My digital life invite only!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Dragy2k, Feb 6, 2010.

  1. Dragy2k

    Dragy2k MDL Novice

    Mar 16, 2009
    would this forum be served better by an invite only system ....maybe keep the spam to a minimum ??
  2. ancestor(v)

    ancestor(v) Admin
    Staff Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    We're not going to try becoming an "elite community"...spam is something we can deal with. MDL is sharing knowledge as an open community...and just prevent some people from feeling cool because they're member of something "great"...
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  3. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    It's not a way to prevent spam. To prevent spam (human) you have to ban the affected member. A invited member could spam also. To prevent automatic spam bots you may use plugins (not available for vbulletin 4.0 so far) or to rename the register.php and its calls since all bots are looking for it...:D

    Other forums are using invitations to get an elite touch. I'm sure that MDL wouldn't be that great forum if it would work by invitations.

    MDL is great, because anybody can come to here. You don't have to register to read, you even can use the links to download, they are not hidden.
    If you watch the forum statistics you'll notice that the ratio of members / guests is about 10-20%, which means the majority are guests. Also you'll notice that the ratio active members to registered members is about 12%.

    That means:

    Every member here started to be a guest, he noticed about MDL, read some posts, had an idea or an request and was free to register. Most of them wanted to request for a mod or had just a question. You would have to invite somebody, he would post, the post got replied and he will disappear (88%)! Just more work for us to do!

    Free knowledge for all is the great source for inspiration. The members of MDL are doing great work, we have got a lot of experts. Most of them had a look at MDL and were inspired by MDL. They registered, not being sure what will happen....they became a Biosmodder, a tool's expert or just enthusiastic.

    A invitation procedure would constrain the power of MDL.
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  4. pkaji123

    pkaji123 MDL Addicted

    Aug 22, 2009
    Well Said Yen,As You said These are the facts that had made MDL a Great Forum...
    This is the Only site Which I visit Daily F,or each & every free time..
  5. secr9tos

    secr9tos MDL Addicted

    Jul 28, 2009
    Very well spoken Yen!

    This was exactly the way I got here. No really, I totally agree with you Yen, rep +1 as a sign of respect.
  6. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Thank you very much...I know about MDL forums because I'm here since the very first time...I started at another forum (Kez, Name: Agnoia), but they didn't support bios enthusiastic members...then my first post being Yen: 1624

    I just have described my own way...I guess every enthusiastic MDL member has had a similar way to here......88% of our members are only a short time here..12% stay a longer time and love MDL....when I started I cooperated with Chinese members of other forums...Zhaoliang taught me a lot...I wanted to provide anything I knew about bioses to share the enthusiastic feeling I have got......
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