect the flag/reference that it was a Preview installation. Hopefully that is now sorted and the glitch(es) are fixed. Note on the newer Server Insider Builds the detection is not fool proof and so those options that can cause WU glitches may be not be auto disabled!
Testing three new W10 options... 1) Show more copy details in the Copy dialog window. 2) Expand the Explorer window's Ribbon Menu. A reboot or logout/in cycle needed to make it work. 3) Disable the 'First Logon Animation' after a OS Upgrade or CU, basically that window that appears when you upgraded the OS, it is to show about new stuff etc. This one may or may not work as intended as M$ may force the animation regardless. There was 4 but one failed to operate as expected and decided to scrap that one, it only expanded the Task Manager window, but the registry's 'BINARY' data was never consistent. I may look into that later on when time permits. Testing is in progress... Also hopefully fixed the detection of Insider builds for Server and non Server builds, cannot guarantee it will be always successful as m$ keep changing things so detection is not as easy as it once was. --------------------- As my ISP decided to price hike my internet/TV cable package as my contract has ended and as i was not happy with the amount (45% increase!!) , i rang them and sort of let rip at them and so now it has gone to the retentions department, as a result, my services have been suspended until an agreement can be reached. So due to this i have had to tether my mobile/cell phone and its a miserable experience, but at least i can get some sort of connection when i am at home for now.