Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170508-R56.0 - BaseLine  [MRP/MDL]
    Required files present and extracted successfully.
    DeCompile has detected a 'VMware' VM.
    Enhanced Log Mode: Activated.
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK.
    OS Installation Time/Date: 02:52 vr 12-05-2017
    [CHKOV] Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview x64 version detected.
    [CHKOE] Professional Edition installed. {Registry}
    [CHKRE] Professional Detected. {WMIC}
    [CHKOB] Build Version: 16193.1001.amd64fre.rs_prerelease.170507-1300
    [CHKOR] Build Revision: 1001
    [OSLNG] Edition Language/Code: nl-NL ( 1043 [413h] )
    [OSLNG] OS Locale:             nl-NL
    [OSLNG] OS Language Value:     NLD
    [MBDMI] Motherboard BIOS DMI Information
    [MBDMI] #1 CS Product Name   : [VMware Virtual Platform]
    [MBDMI] #2 CS Model Name     : [VMware Virtual Platform]
    [MBDMI] #4 CS Vendor Name    : [VMware, Inc.]
    [MBDMI] #5 CS System Name    : [VMware, Inc.]
    [MBDMI] #6 Baseboard Name    : [Intel Corporation]
    [MBDMI] #8 BIOS ID           : [DELL]
    [HDDTY] Info: Standard HDD Detected.
    [CHKLF] Rename 'System Drive' flag enabled, 'C:' changed to 'Windows_10_Pro'.
    [CKDMI] Reading DMI for manufacture information.
    [VMWCF] VMware Bios ID conflict resolution enabled. VMware resolved as Dell [#8].
    [THMOK] Dell [VMware] manufacture will be used for theme/branding.
    [BRND1] > Branding Extra Checks Section.
    [FTMNP] Force theme text file not present.
    [CHKMN] Computer Model Name: 'VMware Virtual Platform' applied.
    [BRND2] > Brand Transfer Section.
    [BGDFC] Desktop backgrounds folder created.
    [W8XAP] > Windows 8.x/10 User Account Picture Management Section 1.
    [RMXML] OOBE.xml file deleted. 
    [UBREP] User.bmp replaced. 
    [UPREP] User.png replaced. 
    [UPREP] User-40.png replaced. 
    [WXAP2] > Windows 10 User Account Picture Management Section 2.
    [UPREP] User-32.png replaced. 
    [UPREP] User-48.png replaced. 
    [UPREP] User-192.png replaced.
    [WXLS5] Lock Screen {img105.jpg} replaced.
    [THMMN] > Theme Management Section.
    [THMRP] Dell theme has been applied.
    [WXLS1] Log-In Background {img100.jpg} replaced.
    [TTFS0] > Transfer Theme Files Section.
    [OIFCS] System32\oobe\info folder has been created.
    [OIFCS] Required theme files transferred to System32\oobe\info folder.
    [TDYUP] > Deletion of unused MRP files.
    [BRNOK] Branding script has completed.
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager Started.
    [CMSDM] Checking BIOS for MSDM Table data.
    [CMSDM] Processing MSDM Key for Edition status.
    [CMSDM] > Show MSDM Edition and Var Information.
    [CMSDM] > Var: {R} OSVER         : 'Professional'
    [CMSDM] > Var: {W} RealEdition   : 'Professional'
    [CMSDM] > Var: {M} KeyEditionID  : 'Core'
    [CMSDM] MSDM Key Information: Win 10 Core MSDM
    [CMSDM] The MSDM Key is not for the Edition installed, saved only. 
    [CMSDM] See C:\MSDM-Key.txt for the saved MSDM key details.
    [ADMVM] Detected a 'Default DMI' VMware Virtual Machine.
    [USRAC] Enhanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
    [USRAC] 'User Account Picture' registry entry applied.
    [USRRO] 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected.
    [USRD0] Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the account...
    [USRD0] Removal of 'defaultuser0' account successful.
    [AMBMP] > Checking BIOS's mode and System drive's partition type.
    [AMBMP] BIOS Mode: Legacy, HDD Partition Type: MBR
    [AMHDC] HDD Controller Mode: AHCI
    [CHKLS] > Checking if Windows is activated/licensed.
    [CHKLS] License Status: Notification
    [CHKLS] Online connection or system reboot maybe required to complete activation.
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager Completed.
    [CLNUP] MRP Clean Up Routine Processed.
    = Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible =
    =              to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize.   =
    Enhanced Log Mode: Deactivated.
    The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has now completed.
  2. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Testing MRP 56.1 Beta...

    Not many changes, mostly error checking tweaks, little rewording here and there.

    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170516-R56.1 - BETA  [MRP/MDL]
    Required files present and extracted successfully.
    NOTE: This is a BETA release, MRP may not function as expected, features may change before BaseLine..
    DeCompile has detected a 'VMware' VM.
    Enhanced Log Mode: Activated.
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK.
    OS Installation Date/Time: 16/05/2017 - 4:47pm
    [CHKOV] Windows 10 Pro Education x86 version detected.
    [CHKOE] ProfessionalEducation Edition installed. {Registry}
    [CHKRE] ProfessionalEducation Detected. {WMIC}
    [CHKOB] Build Version: 15063.0.x86fre.rs2_release.170317-1834
    [CHKOR] Build Revision: 138
    [OSLNG] Edition Language/Code: en-GB ( 2057 [809h] )
    [OSLNG] OS Locale:             en-GB
    [OSLNG] OS Language Value:     ENG
    [MBDMI] Motherboard BIOS DMI Information
    [MBDMI] #1 CS Product Name   : [VMware Virtual Platform]
    [MBDMI] #2 CS Model Name     : [VMware Virtual Platform]
    [MBDMI] #4 CS Vendor Name    : [VMware, Inc.]
    [MBDMI] #5 CS System Name    : [VMware, Inc.]
    [MBDMI] #6 Baseboard Name    : [Intel Corporation]
    [MBDMI] #8 BIOS ID           : [DELL]
    [HDTYP] Info: Standard HDD Detected.
    [CHKLF] Rename 'System Drive' option enabled, 'C:' changed to 'Windows_10_ProEdu'.
    [CKDMI] Reading DMI for manufacture information.
    [VMWCF] VMware Bios ID conflict resolution enabled. VMware resolved as Dell [#8].
    [THMOK] Dell [VMw] manufacture will be used for theme/branding.
    [BRND1] > Branding Extra Checks Section.
    [FTMNP] Force theme text file not present.
    [CHKMN] Computer Model Name: 'VMware Virtual Platform' applied.
    [BRND2] > Brand Transfer Section.
    [BGDFC] Desktop backgrounds folder created.
    [W8XAP] > Windows 8.x/10 User Account Picture Management Section 1.
    [RMXML] OOBE.xml file deleted.
    [UBREP] User.bmp replaced.
    [UPREP] User.png replaced.
    [UPREP] User-40.png replaced.
    [WXAP2] > Windows 10 User Account Picture Management Section 2.
    [UPREP] User-32.png replaced.
    [UPREP] User-48.png replaced.
    [UPREP] User-192.png replaced.
    [WXLS5] Lock Screen {img105.jpg} replaced.
    [THMMN] > Theme Management Section.
    [THMRP] Dell theme has been applied.
    [WXLS1] Log-In Background {img100.jpg} replaced.
    [TTFS0] > Transfer Theme Files Section.
    [OIFCS] System32\oobe\info folder has been created.
    [OIFCS] Required theme files transferred to System32\oobe\info folder.
    [TDYUP] > Deletion of unused MRP files.
    [BRNOK] Branding script has completed.
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager Started.
    [CMSDM] Checking BIOS for MSDM Table data.
    [CMSDM] Processing MSDM Key for Edition status.
    [CMSDM] > Show MSDM Edition and Var Information.
    [CMSDM] > Var: {R} OSVER         : 'Professional'
    [CMSDM] > Var: {W} RealEdition   : 'ProfessionalEducation'
    [CMSDM] > Var: {M} KeyEditionID  : 'ProfessionalEducation'
    [CMSDM] MSDM Key Information: Win 10 ProfessionalEducation MSDM
    [CMSDM] The MSDM key is for the Edition installed, saved and applied.
    [CMSDM] See C:\MSDM-Key.txt for the saved MSDM key details.
    [ADMVM] Detected a 'Default DMI' VMware Virtual Machine.
    [USRAC] Enhanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
    [USRAC] 'User Account Picture' registry entry applied.
    [USRRO] 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected.
    [USRD0] Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the account...
    [USRD0] Removal of 'defaultuser0' account was successful.
    [AMBMP] > Checking BIOS's mode and System drive's partition type.
    [AMBMP] BIOS Mode: Legacy, HDD Partition Type: MBR
    [AMHDC] HDD Controller Mode: AHCI
    [AMCOS] Internet Connection Check: Failed, Offline?
    [CHKLS] > Checking if Windows is activated/licensed.
    [CHKLS] License Status: Notification
    [CHKLS] Online connection or system reboot maybe required to complete activation.
    [AMUTC] UserTweaks.cmd file is present, attempting to apply.
    [AMUTC] UserTweaks completed without errors.
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager Completed.
    [CLNUP] MRP Clean Up Routine Processed.
    = Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible =
    =              to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize.   =
    Enhanced Log Mode: Deactivated.
    The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has now completed. 

    A few things may change before I release either the beta or the baseline.
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  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #1023 mxman2k, May 17, 2017
    Last edited: May 18, 2017
    The MRP 56.1 beta will be on hold for a while.

    Badly sprained my wrist today, changing a flat tyre on my car of all things. Makes typing and using the mouse quite painful.

    Some good news, have updated the Query Tool v18.0 -- it's a bit more informative , internal testing is being done then once the all clear is given i will upload it. If it not today/tonight it will be sometime tomorrow.

    Luckily 99.9% of the code changes in the QT was done yesterday and this morning, before the accident, just had to compile and send to my beta testers for checking.
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  4. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170508-R56.0 - BaseLine  [MRP/MDL]
    Required files present and extracted successfully.
    DeCompile has detected a 'VMware' VM.
    Enhanced Log Mode: Activated.
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK.
    OS Installation Time/Date: 3:43pm Wed 05/17/2017
    [CHKOV] Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview x86 version detected.
    [CHKOE] Professional Edition installed. {Registry}
    [CHKRE] Professional Detected. {WMIC}
    [CHKOB] Build Version: 16199.1000.x86fre.rs_prerelease.170513-2252
    [CHKOR] Build Revision: 1000
    [OSLNG] Edition Language/Code: en-US ( 1033 [409h] )
    [OSLNG] OS Locale:             en-US
    [OSLNG] OS Language Value:     ENU
    [MBDMI] Motherboard BIOS DMI Information
    [MBDMI] #1 CS Product Name   : [VMware Virtual Platform]
    [MBDMI] #2 CS Model Name     : [VMware Virtual Platform]
    [MBDMI] #4 CS Vendor Name    : [VMware, Inc.]
    [MBDMI] #5 CS System Name    : [VMware, Inc.]
    [MBDMI] #6 Baseboard Name    : [Intel Corporation]
    [MBDMI] #8 BIOS ID           : [DELL]
    [HDDTY] Info: Standard HDD Detected.
    [CHKLF] Rename 'System Drive' flag enabled, 'C:' changed to 'Windows_10_Pro'.
    [CKDMI] Reading DMI for manufacture information.
    [VMWCF] VMware Bios ID conflict resolution enabled. VMware resolved as Dell [#8].
    [THMOK] Dell [VMware] manufacture will be used for theme/branding.
    [BRND1] > Branding Extra Checks Section.
    [FTMNP] Force theme text file not present.
    [CHKMN] Computer Model Name: 'VMware Virtual Platform' applied.
    [BRND2] > Brand Transfer Section.
    [BGDFC] Desktop backgrounds folder created.
    [W8XAP] > Windows 8.x/10 User Account Picture Management Section 1.
    [RMXML] OOBE.xml file deleted.  
    [UBREP] User.bmp replaced.  
    [UPREP] User.png replaced.  
    [UPREP] User-40.png replaced.  
    [WXAP2] > Windows 10 User Account Picture Management Section 2.
    [UPREP] User-32.png replaced.  
    [UPREP] User-48.png replaced.  
    [UPREP] User-192.png replaced.
    [WXLS5] Lock Screen {img105.jpg} replaced.
    [THMMN] > Theme Management Section.
    [THMRP] Dell theme has been applied.
    [WXLS1] Log-In Background {img100.jpg} replaced.
    [TTFS0] > Transfer Theme Files Section.
    [OIFCS] System32\oobe\info folder has been created.
    [OIFCS] Required theme files transferred to System32\oobe\info folder.
    [TDYUP] > Deletion of unused MRP files.
    [BRNOK] Branding script has completed.
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager Started.
    [CMSDM] Checking BIOS for MSDM Table data.
    [CMSDM] Processing MSDM Key for Edition status.
    [CMSDM] > Show MSDM Edition and Var Information.
    [CMSDM] > Var: {R} OSVER         : 'Professional'
    [CMSDM] > Var: {W} RealEdition   : 'Professional'
    [CMSDM] > Var: {M} KeyEditionID  : 'Core'
    [CMSDM] MSDM Key Information: Win 10 Core MSDM
    [CMSDM] The MSDM Key is not for the Edition installed, saved only.  
    [CMSDM] See C:\MSDM-Key.txt for the saved MSDM key details.
    [ADMVM] Detected a 'Default DMI' VMware Virtual Machine.
    [USRAC] Enhanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
    [USRAC] 'User Account Picture' registry entry applied.
    [USRRO] 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected.
    [USRD0] Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the account...
    [USRD0] Removal of 'defaultuser0' account successful.
    [AMBMP] > Checking BIOS's mode and System drive's partition type.
    [AMBMP] BIOS Mode: Legacy, HDD Partition Type: MBR
    [AMHDC] HDD Controller Mode: AHCI
    [CHKLS] > Checking if Windows is activated/licensed.
    [CHKLS] License Status: Notification
    [CHKLS] Online connection or system reboot maybe required to complete activation.
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager Completed.
    [CLNUP] MRP Clean Up Routine Processed.
    = Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible =
    =              to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize.   =
    Enhanced Log Mode: Deactivated.
    The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has now completed.
  5. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I see defaultuser0 still present! Gez its about time they got that sorted, at least MRP will remove it even if m$ cant/wont. :p
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  6. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Query Tool v18.0 is now uploaded and available.

    Not a total re-write but quite a few internal code tweaks and moving sections about in a more logical way.

    Results and saved output is the same, with a bit of re-wording here and there, the main changes are within the actual script itself.

    See first post for download link and password.

    Changelog has details of most of the changes made.

    No MRP update this month, even though some work on a beta has been done prior to my injury. It can wait, the current baseline is working as it should. :)
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  7. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    MRP - OEM Query Tool v18.0 Enhanced  --  18/05/2017 -- 10:25
    Basic OEM Information For This Computer
     OS Name:                 - Windows 10 Pro Education   
     OS Architecture:         - x64
     OS Edition {Registry}:   - Professional
     OS Edition {WMIC}:       - ProfessionalEducation
     OS Language Name/Code:   - en-US ( 1033 [409h] )
     OS Locale:               - en-DE
     OS Language Value:       - ZZZ
     Processor Name/Type:     - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz
     Processor Description:   - Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9
     Processor Architecture:  - 32/64 Bit Instruction Set
     Processor Cores/Threads: - [2] / [2]
     HDD Mode/Partition type: - [AHCI] / [MBR]
     Bios Version:            - [6.00, 07/02/2012]
     Total Physical Memory:   - [5403 Mb]
     Available Memory:        - [4255 Mb]
    Scanned DMI
     #1 CSProduct Name:       - VMware Virtual Platform
     #2 CSModel Name:         - VMware Virtual Platform
     #3 CSBaseboard Prod:     - 440BX Desktop Reference Platform
     #4 CSProduct Vendor:     - VMware, Inc.
     #5 CSManufacturer:       - VMware, Inc.
     #6 Baseboard MFR:        - Intel Corporation
     #7 Serial/Service Tag:   - Not Shown On Saved Report.
     #8 BIOS ID:              - DELL
     #9 SLIC OA:              - 2.2   
    #10 Installed PID Key:    - Key Not Shown On Saved Report.
    #11 MSDM Key [OEM-DM]:    - Not Shown On Saved Report. 
    #11 MSDM Edition Info:    - Win 10 ProfessionalEducation MSDM
    #12 BIOS Mode:            - Legacy
    #13 Certificate:          - Un-Listed
    #14 License Status:       - Notification
     OEM Theme/Branding:      - Dell [id: #8]
     OEM Activation Vista/7:  - Dell [id: #8]
     Valid OEM OS:            - Vista/Win7/Win8.x/Win10 Only
    Software Licensing Description Table:
    53 4C 49 43 76 01 00 00 01 26 44 45 4C 4C 20 20 SLICv....&DELL 
    50 45 5F 53 43 33 20 20 00 00 04 06 4D 53 46 54 PE_SC3  ....MSFT
    01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9C 00 00 00 06 02 00 00 ................
    00 24 00 00 52 53 41 31 00 04 00 00 01 00 01 00 .$..RSA1........
    7F F6 C1 05 BE 5C 57 63 A5 8A 68 F3 6E 8F 06 FA .....\Wc..h.n...
    AF B4 9F 68 82 23 EC 50 40 5A 73 7F EC E4 07 CB ...h.#.P@Zs.....
    DC 25 1A 9C E3 E3 66 11 E0 A5 98 06 C5 80 0A FA .%....f.........
    42 93 86 98 E7 D5 1B D4 D7 3A A4 0B EE E2 7D BE B........:....}.
    5F 5B 15 0C AB D0 21 DE BF E9 B5 6E A4 57 B9 8C _[....!....n.W..
    0C D2 BA 3A 69 30 76 94 71 A2 64 D7 4C D8 85 BF ...:i0v.q.d.L...
    DF A5 6A C8 DC 45 D5 4D 8C B8 8C 05 2F FC 2E 23 ..j..E.M..../..#
    C4 29 C5 6F 3F 29 6C 6D 57 79 0E B6 75 ED 21 95 .).o?)lmWy..u.!.
    01 00 00 00 B6 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 44 45 4C 4C ............DELL
    20 20 50 45 5F 53 43 33 20 20 57 49 4E 44 4F 57   PE_SC3  WINDOW
    53 20 02 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S ..............
    00 00 00 00 00 00 71 0F 95 32 81 B5 93 75 2F 4F ......q..2...u/O
    2A E0 97 43 35 96 48 E0 AF 2F 16 11 8A 70 01 93 *..C5.H../...p..
    59 01 EB 6B 52 66 4D 9C 2E E7 24 8F 82 53 61 F8 Y..kRfM...$..Sa.
    C5 6C 20 8E 9F 63 F5 CF 11 B0 AC 69 DF C3 AD 45 .l ..c.....i...E
    41 32 4D 89 27 54 54 C9 F8 91 56 D0 05 B7 D6 79 A2M.'TT...V....y
    E5 0A BD 19 4C 22 75 4B 9D 1F A8 55 D4 93 2C 8D ....L"uK...U..,.
    35 FC 5A E4 1B C7 61 54 43 CB B7 52 2F CD 09 14 5.Z...aTC..R/...
    47 5B 8D 08 BC BD B8 2A 3D A8 4B 49 7C 94 BE 3D G[.....*=.KI|..=
    60 3E B7 BC 12 F5                                  `>....
    Signature           : "SLIC"
    Length              : 0x176 (374)
    Revision            : 0x1 (1)
    Checksum            : 0x26 (38)
    SLIC OA             : 2.2
    OEM ID              : "DELL  "
    OEM Table ID        : "PE_SC3  "
    OEM Revision        : 0x6040000 (100925440)
    Creator ID          : "MSFT"
    Creator Revision    : 0x1 (1)
    OEM Public Key Structure
    Length              : 0x9C (156)
    Reserved            : 0x0 (0)
    Algorithm           : 0x2400 (9216)
    MSDM Table
    MSDM Table Not Shown On Saved Report.
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  8. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    As mentioned the results/saved is the same apart from a tidy up on the Edition name bits. I guess you saw the little tweaks while it was processing :p, looks better than a blank little window.
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  9. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    Guess it's still good to check whether all processes run still flawlessly and indeed very fluid, shown output during the process looks good :good3:.
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  10. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #1031 mxman2k, May 18, 2017
    Last edited: May 18, 2017
    Thanks, @kronflux , will add it to oems.7z, had to convert to .jpg to be compatible with win7 as if you try to use a png (renamed as jpg) for wallpaper.jpg it can do some very strange things on win7. Also wallpaper.jpg must be 256kb or less.

    I think on 8.x/10 it not matter being renamed. Not actually tested if it does or not, however a renamed .bmp to .png works for the user810 user account file.

    Did search for better wallpapers for most in the oem's folder sadly the better ones had either watermarks added or other text.
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    BALTAGY MDL Guide Dog

    Dec 23, 2014
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  12. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #1033 mxman2k, May 19, 2017
    Last edited: May 19, 2017
    To keep the OEMS's.7z within a reasonable size i try to have all the wallpaper.jpg files set around 1920x1080 (HD) as most monitors are widescreen now.

    Some may look vertically stretched on the 4:3 older (square) monitors, for example: MSI one looks 'ok' on a widescreen, but on a 1024x768 Virtual machine it looks awful.

    I know there is settings in Windows to alter the scaling, Fit, Stretched, Fill etc, but it not always look 'right'. This is one reason the OEM's file is not 'locked' so that the end user can put in their own wallpapers etc.

    Wallpaper.jpg, and what from what i have read about also the BackgroundDefault.jpg that needs to be set at a maximum file size of 256kb or Windows either ignores it and uses a default picture or gives a solid color.

    On Windows 7 the file authui.dll is the culprit that controls the hard coded 256k limit. It can be patched (how to do that can be found on the net). Note that this requires a bit of skill and it is at your own risk editing system files!

    Windows 10 (possibly 8.x) also compresses the wallpaper resolution yet again (why? no idea), to tweak this to give full image quality possible a simple reg tweak can be made:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    ; Current user only.
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]
    ; All users - may not always work.
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Control Panel\Desktop]

    Or for batch (such as adding to either SetupComplete / FirstLogon / UserTweaks .cmd files):

    REM Current User:
    Reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v "JPEGImportQuality" /t REG_DWORD /d "100" /f >NUL
    REM All Users created: (may not work)
    Reg add "HKLM\Control Panel\Desktop" /v "JPEGImportQuality" /t REG_DWORD /d "100" /f >NUL
    Windows default is set at 75% give or take.

    This 'tweak' could be added into MRP so it pre-set for 100% quality but i have not added that as it is a personal choice.
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  13. steffxxx

    steffxxx MDL Novice

    Mar 16, 2013
    the password for MRP56.0_JumpingJackson_08th_May_2017.7z does not work
    the other one worked for MRPQTv18-Baseline.7z
  14. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    I've just downloaded the project and the password's working.
  15. steffxxx

    steffxxx MDL Novice

    Mar 16, 2013
    same error here, just updated 7zip but no change: "can not open encrypted archive.... Wrong password?"
    the other file worked fine
  16. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Weird, maybe your security prog is interfering somehow.
  17. maverikdj

    maverikdj MDL Novice

    Aug 13, 2012
    Hello my friends, i have this problem: i have integrated Multi-Oem in iso file ( isoroot\source\$OEM) windows 10, i have installed in mod sysprep on vhd virtual box and i have backuped it with ghost. I have recoverd it on others motherboard but when i repeat OEM rebranding with System Brand Changer, at reboot or logout user my system wont stard and i have grey screen only with cursor without image. can i resolve it? Thanks
  18. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #1039 mxman2k, May 20, 2017
    Last edited: May 20, 2017
    @steffxxx, the password is case sensitive (all capital letters no spaces and three numbers the password will change on each new release).

    The version of 7zip used to create the archives is 16.4, there is 17.x beta of 7z but i am not using that at the moment in case there is unforeseen problems unzipping during the OS setup. Although 17.x should still unzip the file(s) available on the download links.

    If the downloaded 7z file matches the HASHes then the file is intact and the password should work.
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  19. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #1040 mxman2k, May 20, 2017
    Last edited: May 20, 2017
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...