Hi! Installed office 365 on my old laptop running windows 8.1 or 8 cant quite remember, did the usual with volume conversion and then kms activate, all in the program but then when i launch office it says i got a non legit office version, what changed I haven't gotten this message before using this software.
Hey when I open start_setup.cmd it says: Stopping services "ClickToRunSvc" and "Windows Search"... Copying new ClickToRun installer files... then nothing happens, trying to install office 2016 and 2019 on win7 x64. Know any solution? Thanks.
@skeleton11223 : Mixture of Office builds 2016 & 2019 is not a very good idea. Clear system with OfficeScrubber and try again using one Office version (either 2016 OR 2019, but not both!)
I did not mix them, only tried 2016 because 2019 didn't work but they both still do nothing even after I used office scrubber and rebooted.
Also I got lots of blank screens of command prompt, is it normal? I am running Office 21, does it support it?
@zucrin... just a thought.. but just maybe you could you could post hashes of your uploaded files (a principle adopted by a number of members here inc. @abbodi1406 and @Enthousiast) at least users/members here will then have the reassurance that the files haven't been ammended/corrupted in any way... from posting to receipt, and at that point have a real choice (to use or not to use, that is...)
@zucrin Is there a date stamp when every version comes out. What date was version 3.0? Not an issue, just wondering.