OEM Recovery Partition Creator for Windows

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by AnarethoS, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    Change the default image before capturing manually by replacing original in its native location, not through any windows settings which are part of the current user registry. ;)
  2. 0x24

    0x24 MDL Novice

    Aug 4, 2017
    #3102 0x24, Jan 29, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2018
    You can set the wallpaper for the Administrator account, and then add <CopyProfile>true</CopyProfile> to unattend.xml. Reboot with %windir%\system32\sysprep\sysprep /oobe. The changes you've made to the default user account will be copied to all future users.
  3. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Hi everyone. I juste "re-published" 4.1.0. The software itself is unchanged but I have recompiled all EXE that I made. Virus Total was tagging them. I put some more informations (copyright, description, etc.) in them and signed them with self-signed certificate and they are now clean.

    If you don't have currently any problem, don'T waste your time :)
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  4. Tard

    Tard MDL Novice

    Jan 5, 2012
    TYVM!! :)
  5. 0x24

    0x24 MDL Novice

    Aug 4, 2017
    Any idea why <CopyProfile> isn't working? I'm trying to set a default wallpaper like sciblue above.
  6. Flipp3r

    Flipp3r MDL Guru

    Feb 11, 2009
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  7. Chibi ANUBIS

    Chibi ANUBIS MDL Chibi Developer

    Apr 28, 2014
    What is this new command line ? :
    CMD.EXE /C REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore /v AutoDownload /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f
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  8. aj84

    aj84 MDL Novice

    Jan 10, 2017
    #3109 aj84, Feb 20, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2018
    Thank you very much for this - I have spent weeks looking for an easy solution and while I found a couple of tools, it just did not tick all the boxes - namely free. In our case, we need to now start rolling every repaired laptop out with a recovery partition and paying for a licence per laptop was just not feasible especially as the end user would not be paying this back...times that by 100+ laptops a month...you get the point.

    I tried your solution out on 3 laptops yesterday and so far it does work almost as expected albeit they were only on W7 laptops.

    I have a few questions and I apologise if these have been answered already but 156 pages...I got lost after a while while search was not bringing up what I was after.

    1. Is there a way to get it to display a "press Fx to recover" or whatever? At the moment F7 works but only because I know it's F7. It would be good to get text to appear maybe for 1-2 seconds before Windows automatically boots up.
    2. In the w7 case, entering the F7 recovery menu is dependant on a user account existing and the end user knowing the password. If for instance someone bought a laptop, went through OOBE, created an account and wants to recover it only to find they've lost the password. Unlikely but just a scenario example. I don't think there is a way as even if an account is created prior to creating the restore image, sysprep will remove it.

    3. With the provided autoattend.xml file, I noticed

    <cpi:eek:fflineImage cpi:source="wim:c:/win7%2032bit/sources/install.wim#Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM

    Can this line be removed/ignored? I am assuming it does not install Home Premium flavour as I'm sure yesterday this was done on a W7 Pro and a W7 home premium laptop with both accepting the keys on the COA

    I'll be testing this on a W8 and W10 laptop tonight so fingers crossed but so far I'm very happy with the solution -I will most likely be building a number of USB sticks each with an OS + recovery folder on it so it's ready to use as the laptops go out
  9. Chibi ANUBIS

    Chibi ANUBIS MDL Chibi Developer

    Apr 28, 2014
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  10. silekonn

    silekonn MDL Junior Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Hello all. I reword some of the text as I feel is best. No offense intended. In example, the difference between a system recovery and 'System Restore' might be considered large. One question. In the last line of the following, should it have two semicolons or one as the original had? T. I. A.

    LanguageName = English

    TextOption1Group = Computer Repair
    TextOption2Group = Computer Backup

    TextOption10 = I want to repair my computer
    TextOption10Help = Different tools to repair and reinstall Windows
    TextOption10Title = Launch the Windows Recovery Environment?
    TextOption10Question = You are about to launch the Recovery Environment which can help you repair or reinstall Windows.;;Do you want to launch the Recovery Environment?;;(Your computer will reboot)

    TextOption11 = I want to create recovery media for my computer
    TextOption11Help = Allows you to create recovery media for your computer
    TextOption11Title = Launch recovery media creator?
    TextOption11Question = You are about to launch the recovery media creator.;;Recovery media can help you repair or reinstall Windows if your installation becomes unusable. The recovery media can also reinstall Windows on a new drive.;;Do you want to launch the tool?;;(An USB drive will be required)

    TextOption12 = I want to revert changes made to my computer
    TextOption12Help = Go back in time to revert changes made to your computer settings
    TextOption12Title = Launch System Restore?
    TextOption12Question = You are about to launch the System Restore tool which can help you revert changes made to your computer, such as updates or drivers.;;Do you want to launch System Restore?

    TextOption20 = I want to back up my files
    TextOption20Help = Configure files backup
    TextOption20Title = Launch file history?
    TextOption20Question = You are about to launch the file history tool which can help you configure a backup of your important files.;;A regular backup is highly recommended.;;Do you want to launch file history?

    TextOptionUsbGroup = Media Creator

    TextOptionUsbLine1 = This tool will format a USB drive (max. 32GB) and copy recovery files to it.
    TextOptionUsbLine2 = You will be able to use the USB drive to reinstall Windows in the future.
    TextOptionUsbLine4 = Please select your drive

    TextOptionUsbSpaceTitle = Not enough space
    TextOptionUsbSpace = The specified drive is too small. Please use a drive that can hold at least
    TextOptionUsbUnit = GB

    TextUsbCreatorStep1 = Preparing drive
    TextUsbCreatorStep2 = Updating recovery tools
    TextUsbCreatorStep3 = Copying recovery files
    TextUsbCreatorStepError = An error occurred. Process aborted.
    TextUsbCreatorStepWaiting = Please wait...

    TextRecoveryGroup = Windows repair

    TextRecoveryOption10 = Reinstall Windows
    TextRecoveryOption10Help = This will reinstall Windows on the computer
    TextRecoveryOption10Title = Reinstall Windows?
    TextRecoveryOption10Question = This will reinstall Windows on the computer. ;;All data on the primary drive will be lost. ;;Continue?

    TextRecoveryOption11 = Repair Windows
    TextRecoveryOption11Help = This will launch the repair tools for the computer
    TextRecoveryOption11Title = Repair Windows?
    TextRecoveryOption11Question = This will launch the Recovery Environment tools to help you repair Windows. ;;Continue?

    TextRecoveryStep1 = Preparing drive
    TextRecoveryStep2 = Copying files
    TextRecoveryStep3 = Installing windows
    TextRecoveryError = An error occurred. Process aborted.
    TextRecoveryWaiting = Please wait...

    TextRecoveryDoneTitle=Recovery completed
    TextRecoveryDone=Recovery completed. ;;Please remove the recovery drive.
  11. prasanta

    prasanta MDL Novice

    Jan 3, 2018
    hello sir please provide me a solution. i try to use your tool while installing win 7 on my 6th gen notebook, first i can not directly boot from usb second after following all the step to create installion media with recovery tools 4.08 when i build the iso and burn it on dvd i can not boot. pls provide some solution
  12. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Thanks... but for which one ? Windows 7 ? Windows 8 ? Windows 10 ?

    Not the same file for all.
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  13. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Exactly. When Apps-store uoto-update for a user account, it may break the Sysprep procedure. Normally the updates for the user account should be automatically deleted but sometime it fails.

    Now, I disable that from the XML file and re-enable it during the Sysprep process.
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  14. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    1) No, detection of the key press in built into the M$ bootloader. And this option is only available Under Windows 7.

    2) If you have forgot all users account password, you will have tu use a password reset Tools to blank some passwod before running the recovery Tools OR use the recovery media created. You should always create a recovery media. Alos, yes, all local accounts created are normally deleted during Sysprep.

    3) This is just an identifier that has Nothing to do with the current installed version of Windows. Event my Windows 10 XML file have that.
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  15. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    You will have to give me a lot morin information than that if you whant any help.

    First, what to you mean you cannot boot from USB media? Can you give me a full listing of all files on the installation media you used?

    Also, give me the listing of all files on the first DVD media you created.

    Have any screenshot of the error?

    Which version of Windows? In which mode did you installed it ? GPT ? UEFI ? 32 or 64 bits ?
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  16. silekonn

    silekonn MDL Junior Member

    Mar 5, 2011
  17. NJN

    NJN MDL Novice

    Feb 25, 2018
    #3118 NJN, Mar 4, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2018

    Since 8 days I look at your impressive tool.
    I am surprised that microsoft did not hire you ....

    I would like to put my post in French, because you seem to master it,
    accompanied by his Google's Translation ..

    By testing the tool on virtual machines, Windows 7, MBR, I

    encountered a limitation related to the size of the Recovery partition, which

    does not allow to store a "heavy" config. So I wanted to increase his

    size from 12000 to 60000 kb.
    I was able to edit the fonts that you note on page 9 of the manual.
    "AutoUnatted.xml": 2 entries modified.
    "ReCreatePartitions.txt": not found
    "ResetConfig.xml" not found
    "SettingsRE.txt" Found no changes

    On the other hand I found in ResetPartitions.txt an entry that I


    Everything goes well until:
    ">Treatment of sYSPREP Plug-ins of the cleaning phase =>
    "A serious error occurred while running SYSPREP on

    the computer ".
    At reboot: Scanning files and directories,% capturing progress.
    Capture done. Computer ready for end-user. Do not forget to run the

    Fullrestore.cmd script .... reboot
    Fixed screen on the installation program starts the services.

    Track? Solution?

    Other question The default size of the RECOVERY partition is 11.72

    Go, What is the maximum acceptable size of the installation partition


    Thank you in advance, and sorry if I open doors ...

    In French...

    Depuis 8 jours je me penche sur votre impressionnant outil.
    Je suis étonné que microsoft ne vous ai pas embauché....

    Je me permets de mettre mon post en français, car vous semblez le maitriser, accompagné de sa Google's Traduction..

    En testant l'outil sur des machines virtuelles, Windows 7, MBR, j'ai rencontré une limitation liée à la taille de la partition de Recovery, qui ne permet pas de stocker une config "lourde". J'ai donc voulu augmenter sa taille de 12000 à 60000 ko.
    J'ai pu modifier les fichiers suisvants que vous notez en page 9 du manuel.
    “AutoUnatted.xml”: 2 entrées modifiées.
    “ReCreatePartitions.txt”: non trouvé
    “ResetConfig.xml” non trouvé
    “SettingsRE.txt” Trouvé pas de modifs

    Par contre j'ai trouvé dans ResetPartitions.txt une entrée que j'ai modifiée.

    Tout se passe bien jusqu'à:
    Traitement des Plug-ins sYSPREP de la phase de nettoyage =>
    "Une erreur grave s'est produite lors de l'execution de SYSPREP sur l'ordinateur".
    Au reboot: Scanning files and directories, % capturing progress.
    Capture done. Computer ready for end-user. Don't forget to run the Fullrestore.cmd script.... reboot
    Ecran fixe sur le programme d'installation démarre les services.

    Piste? Solution?

    Autre question La taille par défaut de la partition de RECOVERY est de 11.72 Go, Quelle est la taille maximale acceptable de la partition d'installation correspondante?

    Merci par avance, et désolé si j'enfonce des portes ouvertes...
  18. mehdibleu

    mehdibleu MDL Expert

    Jun 14, 2017
    #3119 mehdibleu, Mar 4, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2018
    who knows ? he is already working for MCST :p
    i agree, his tool is IMHO one of the greatest tools i've ever seen until now, it is quite impressive, i tested it for win7 and it worked like a charm, you can sysprep as much as you want and all your application remain intact even after reinstalling windows. it is pretty much similar as the factory reset that you are doing when needed from a machine that you buy with pre instatted win7.

    i think he made a mistake in the documantation as both of these files (ReCreatePartitions.txt" and "ResetConfig.xml") are not present for win7 installation, they are present for win10 installation.
    SettingsRE.txt file is not needed for the recovery size change.
    So i think that all you have to do is doing the size change that you need for recovery in both of these files (autounattend.xml and ResetPartitions.txt) and it should work.
  19. Flipp3r

    Flipp3r MDL Guru

    Feb 11, 2009
    "ReCreatePartitions.txt" and "ResetConfig.xml" are a feature of the Windows 10 recovery.
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