What kind of partitions did it create? And what kind of partitions does your installed final Win 10 Enterprise Disk have?
When I select multi-boot it wipes all disk to create recovery partition. I can't create multiple recovery partition for each volume on same disk. How did you do that murphy?
Lost the previous versions of this script and had to start from scratch. Thanks for the new updated version. Anyway possible you can update the install instructions to build this into a WinPE 10 1511. Thanks for all you do.
Murphy78 did tell me this by pm: Extract the cabs and place the exe in "windows\system32" and the mui in "windows\system32\en-us".
Hello murphy ! I have a error here : Code: :IMAGESELECTION SET INDEX= CLS ECHO =============================================================================== ECHO =============================== INDEX SELECTION =============================== :Display-Indexes :s1ave77's dism get-wiminfo loop. Thx s1ave77! :Just swapped the findstr for a find /i "" so I wouldn't need to add findstr to the distribution TYPE X:\IMAGELIST.TXT ECHO. ECHO ========================== SELECT INDEX OR Q TO EXIT ========================== :DONT USE NESTED SET /P command, use goto: with errorlevel to avoid if desired SET INPUT= SET /P INPUT="Please select an Index Number or Q to exit to the Main Menu: " IF NOT DEFINED INPUT GOTO :IMAGESELECTION IF /I '!INPUT!'=='Q' ( SET FASTSETUP=0 GOTO :MAINMENU ) SET INDEX=!INPUT! In INDEX SELECTION the script say have no index available, but if I tape 1, the script show the index correctly
Yes, sorry. I made the instructions when it was designed for single index ADK only and edited it poorly some other time. I think I've cleared the instructions up on that part.
The only thing I can think of is that it cannot create the text file that lists the setup indexes for some reason. You are using this from boot setup, correct?