FYI: I will not be online as much due to death in family plus I have to get surgery wed of next week.
install.cmd Can Someone tell me where is the oobe.cmd with the changes i have this Spoiler @echo off :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: 'OOBE.cmd' -> 'Windows 10' • 'Windows 8.x' • 'Windows 7' • 'Windows Vista' : Sept 5|2016 :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SET RQR=REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v "ProductName"&SET INL=IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 :INSTALLS IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\decompile.exe" CALL "%windir%\Setup\scripts\decompile.exe" IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\decompile.exe" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\decompile.exe" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Install.cmd" CALL "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Install.cmd" IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\WinTel.cmd" (ECHO %DATE% %TIME% WinTel.cmd file present and applied. >>"%SystemDrive%\Project.log") >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\WinTel.cmd" CALL "%windir%\Setup\scripts\WinTel.cmd" %RQR% | findstr /I "\<WINDOWS\>" | findstr /I "\<7\>" >nul&&%INL% GOTO :CLOSE %RQR% | findstr /I "\<WINDOWS\>" | findstr /I "\<VISTA\>" >nul&&%INL% GOTO :CLOSE ::Enables f8 key for Win 8.x and Win 10 in desktops and laptops | To disable this feature for tablets put :: in front of all 5 lines below bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy >nul %RQR% | findstr /I "\<WINDOWS\>" | findstr /I "\<8\>" >nul&&%INL% GOTO :CLOSE REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Configuration Manager" /v "BackupCount" /D 2 /T REG_DWORD /F >nul REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Configuration Manager\LastKnownGood" /v "Enabled" /D 1 /T REG_DWORD /F >nul TIMEOUT /T 8 >nul :CLOSE DEL /F /Q %0% >nul if i dont remember bad the win vista y win 7 have this Spoiler @echo off ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: 'OOBE.cmd' -> 'Windows 10' • 'Windows 8.x' • 'Windows 7' • 'Windows Vista' : Jan 04|2015 : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SET EDITION=&SET CSNAME=&SET CSVENDOR=&SET SYSMODEL=&SET SYSMNF=&SET BASEPRO=&SET BASEMNF=&SET BIOVER=&SET MAN=DEFAULT&SET MAN2=&SET PIDKEY=&SET REALMAN=&SET WINVER=&SET INFO=INFO&SET LAST=LAST&SET INL=IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1&SET RESLN=&SET SLIC=SLIC&SET DM= SET OEMS=%windir%\Setup\scripts\oemscan.ini&SET RQR1=REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v "ProductName"&SET RQR2=REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v "EditionId" :OS ::check • set 'Windows OS' -> '10|8.x|7|Vista' ('findstr' -> word start|end '\<','\>') %RQR1% | findstr /I "\<WINDOWS\>" | findstr /I "\<PREVIEW\>" >nul&&%INL% SET WINVER=10&goto :BIOS %RQR1% | findstr /I "\<WINDOWS\>" | findstr /I "\<10\>" >nul&&%INL% SET WINVER=10&goto :BIOS %RQR1% | findstr /I "\<WINDOWS\>" | findstr /I "\<8\>" >nul&&%INL% SET WINVER=8&goto :BIOS %RQR1% | findstr /I "\<WINDOWS\>" | findstr /I "\<7\>" >nul&&%INL% SET WINVER=7&goto :EDITION %RQR1% | findstr /I "\<WINDOWS\>" | findstr /I "\<VISTA\>" >nul&&%INL% SET WINVER=VISTA&goto :EDITION :EDITION ::check • set 'Windows Edition' -> 'ULTIMATE|BUSINESS|PROFESSIONAL|HOMEPREMIUM|HOMEBASIC|STARTER' ('findstr' -> word start|end '\<','\>') %RQR2% | findstr /I "\<ULTIMATE\>" >nul&&%INL% SET EDITION=ULTIMATE&goto :BIOS %RQR2% | findstr /I "\<BUSINESS\>" >nul&&%INL% SET EDITION=BUSINESS&goto :BIOS %RQR2% | findstr /I "\<PROFESSIONAL\>" >nul&&%INL% SET EDITION=PROFESSIONAL&goto :BIOS %RQR2% | findstr /I "\<HOMEPREMIUM\>" >nul&&%INL% SET EDITION=HOMEPREMIUM&goto :BIOS %RQR2% | findstr /I "\<HOMEBASIC\>" >nul&&%INL% SET EDITION=HOMEBASIC&goto :BIOS %RQR2% | findstr /I "\<STARTER\>" >nul&&%INL% SET EDITION=STARTER&goto :BIOS :BIOS ::check • set 'Manufacturer Name' from 'CSPRODUCT|COMPUTERSYSTEM|BASEBOARD|BIOS' ID's -> filter 'results' via oemscan.ini for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"WMIC CSPRODUCT GET NAME /format:list"') do %INL% (set CSNAME=%%A) for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"WMIC CSPRODUCT GET VENDOR /format:list"') do %INL% (set CSVENDOR=%%A) for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"WMIC COMPUTERSYSTEM GET MODEL /format:list"') do %INL% (set SYSMODEL=%%A) for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"WMIC COMPUTERSYSTEM GET MANUFACTURER /format:list"') do %INL% (set SYSMNF=%%A) for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"WMIC BASEBOARD GET PRODUCT /format:list"') do %INL% (set BASEPRO=%%A) for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"WMIC BASEBOARD GET MANUFACTURER /format:list"') do %INL% (set BASEMNF=%%A) for /f "tokens=2 delims== " %%A in ('"WMIC BIOS GET VERSION /format:list"') do %INL% (set BIOVER=%%A) :FILTER ::check • filter 'results' ('findstr' specific list order -> word start|end '\<','\>') -> by-pass 'void|conflict' entries SET "VOID0= "&SET VOID1=To Be Filled By O.E.M.&SET VOID2=System Product Name&SET VOID3=System manufacturer&SET VOID4=Base Board Product Name :CHECK1 IF /I "%CSNAME%"=="%VOID0%" (goto :CHECK2) else IF DEFINED VOID1 IF /I "%CSNAME%"=="%VOID1%" (goto :CHECK2) else IF DEFINED VOID2 IF /I "%CSNAME%"=="%VOID2%" (goto :CHECK2) else IF DEFINED VOID3 IF /I "%CSNAME%"=="%VOID3%" (goto :CHECK2) else IF DEFINED VOID4 IF /I "%CSNAME%"=="%VOID4%" (goto :CHECK2) IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%INFO%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%CSNAME%%"') do (set MAN=%%c&goto :SETKEY) :CHECK2 IF /I "%SYSMODEL%"=="%VOID0%" (goto :CHECK3) else IF DEFINED VOID1 IF /I "%SYSMODEL%"=="%VOID1%" (goto :CHECK3) else IF DEFINED VOID2 IF /I "%SYSMODEL%"=="%VOID2%" (goto :CHECK3) else IF DEFINED VOID3 IF /I "%SYSMODEL%"=="%VOID3%" (goto :CHECK3) else IF DEFINED VOID4 IF /I "%SYSMODEL%"=="%VOID4%" (goto :CHECK3) IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%INFO%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%SYSMODEL%%"') do (set MAN=%%c&goto :SETKEY) :CHECK3 IF /I "%BASEPRO%"=="%VOID0%" (goto :CHECK4) else IF DEFINED VOID1 IF /I "%BASEPRO%"=="%VOID1%" (goto :CHECK4) else IF DEFINED VOID2 IF /I "%BASEPRO%"=="%VOID2%" (goto :CHECK4) else IF DEFINED VOID3 IF /I "%BASEPRO%"=="%VOID3%" (goto :CHECK4) else IF DEFINED VOID4 IF /I "%BASEPRO%"=="%VOID4%" (goto :CHECK4) IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%INFO%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%BASEPRO%%"') do (set MAN=%%c&goto :SETKEY) :CHECK4 IF /I "%CSVENDOR%"=="%VOID0%" (goto :CHECK5) else IF DEFINED VOID1 IF /I "%CSVENDOR%"=="%VOID1%" (goto :CHECK5) else IF DEFINED VOID2 IF /I "%CSVENDOR%"=="%VOID2%" (goto :CHECK5) else IF DEFINED VOID3 IF /I "%CSVENDOR%"=="%VOID3%" (goto :CHECK5) else IF DEFINED VOID4 IF /I "%CSVENDOR%"=="%VOID4%" (goto :CHECK5) IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%INFO%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%CSVENDOR%%"') do (set MAN=%%c&goto :SETKEY) :CHECK5 IF /I "%SYSMNF%"=="%VOID0%" (goto :CHECK6) else IF DEFINED VOID1 IF /I "%SYSMNF%"=="%VOID1%" (goto :CHECK6) else IF DEFINED VOID2 IF /I "%SYSMNF%"=="%VOID2%" (goto :CHECK6) else IF DEFINED VOID3 IF /I "%SYSMNF%"=="%VOID3%" (goto :CHECK6) else IF DEFINED VOID4 IF /I "%SYSMNF%"=="%VOID4%" (goto :CHECK6) IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%INFO%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%SYSMNF%%"') do (set MAN=%%c&goto :SETKEY) :CHECK6 REG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SystemInformation" /v "SystemManufacturer" | findstr /I "\<VMware\>" >nul&&%INL% goto :SETKEY REG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SystemInformation" /v "SystemProductName" | findstr /I "\<VirtualBox\>" >nul&&%INL% goto :SETKEY IF /I "%BASEMNF%"=="%VOID0%" (goto :CHECKOUT) else IF DEFINED VOID1 IF /I "%BASEMNF%"=="%VOID1%" (goto :CHECKOUT) else IF DEFINED VOID2 IF /I "%BASEMNF%"=="%VOID2%" (goto :CHECKOUT) else IF DEFINED VOID3 IF /I "%BASEMNF%"=="%VOID3%" (goto :CHECKOUT) else IF DEFINED VOID4 IF /I "%BASEMNF%"=="%VOID4%" (goto :CHECKOUT) IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%INFO%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%BASEMNF%%"') do (set MAN=%%c&goto :SETKEY) :CHECKOUT IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%SLIC%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%BIOVER%%\>"') do (set MAN=%%c&goto :SETKEY) :SETKEY ::set 'genuine' activation -> use bios version id (if detected), bios may be modded|shared (ie.'Dell PC' - bios mod 'ACRSYS-Acer'; etc) -> ('findstr' -> word start|end '\<','\>') IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%SLIC%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%BIOVER%%\>"') do (set MAN2=%%c) IF /I "%MAN%"=="DEFAULT" REG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SystemInformation" /v "SystemManufacturer" | findstr /I "\<VMware\>" >nul&&%INL% SET MAN=VMWARE IF /I "%MAN%"=="DEFAULT" REG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SystemInformation" /v "SystemProductName" | findstr /I "\<VirtualBox\>" >nul&&%INL% SET MAN=VBOX IF /I "%MAN2%"=="GATEWAY" IF /I "%MAN%"=="EMACHINES" SET MAN2=EMACHINES&goto :SERIAL IF /I "%MAN2%"=="ACER" IF /I "%MAN%"=="EMACHINES" SET MAN2=EMACHINES&goto :SERIAL IF /I "%MAN2%"=="ACER" IF /I "%MAN%"=="GATEWAY" SET MAN2=GATEWAY&goto :SERIAL IF /I "%MAN2%"=="ACER" IF /I "%MAN%"=="PBELL" SET MAN2=PBELL&goto :SERIAL IF /I "%MAN2%"=="HP" IF /I "%MAN%"=="COMPAQ" SET MAN2=COMPAQ&goto :SERIAL IF /I "%MAN2%"=="LENOVO" IF /I "%MAN%"=="IBM" SET MAN2=IBM&goto :SERIAL IF NOT DEFINED MAN2 SET MAN2=%MAN%&goto :SERIAL :SERIAL ::scan 'oemscan.ini' once with the provided 'Manufacturer|OS|Edition' -> if not matched, set the manufacturer (serial) to 'DEFAULTOEM' (Acer) & try again -> ('findstr' -> word start|end '\<','\>') IF /I "%WINVER%"=="10" GOTO :WIN810 IF /I "%WINVER%"=="8" GOTO :WIN810 IF NOT DEFINED WINVER GOTO :BRANDING IF NOT DEFINED EDITION GOTO :BRANDING IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "\<%%EDITION%%\>" ^| findstr /I "\<%%MAN2%%\>"') do (echo %%a | findstr /I "\<%WINVER%\>" >nul &&%INL% set PIDKEY=%%d) IF NOT DEFINED PIDKEY set REALMAN=%MAN2%&set MAN2=DEFAULTOEM&goto :SERIAL IF /I "%MAN2%"=="DEFAULTOEM" set MAN2=%REALMAN% :ACTIVATION ::create 'OEM Certificates' for 'VISTA|WIN7' IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "CERT" ^| findstr /I "\<%%MAN2%%\>"') do (set CERTID=%%c) IF DEFINED CERTID IF NOT EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates" MD "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates" >nul IF DEFINED CERTID ECHO.%CERTID%>"%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%MAN2%.XRM-MS" IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "CERT" ^| findstr /I "\<%%MAN2%%2\>"') do (set CERTID2=%%c) IF DEFINED CERTID2 ECHO.%CERTID2%>"%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%MAN2%2.XRM-MS" IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "CERT" ^| findstr /I "\<%%MAN2%%3\>"') do (set CERTID3=%%c) IF DEFINED CERTID3 ECHO.%CERTID3%>"%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%MAN2%3.XRM-MS" IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "CERT" ^| findstr /I "\<%%MAN2%%4\>"') do (set CERTID4=%%c) IF DEFINED CERTID4 ECHO.%CERTID4%>"%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%MAN2%4.XRM-MS" IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "CERT" ^| findstr /I "\<%%MAN2%%5\>"') do (set CERTID5=%%c) IF DEFINED CERTID5 ECHO.%CERTID5%>"%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%MAN2%5.XRM-MS" IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "CERT" ^| findstr /I "\<%%MAN2%%6\>"') do (set CERTID6=%%c) IF DEFINED CERTID6 ECHO.%CERTID6%>"%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%MAN2%6.XRM-MS" IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "CERT" ^| findstr /I "\<%%MAN2%%7\>"') do (set CERTID7=%%c) IF DEFINED CERTID7 ECHO.%CERTID7%>"%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%MAN2%7.XRM-MS" IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "CERT" ^| findstr /I "\<%%MAN2%%8\>"') do (set CERTID8=%%c) IF DEFINED CERTID8 ECHO.%CERTID8%>"%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%MAN2%8.XRM-MS" IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "CERT" ^| findstr /I "\<%%MAN2%%9\>"') do (set CERTID9=%%c) IF DEFINED CERTID9 ECHO.%CERTID9%>"%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%MAN2%9.XRM-MS" IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "CERT" ^| findstr /I "\<%%MAN2%%10\>"') do (set CERTID10=%%c) IF DEFINED CERTID10 ECHO.%CERTID10%>"%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%MAN2%10.XRM-MS" IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "CERT" ^| findstr /I "\<%%MAN2%%11\>"') do (set CERTID11=%%c) IF DEFINED CERTID11 ECHO.%CERTID11%>"%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%MAN2%11.XRM-MS" IF EXIST %OEMS% for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %%a in ('type %OEMS% ^| findstr /I "CERT" ^| findstr /I "\<%%MAN2%%12\>"') do (set CERTID12=%%c) IF DEFINED CERTID12 ECHO.%CERTID12%>"%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%MAN2%12.XRM-MS" ::create 'activate.cmd' -> 'CALL' -> from 'OOBE.cmd' for 'WIN7' or 'SetupComplete.cmd' for 'VISTA' (echo @echo off & echo. & echo :ACTIVATE & echo ::apply serial:: & echo cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs -ipk %PIDKEY% ^>^nul & echo ::apply certificate ^& 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc, if available:: echo IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%MAN2%.XRM-MS" for /f "tokens=*" %%%%A in ^('DIR /B "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%MAN2%*.XRM-MS"'^) DO ^( echo cscript //nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs -ilc "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\%%%%A" ^>^nul^) & echo IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\oemscan.ini" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\oemscan.ini" ^>^nul echo IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates" DEL /S /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates\*.*" ^>^nul ^&^& RD /S /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Certificates" ^>^nul) >"%windir%\Setup\scripts\activate.cmd" IF /I NOT "%WINVER%"=="VISTA" GOTO :OOBE ::'VISTA only' check 'SetupComplete.cmd' exists -> 'NO' rename|edit 'activate.cmd' -> 'YES' -> edit existing 'SetupComplete.cmd' IF NOT EXIST %windir%\Setup\scripts\SetupComplete.cmd (move /Y %windir%\Setup\scripts\activate.cmd %windir%\Setup\scripts\no4.txt >nul (echo RD /S /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts" ^>^nul & echo DEL /F /Q %%0%% ^>^nul) >%windir%\Setup\scripts\no3.txt copy /b %windir%\Setup\scripts\no4.txt+%windir%\Setup\scripts\no3.txt %windir%\Setup\scripts\SetupComplete.cmd >nul & del /F /Q %windir%\Setup\scripts\no4.txt >nul %windir%\Setup\scripts\no3.txt >nul ) ELSE (Type %windir%\Setup\scripts\SetupComplete.cmd | findstr /I /V /C:"@echo off" >%windir%\Setup\scripts\no2.txt && del /F /Q %windir%\Setup\scripts\SetupComplete.cmd >nul (echo @echo off & echo. & echo IF EXIST %windir%\Setup\scripts\activate.cmd CALL %windir%\Setup\scripts\activate.cmd ^>^nul ^&^& DEL /F /Q %windir%\Setup\scripts\activate.cmd ^>^nul) >%windir%\Setup\scripts\no1.txt copy /b %windir%\Setup\scripts\no1.txt+%windir%\Setup\scripts\no2.txt %windir%\Setup\scripts\SetupComplete.cmd >nul & del /F /Q %windir%\Setup\scripts\no1.txt >nul %windir%\Setup\scripts\no2.txt >nul) GOTO :BRANDING :WIN810 %windir%\Setup\scripts\Rw.exe /STDOUT /NoLogo /command="ACPI Dump MSDM;RwExit" >".\msdm.log" for /f "Skip=1 tokens=2 delims= " %%A in ('find "-" %windir%\Setup\scripts\msdm.log') do (set DM=%%A) IF NOT DEFINED DM GOTO :MSDMLOG cscript //B %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk %DM% >nul cscript //B %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /ato >nul :MSDMLOG IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Rw.exe" reg delete "HKCU\Software\Rw.exe" /f >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Rw.exe" reg delete "HKCU\Software\RW-Everything" /f >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Rw.exe" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Rw.exe" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\msdm.log" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\msdm.log" >nul GOTO :BRANDING :OOBE ::check • apply created 'activate.cmd' -> from this 'OOBE.cmd' IF EXIST %windir%\Setup\scripts\activate.cmd cd /d %windir%\Setup\scripts\ && CALL "activate.cmd" >nul IF EXIST %windir%\Setup\scripts\activate.cmd DEL /F /Q %windir%\Setup\scripts\activate.cmd >nul :BRANDING ::check • set 'MAN=?' -> if exist 'Force_Theme_[readme].txt' || edit brand '.reg file' -> if installing 'Starter' Edition cd /d %windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\ && for /r %%G in (.) DO IF EXIST %%G\Force_Theme_[readme].txt DEL /F /Q %%G\Force_Theme_[readme].txt >nul &&set MAN=%%~nG IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Force_Theme_[readme].txt" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\Force_Theme_[readme].txt" >nul IF /I NOT "%EDITION%"=="STARTER" GOTO :CONTINUE IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\%MAN%.reg" (cd /d %windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\ >nul & Type %MAN%.reg | findstr /I /V "InstallTheme" >STARTER.reg && MOVE /Y "STARTER.reg" "%MAN%.reg" >nul) :CONTINUE ::finalize branding|theme IF NOT EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\%MAN%.reg" goto :TRANSFERS start /w regedit /s "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\%MAN%.reg" && DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\%MAN%.reg" >nul for /f "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS" /v SystemProductName') DO %INL% set SYSPDT=%%B IF NOT DEFINED SYSPDT (goto :TRANSFERS) else IF DEFINED VOID1 IF /I "%SYSPDT%"=="%VOID1%" (goto :TRANSFERS) else IF DEFINED VOID2 IF /I "%SYSPDT%"=="%VOID2%" (goto :TRANSFERS) else IF DEFINED VOID3 IF /I "%SYSPDT%"=="%VOID3%" (goto :TRANSFERS) else IF DEFINED VOID4 IF /I "%SYSPDT%"=="%VOID4%" (goto :TRANSFERS) else IF DEFINED VOID5 IF /I "%SYSPDT%"=="%VOID5%" (goto :TRANSFERS) reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation" /f /v "Model" /t REG_SZ /d "%SYSPDT%" >nul :TRANSFERS ::check • screen resolution -> movements|actions %windir%\Setup\scripts\MultiMonitorTool.exe /HideInactiveMonitors 1 /stext %windir%\Setup\scripts\monitor.txt for /f "tokens=2,3 delims=,: " %%i in ('type %windir%\Setup\scripts\monitor.txt ^| find /i "Right-Bottom"') do (set RESLN=%%iX%%j) IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\MultiMonitorTool.exe" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\MultiMonitorTool.exe" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\monitor.txt" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\monitor.txt" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\%RESLN%.jpg" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.jpg" >nul && MOVE /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\%RESLN%.jpg" "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.jpg" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\%RESLN%.jpg" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" >nul && MOVE /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\%RESLN%.jpg" "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" REN "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" "BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.bak" >nul && DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\*.jpg" >nul & REN "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.bak" "BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.jpg" REN "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.jpg" "WALLPAPER.bak" >nul && DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\*.jpg" >nul & REN "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.bak" "WALLPAPER.jpg" >nul :TRANSFER1 ::check • 'Vista' -> movements|actions IF /I NOT "%WINVER%"=="VISTA" goto :TRANSFER2 IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\backgrounds" cd /d %windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\ && RD /S /Q "backgrounds" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.jpg" REN %windir%\Web\Wallpaper\img24.jpg img24.bak && COPY /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.jpg" "%windir%\Web\Wallpaper\img24.jpg" >nul :TRANSFER2 ::check • 'Win8.x and Win 10' -> movements|actions IF /I "%WINVER%"=="VISTA" GOTO :TRANSFER3 IF /I "%WINVER%"=="7" GOTO :TRANSFER3 IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\USER.bmp" MD "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account" >nul && MOVE /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\USER.bmp" "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" >nul IF EXIST "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" REN "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.bmp" "user.bmp.bak" >nul && COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.bmp" >nul && COPY /Y "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.bmp.bak" "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\original.bmp" >nul IF EXIST "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" REN "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.png" "user.png.bak" >nul && COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.png" >nul IF EXIST "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" REN "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user-40.png" "user-40.png.bak" >nul && COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user-40.png" >nul IF EXIST "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" REN "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user-200.png" "user-200.png.bak" >nul && COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Account\user.bmp" "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user-200.png" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\OOBE.xml" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\OOBE.xml" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\*.theme" TAKEOWN /F "%windir%\Resources\Themes\*.theme" >nul & ICACLS "%windir%\Resources\Themes\*.theme" /reset /T /Q >nul & ICACLS "%windir%\Resources\Themes\*.theme" /grant:r "%windir%\Resources\Themes\*.themeOI)(CI)F" 2>nul & REN "%windir%\Resources\Themes\aero.theme" theme3.theme >nul & MOVE /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\*.theme" "%windir%\Resources\Themes\aero.theme" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Web\Screen\img100.jpg" TAKEOWN /F "%windir%\Web\Screen\*.jpg" >nul & ICACLS "%windir%\Web\Screen\*.jpg" /reset /T /Q >nul & IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" MD "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\LockScreen" >nul && MOVE /Y "%windir%\Web\Screen\img100.jpg" "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\LockScreen\original.jpg" >nul && COPY /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\LockScreen\LockScreen.jpg" >nul && COPY /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" "%windir%\Web\Screen\img100.jpg" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Web\Screen\img100.png" TAKEOWN /F "%windir%\Web\Screen\*.png" >nul & ICACLS "%windir%\Web\Screen\*.png" /reset /T /Q >nul & IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" MD "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\LockScreen" >nul && MOVE /Y "%windir%\Web\Screen\img100.png" "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\LockScreen\original.png" >nul && COPY /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\LockScreen\LockScreen.jpg" >nul && COPY /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\Backgrounds\BACKGROUNDDEFAULT.jpg" "%windir%\Web\Screen\img100.png" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.jpg" MD "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Desktop" >nul && COPY /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\WALLPAPER.jpg" "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$\Desktop\Desktop.jpg" >nul IF EXIST "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$" MOVE /Y "%systemdrive%\$%MAN%$" "%windir%\$%MAN%$" >nul ::Enables f8 key for Win 8.x and Win 10 in desktops and laptops | To disable this feature for tablets put :: in front of the line below bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy >nul :TRANSFER3 ::check • 'Windows OS' -> movements|actions IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\USER.bmp" MOVE /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\USER.bmp" "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.bmp" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\*.theme" MOVE /Y "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\*.theme" "%windir%\Resources\Themes\$OEM$.theme" >nul IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\*.*" MD "%windir%\system32\oobe\info" 2>nul & for /f "delims==" %%F IN ('dir "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\%MAN%\*.*" /s /b') DO MOVE /Y "%%F" "%windir%\system32\oobe\info" 2>nul cd /d %windir%\Setup\scripts\ IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's" DEL /S /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's\*.*" >nul && RD /S /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\OEM's" >nul IF /I "%WINVER%"=="VISTA" GOTO :CLOSE IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts\oemscan.ini" DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\oemscan.ini" >nul :CLOSE ::finished -> remove 'scripts' dir ('RunOnce' Reg entry) -> self delete 'OOBE.cmd' (echo @echo off & echo. & echo IF EXIST "%windir%\Setup\scripts" RD /S /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts" ^>^nul & echo DEL /F /Q %%0%% ^>^nul) >"%windir%\Cleanup.cmd" reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v !Clean /t REG_SZ /d "%windir%\Cleanup.cmd" /f >nul Timeout /T 8 >nul DEL /F /Q %0% >nul
Would have been nice to use a spoiler. There is no need for anyone to edit the script anymore to avoid issues. Plus it has all been compressed to save space. Note: Working on fix for win10 anniversary build login background not applying. Requires logoff in order for setting to hold. Update: Almost done testing. Mr.X is buying the beers today.
Ok, after much testing I found out that the win10 login background image is in user profile of registry, not the system. If end user wishes to add image it is saved under that specific user, not the system. In other words if no password and you are starting the machine, you will see system blue background. Once at desktop user can sign off and then see oem login background image. Its tied to the user to change the user profile image but system will always show default on restart or startup. M$ is forcing the blue background in win10, like win8.x but in win10 the user profile can be changed to show any pic but only once signed in and they sign off. Win10 system default login background is blue but user profile can be changed. Guess it is somewhat an improvement over win8.x but still fully enabled customization of login background. It is what it is. Soon we nor oem's wont be able to customize anymore. Update: Going to see if win8.x "user profile" login background can be changed as well. I am curious... That's a no go. So I made sure the reg entry isnt applied for win8.x where in earlier release it was, by mistake. Didnt hurt anything but still. I corrected logoff not running.
I tried to logoff and login after i finished installing just to test and login background not removed yet after installing drivers and installing software now with many restarts I will try to logoff and login with every laptop to test if it will stick or not
If you go to sign off then it will show. If you do two normal restarts without signing off then it will revert back to blue system background. Anytime you sign off it will be there, now for sure because there was a bug in it that I noticed. Corrected now though. It's tied to the user not the system but in win8.x we didnt have that choice so I guess this is an improvement. lol I am doing final testing now to make sure everything is working. Once completed I will upload for everyone.
First post updated 9-9-2016. See change log for details. Also included notes about win8.x and win10 "user" login background image on first post.
Seems to be specific for kms solutions here at mdl. Something isnt right and M$ is picking up on it. I did two restarts and it showed blue screen again but on third restart it showed oem image. Seems its checking online or something and kicking it out if kms isnt correct. Think the kms devs will have their hands full on this one. All we can do is wait for them to update them. Even though it says activated, something is different with win10 anniversary versions. Without kms I did 5 restarts and it holds. This tells me something to do with kms. Update: If using kms solutions here at mdl with this project the login image background will get kicked out after second restart. This has something to do with kms and M$ seeing it or somthing isnt right with kms. I have tested without any activation method and the login background image stays put no matter how many restarts so I do not have to update the project again. We are good.
Been using this project for years, first start with searchengine but a question I came up with today.. How can I use this with Windows Server and deployment? Im having a Server 2012 R2 set up as my deployment server with Windows 10 and W7 images but Id like to run this as well..
Server editions are not supported for many reasons. Even searchengines old project did not include server editions because of the pita to employ it.