New Vista WGA out?

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by dragonfire665, May 28, 2009.

  1. dragonfire665

    dragonfire665 MDL Senior Member

    Sep 17, 2008
    Ok i was reading some thread on other sites and they are talking about MS re-releasing the WGA KB940510, now i do not know if this is true and if it already took affect. It is suppose to stop all Softmod and Vista Loader (which i am using, Loader 2.1.2) i kno i have done some updates lately but i have read all carefully and seen no KB940510 and my Vista it still activated, but i am wondering if MS is using a different name? are they inputting it within SP2? (which i have yet to update)

    N if everything is a big NOOOOOO, should i update to SP2? i mean everything is fine with SP1 but as always, the latest your patches the better your Software will run. But i am worry that if i update to SP2 my Vista Loader 2.1.2 will not work anymore. Any suggestions
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  2. urie

    urie retired mod

    May 21, 2007
    Yes request a bios mod:) will save you a lot of hastle in the long run:D
  3. dragonfire665

    dragonfire665 MDL Senior Member

    Sep 17, 2008
    no offense URIE but ill like to stay away from moddin my bios, is a risky trick and there is only one solution, either it works or doesnt, so with that, i kinda will like to stay with Softmod, is just about the same and less risky n i kno URIE u can agree with me on that, but heck im still learnin but sooner or later if it comes to that then by all mean i might have to. But i also wonder how Win 7 will be? if is worth the buy ill buy it, but again lets get back to Vista
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  4. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    340 true!;)
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  5. urie

    urie retired mod

    May 21, 2007
    No offence taken :) why don't you take a risk and install sp2 no one can tell you what will happen on your setup everyone's machine is different, your only other real option if you don't want hastle with WGA and loaders is buy vista :eek: Then you will need to buy seven also. We don't know but can only hope when seven goes RTM it uses SLIC also same as vista.
  6. dragonfire665

    dragonfire665 MDL Senior Member

    Sep 17, 2008
    U r completely right there URIE very well said and played, i guess im goin to have to take the risk and see what happens, but man i would be so upset if i made a stupid mistake (but yet again it will be my mistake, either buy it or deal with the issues of getting thins free) is like they always say, just cuz is free it doesnt mean is great lol.

    But i am lookin forward to 7, its comin along pretty well n interesting piece of software. So i guess im goin to play Russian roulette with my Vista lol
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  7. HMonk

    HMonk MDL Addicted

    Nov 3, 2008
    Backup, apply updates, roll back if necessary

    Two points Dragon . . .

    Not speaking for or against modding or modders, you are wise to avoid BIOS modding unless you are reasonably sure of what you are doing (understand the process) and the outcome. While I tinker with modding my own machines if needed, you may have noticed that I do not involve myself in modding threads because I do not know enough to avoid causing folks to brick their systems.

    Secondly, I harp on the wisdom of backing up your system; indeed, I have burdened you with that advice. In the matter now under consideration I should think you could rest easy by first creating an image backup of your OS partition, then, if you find that Win Update surreptitiously installs a "troublesome" update that compromises your OS, simply restore your stable image.

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  8. dragonfire665

    dragonfire665 MDL Senior Member

    Sep 17, 2008

    trust me when i say this, i back the heck out of my system due to my many and many problems with it before which u are more aware than anyone else, thanks to Acronis, it does it all by itself, once per week, it creates a complete image of my system over writing the last one created and it makes me very happy that it does it that way, it takes a load of my back and also gives me a great peace of mind and once again all thanks to ur many advises
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  9. crypto

    crypto MDL Member

    Nov 3, 2008
    #9 crypto, May 28, 2009
    Last edited: May 28, 2009
    I have tested Vista Loader v2.1.3 (same as v2.1.2, but shows no boot strings) on Windows Server Standard 2008 with SP2 integrated.
    Activated fine, without any problems. :D

    This means SP2 doesn't see anything wrong with the loader.

    If Vista gets deactivated after installing SP2, that means SP2 installation has changed the boot sector to point directly to "bootmgr" instead of "grldr".
    This is easily fixed by running Vista Loader again, or simply by running the "bootinst.exe" file (found inside Vista Loader) with the following command:

    bootinst.exe /nt60 C:

    (where C: is the drive where Vista is installed)

    This will update the boot sector and point to the grub loader (grldr) again.
  10. dragonfire665

    dragonfire665 MDL Senior Member

    Sep 17, 2008

    Niiiiiiiiiiiiceeeeeeeeeeeee but here is my issuis u have server standard and i dont, will it matter?
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  11. 911medic

    911medic MDL Guru

    Aug 13, 2008
    #12 911medic, May 28, 2009
    Last edited: May 28, 2009

    The biggest problem with the vista loaders is the recurrent inactivation. I know of at least one bios that has been tested with your system. Flashing bios is not for most people, this is why M$ will always go after the soft mods, besides the obvious ease of detection. If you dont mind reinstalling the bootloader from time to time, possibly reinstalling Vista, and possibly fixing the MBR at times, then the bootloader is for you. There is just the potential of failure with both, but guaranteed with a loader if you update your machine.

    I lean toward the bios mods for myself, but I understand the alternative; and the concern about bricking boards. I would say to pay attention and pick a bios that some brave soul has tested already..but only when you are ready and have weighed the alternatives. research and education is king in my world..:p

    Plus, the new tools we have make it very difficult to break your bios..:D

    Good luck!!!!
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  12. FuzzyMaster

    FuzzyMaster MDL Member

    Jun 21, 2007
  13. crypto

    crypto MDL Member

    Nov 3, 2008
    #14 crypto, May 28, 2009
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
    Vista Loader changes the boot sector only. It doesn't touch the Master Boot Record at all.

    The original boot sequence is:
    BIOS > MBR > Partition boot sector > OS boot loader (bootmgr)

    Vista Loader changes this boot sequence by changing the boot sector.
    Instead of pointing directly to bootmgr, it will point to the grub loader (grldr), which will then call bootmgr.

    The boot sequence becomes like this:
    BIOS > MBR > Partition boot sector > Grub loader with SLIC (grldr) > OS boot loader (bootmgr)

    This is done with a modified tool from Microsoft (bootsect.exe).
    You can easily restore the boot sector to its original state, by using the original tool (included with Vista Loader as 'bootrest.exe').

    The command is the same one used with 'bootinst.exe':

    bootrest.exe /nt60 C:

    No need for that since you can easily restore and modify the boot sector. :D

    As I said before, SP2 may revert the boot sector to its previous state, and thus break activation. But this is easily fixed as I already explained.

    I seriously doubt this.
    Windows 7 will most likely require new SLIC tables, new certificates and new product keys.
  14. FuzzyMaster

    FuzzyMaster MDL Member

    Jun 21, 2007
    I can see MS requiring OEMs to use new certs & PIDs, but considering the pressure on MS & OEMs to get W7 out the door well before Black Friday (in plenty of time for Xmas shoppers), new SLICs seems a little less likely especially since it means new BIOSs....

    ....but this is all speculation anyways....just a few more months to see what they will actually do....:)
  15. crypto

    crypto MDL Member

    Nov 3, 2008
    #16 crypto, May 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017
  16. FuzzyMaster

    FuzzyMaster MDL Member

    Jun 21, 2007
    So that pretty much means that the simplest solution is new OEM PIDs only.

    But if they have to use new SLICs (with new certs), which would mean lots of work for the MDL community, doesn't that also pose problems for legitimate OEM customers?
  17. crypto

    crypto MDL Member

    Nov 3, 2008
    #18 crypto, May 29, 2009
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
    That would be a free lunch. And we all know there's no such thing as a free lunch. :(
    I hope I'm wrong, though.

    How so? :confused:

    OEM customers who bought a computer with Vista pre-installed and pre-activated, only paid for a Vista license, not Windows 7.

    If they want Windows 7, they will have to buy it: either the full product or the upgrade version. These will have to be activated online or by phone.
    The OEM has nothing to do with this, since it never sold a Windows 7 license.

    The only way to get Windows 7 pre-installed and pre-activated is by buying a new OEM computer with a Windows 7 license.
  18. urie

    urie retired mod

    May 21, 2007
    Having to buy new oem computer with windows 7 may not be stricktly true i know when i bought my dell machine i had choice of xp or vista but i can still activate both with OEM disk hopefully if machine is not that old a model there will be bios update with slic for windows seven also:)
  19. zort

    zort MDL Expert

    Feb 19, 2008