Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Shouldn't this be WIndows 10 only?
    # Enable file sharing tweak without enabling SMB v1.0 - This enables you to access network shares on a Home network. Check online for any risks.
    # Set as Yes to enable.  Default No.
    Maybe you can sort them like, "all windows" settings first and next the "windows 10 only" ones?
  2. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    It not matter as win 7/8.x has that setting already. I could make it 10 only but it should not cause any problems. If anything it will get ignored by the older OS's anyway.
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  3. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    I meant cosmetic, all in order of windows edition relevance.
  4. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    ah got ya now, oh and yes the setting is windows 10 only as it in the code block for 10 only stuff. :oops:
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  5. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #1545 mxman2k, Oct 25, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2017
    If by accident an option for Windows 8.x/10 is set and a Windows OS below 8.0 is installed it will ignore those options.

    This is a design feature so that you can have one config file for all supported OS's and any options set that are not applicable to the OS installed will not be processed.

    Have reshuffled the config ini file about so that all options applicable for any MRP supported OS's are at the top and specific ones for 8.x/10 are towards the end area.

    Also have made the explanations hopefully more informative on what the options do.

    # Config file for MRP.
    # Setting LblDrv as 1 will tell MRP auto name the System Drive with Windows_xx_yyyy {xx is Vista/7/8.x/10/Server, yyyy is Core-Pro-Ent-etc}.
    # Set as 0 {default} tells MRP not auto rename the drive.
    # Also see DriveLabel option below to override MRP automatic naming.
    # Setting DriveLabel to your own choice will rename the System Drive to your specified name, overriding the MRP automated naming.
    # Note that some characters are not permitted, check on the internet for details of what is allowed.
    # Leave this option blank with LblDrv set as 1 to use MRP's auto-rename feature. Default is blank.
    # Setting Debug to Yes will turn on enhanced Project.Log information.
    # Set to No will Disable Enhanced Log Mode, {Default setting}.
    # Place ThisPC/My Computer icon on the desktop Yes will show the icon, No {default} don't put the icon on desktop.
    # Using the ForceTheme option below works in same way as the 'Force_Theme[Readme].txt' did, you set the
    # brand and MRP attempts to use it, leave it blank to allow MRP to automate theme processing.
    # Note that using an incorrect or misspelt name for the brand will result in the Windows default theme being used.
    # Only accepts the brand names found within the OEM's.7z file. Default is blank.
    # ShowFileExt, set to Yes to show filenames with extensions ie myfile.txt or No {default} to not show extensions.
    # NoShortCutSuffix , Yes removes the -shortcut suffix from icons, No {Default} leave -shortcut reference present.
    # ###################################### Windows 8.x/10 Only Options below ########################################################
    # Set Delete confirmation for Windows 8.x/10, DelConfirm set as Yes Windows will ask for confirmation when deleting a file.
    # Default is No.
    # NoLLS set as 0 MRP will change the Lock/Log-On screens to the brand's wallpaper.jpg, {if one is present}. This is the Default setting.
    # Set as 1 tells MRP not to change the Lock/Log-In screens, use default Windows ones and not use the brand's wallpaper.jpg.
    # Windows 10 Only
    # W10TB set as Yes will tell MRP to Colorize the TitleBars, see WXTBColor for current colors allowed.
    # Change to No to not change them, {Default setting}.
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Setting WXTBColor to Grey will tell MRP to Colorize the TitleBars to Grey, {DarkGrey-Active, LightGrey-Inactive}.
    # Setting to Blue will use NavyBlue-Active, LightBlue-Inactive. This is also the default if W10TB is set as Yes and no color set here.
    # However for the moment only two Colors are working, default Blue or Grey.
    # This is only active if W10TB is set to Yes otherwise it is ignored.
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Setting HiLiteColor to Grey will tell MRP to change the HiLited text to Grey.
    # Setting HiLiteColor to Black will tell MRP to change the HiLited text to Black.
    # Default setting is the color used by the Windows theme, usually Blue.
    # However for the moment only two Colors are working, Grey or Black.
    # This is only active if W10TB is set to Yes otherwise this setting is ignored.
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Enable file sharing tweak without enabling SMB v1.0 - This enables you to access network shares which may blocked.
    # Check online for AllowInsecureGuestAuth for any security risks involved if you enable this file sharing tweak.
    # Set as Yes to enable. Default is No.
    # Note if you want to use this tweak you must type Yes {or yes}, as anything else is taken as No for security.
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Remove People icon from the taskbar. Yes to remove the icon, or No {default} to leave it present.
    # Note if you set to Yes, {to remove the icon}, then a Log-Out is required after setup to make this tweak work.
    # Also note this does not uninstall the People App.
    # Windows 10 Only
    # Prevent OneDrive from automatically installing after setup has completed.
    # Set to Yes to remove it from run/runonce, or No {default} to let it install.
    # Note this tweak does not uninstall One Drive from your computer it just prevents it from
    # automatically installing after setup has completed.
    # Windows 10 Only
    # AppsUseDarkTheme , Yes sets the Windows 10 Apps to use Dark Theme, No {Default} use White App theme color.
    # Windows 10 Only
    # OLEDTaskbar, Yes sets a more transparent Taskbar for Windows 10, No {Default} leave as Windows default.
    # End of MRP Config
    The advantage of the config file is that you can translate the comments denoted by a # to your language, the commands denoted by a : (colon), must be in English or MRP will ignore them.
    Note if you attempt to use this new ini file with the current MRP v70.0, it will ignore the new options because they are not in the main code.

    MRP 71.0 will be available towards the end of the month as new options may be added before then.

    Please note tests so far have concluded the options do work, but as always i cannot guarantee things will work 100% on all hardware/software configurations. Such as if you used tools to edit the WIM to remove certain things, or if using a 3rd party ISO that may of been edited in some way.
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    BALTAGY MDL Guide Dog

    Dec 23, 2014
    What do you guy's think about adding Disable Automatic Computer Maintenance ?

    By default, the Automatic Computer Maintenance task is configured to perform the following actions:
    1. Broken shortcuts removal. If you have more than 4 broken shortcuts in the Start menu and on the Desktop, Windows 10 will remove them. Such shortcuts usually point to executable files which do not exist any more, for example, after you delete the app's folder from Program Files manually.
    2. Desktop icons which have been unused in 3 months will be removed.
    3. System clock will be checked and synchronized with a time server.
    4. Hard disks will be checked for file system errors.
    5. The troubleshooting history and error reports which are older than 1 month will be removed.

    reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ScheduledDiagnostics /v EnabledExecution /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
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  7. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    did it on a reboot/log out? if not then m$ have changed something again :g:
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  8. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    I always do a reboot before reporting back :)
  9. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    hmm interesting :thinking: odd how it not work on this latest Insider one...
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  10. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Weird thing is, i don't see it being mentioned in the log?
  11. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    yeah i just looked it is selected in the config yet not showing on the log, like it was ignored :g: odd it must of been parsed as hi-lite before and apps dark theme was after was :g:its ok on rs3.
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  12. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #1554 mxman2k, Oct 25, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2017
    Ran my config script tester and it says Yes on PeopleBand - using an exact ini as you had , most odd.
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  13. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Used same ini contents:

    NoShortCutSuffix: Yes
    AppsUseDarkTheme: Yes
    OLEDTaskBar: Yes
    ShowFileExt: Yes
    PreventOneDrive: Yes
    RemovePeopleBand: Yes
    set ThisPC icon ON
    Enhanced Log Mode: Enabled.
    W10TB option enabled: Windows 10 Title Bars will be colorized to Grey.
    HiLite option enabled: Hi-Lited Text will be colorized to Grey.
    MRP drive rename: OFF {Using User rename drive}
    No lock screen change
      Settings Used:
    LblDrv           = [0]
    DriveLabel       = [17025_Test]
    Debug            = [Yes]
    NoLLS            = [0]
    W10TB            = [Yes]
    WXTBColor        = [Grey]
    HiLiteColor      = [Grey]
    ForceTheme       = [DIGIMIX]
    ThisPC           = [Yes]
    DelConfirm       = [No]
    EnableShare      = []
    PeopleBand       = [Yes]
    PreventOneDrive  = [Yes]
    ShowFileExt      = [Yes]
    NoShortCutSuffix = [Yes]
    AppsUseDarkTheme = [Yes]
    OLEDTaskbar      = [Yes]
    TestInfo: Force_Theme.ini created with 'DIGIMIX' added.
    [USERL] User Drive rename enabled, 'Local Disk' changed to '17025_Test'.
    Press any key to continue . . .
    Clearly shows the options used. :thinking:
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  14. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Found the glitch, it's the ONLY option i had done a test for 16299 only so it would actually ignore other versions. :oops: It was the first option i added after the original few from oobe.cmd and for some reason it was added to RS3 check only.

    Not a problem, can sort that so that if OS build is greater than 15063 (RS2) then to do the tweak. Edit Fixed.

    Another spooky thing - look at the date stamp on the beta MRP and the IP very close! :eek:
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  15. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #1557 mxman2k, Oct 25, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2017
    If not rs3+:
    NoShortCutSuffix: Yes
    AppsUseDarkTheme: Yes
    OLEDTaskBar: Yes
    ShowFileExt: Yes
    PreventOneDrive: Yes
    RemovePeopleBand: No {Not RS3 and above}
    set ThisPC icon ON
    Enhanced Log Mode: Enabled.

    If RS3 or above:
    NoShortCutSuffix: Yes
    AppsUseDarkTheme: Yes
    OLEDTaskBar: Yes
    ShowFileExt: Yes
    PreventOneDrive: Yes
    RemovePeopleBand: Yes {RS3 and above}
    set ThisPC icon ON
    Enhanced Log Mode: Enabled.

    This is the result from my config test script. It now detects if it RS3 or above and if the option is set to yes then do the reg tweak, if it below RS3 or option is No then set option to No regardless. Not that it would affect any other OS, i just like to make sure the logic is correct. MRP has been adjusted with this new logic section.
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  16. amir123

    amir123 MDL Novice

    Sep 5, 2015
  17. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Nice :)

    That's another bug sorted.:p
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