Hello, excuse my bad English. ^^ I make a Win10Pro ISO (ESD not WIM) with NTLite with integratet all Updates. I downloaded the Office 2019 Retail with all Updates with the CMDs (YAOCTRI / YAOCTRU). Then i open my Win10Pro ISO with UltraISO and copy my Folder "$OEM$" in "sources" - it is like "$OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts". In "Scripts" Folder i copy the "Office" Folder which was downloaded from YAOCTRI/U and also "C2RR_Config_20200416-1608.ini" + "YAOCTRIR_Installer.cmd" and "SetupComplete.cmd". In "SetupComplete.cmd" i have this: Code: @Echo off call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\YAOCTRIR_Installer.cmd" Is this right?
You can compare it with this: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/office-2019-integration-iso-win-10.80608/#post-1560529
I have seen this post, i am Sorry, but i do not check how. I have Office 2019 x64 (only) and i want only install - after install i will manualy activate with my orig. Key. I'm confused - there are two Codes, do i have to make two CMDs or write all in the SetupComplete.cmd... i have no Plan Can you write me what i have to do step by step or make me the Files i need so i can download it?
I have in the Folder "$OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts" the following Folder and Files: Office (folder) C2RR_Config_20200416-1608.ini SetupComplete.cmd - with the code: Code: @Echo off call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\YAOCTRIR_Installer.cmd" YAOCTRIR_Installer.cmd Then i have a Textfile with this Code: Code: Folder PATH listing for volume Constellation_2TB Volume serial number is ccxxxx J:. \---$oem$ \---$$ \---Setup \---Scripts | C2RR_Config_20200416-1608.ini | SetupComplete.cmd | YAOCTRIR_Installer.cmd | \---Office \---Data | v64.cab | v64_16.0.12624.20466.cab | \---16.0.12026.20264 i640.cab i641031.cab s640.cab s641031.cab stream.x64.de-DE.dat stream.x64.x-none.dat Is the code right and how to name the file and save as what... cmd, ini or...? NTLite makes a SetupComplete.cmd - with the code: Code: @echo off del /q /f "%0" What to do with this?
@Qu1goN Yes it's correct but make sure C2RR_Config_20200416-1608.ini is set for AutoInstallation=True del /q /f "%0" delete SetupComplete.cmd keep it at last line or remove it
Sorry, you need to have 5 posts before you can save or post content containing links. Why?? ^^ But now i have 5 and i edit the Post before.
You onlu need those lines Code: @echo off call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\YAOCTRIR_Installer.cmd" del /q /f "%0" put $oem$ folder inside sources folder in the iso, not at root
Oh ok only this.. thank you very much. I will try it now and report Ok, thx. What does this: del /q /f "%0" ?
@ all - Thank you very much. It works, i try it in a VM. You are heroes Now i will look, how to intergrate other Software. For example WINRar inkluded the Reg-File or FireFox etc..
I try this but it will not install WINRar ^^ Code: @echo off call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\YAOCTRIR_Installer.cmd" call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\WinRar_v5.90d_64bit.exe /s" del /q /f "%0"
Check here: [REPO/HOW-TO/CHAT] Audit/Sysprep/Generalize; Setupcomplete/Firstlogon; Silent Install with call you call an external script, not install an exe. start /wait .....
Please, I have in the Folder "$OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts" a premade "SetupComplete" which contains the following code: @echo off powercfg /setactive 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c powercfg /change -monitor-timeout-ac 0 powercfg /change -disk-timeout-ac 0 powercfg /h off regedit /S "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\copy.reg" regedit /S "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\OEMInfoSample.reg" label %SystemDrive% Grimbahir.Win10.2004 "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\activation.exe" silent "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\StartIsBackCfg.exe" /install /elevated /silent" /f "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\VisualCppRedist_AIO_x86_x64.exe" /ai msiexec /i "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files\7z1900-x64.msi" /qb rd /q /s "%WINDIR%\Setup\Files" del /q /f "%0" exit my question is : Where can i put the code " @echo off call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\YAOCTRIR_Installer.cmd" inside the premade setupcomplete.cmd Thanks in advance.
Because before i insert the code, the "setupcomplete.cmd" worked perfectly and all the commands included were executed. After i inserted the code, all became a mess except the office installation (it works well)
Inserting the code doesn't have any relation to using an install.esd or an install.wim, you are using a $OEM$ folder inside the sources folder, doesn't have any relation to install.wim or .esd.