I find this very confusing, maybe it's just me lol but i didn't want to install visio or project. Set Visio 2021 Install (Enter - Continue / # - Install). So how do I NOT install Visio or Project?
Don't find it confusing Do you want to install ? Meaning This is set to not install, would you like to change it ? No. İ want to move next item. Press enter. @maxama123 # meaning any key Press k - press # Will do the same job
Fact: OfficeRTool is light years ahead of what is was. It has significantly improved. Keep up the great work, its a master peice.
I admit. I did some changes, Some of them - were not so good, But reverted back and remove them later. It's happened to everyone. Since we are human. And humans make errors. Now, it's stable and works just fine. No need to throw salt on the wand, Just look forward. And not repeat Them.
How to create offfline ISO for Current Office 2021 Professional Plus Retail + Visio Pro 2021 Retail + Project Pro 2021 Retail ?. I cannot found the option selection for the Office 2021 Professional Plus Retail, only 2021 VL?
@Dark Dinosaur Thanks, currently using Office Tool Plus to do it, if I may know are there any specific reasoning behind you cannot support 2021 Retail?. Is there any plan to support it?
that is how it was before, and I don't have a plan to change it. the reason behind this is simple. you cant activate the retail products, with the KMS solution.
This will be a better option? [it will accept any key] Code: set "hMenu_D=Enter-Skip/D-Disable" set "hMenu_I=Enter-Skip/I-Install" set "hMenu_S=Enter-Skip/S-Select"
In addition, do not repeat the hint for each request, but put it on a separate line before displaying a answers.
since abbody1604 latest kms vl update, I learned a few things. the original error was: Script run in a sandbox/limited environment. which is not always the case - in the next version, this will be a new error. Spoiler: C_O_D_E Code: set tmpX= call :query "AddressWidth" "Win32_Processor" for /f "tokens=1 skip=3 delims=," %%g in ('"2>nul type "%temp%\result""') do set "tmpX=%%g" if not defined tmpX ( cls echo: echo #### ERROR:: WMI FAILURE echo: echo [1] The WMI repository is broken echo [2] winmgmt service is not working echo [3] Script run in a sandbox/limited environment echo: >nul timeout 2 /nobreak goto:TheEndIsNear ) And also fix the check if the Scripting host is disabled Spoiler: C_O_D_E Code: for %%$ in (HKCU, HKLM) do ( set "WSH_%%$=" %MultiNul% reg query "%%$\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v "Enabled" && ( for /f "tokens=*" %%# in ('"reg query "%%$\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v "Enabled" | more +2"') do ( set "wsh_val=%%#" if "!wsh_val:~21!" EQU "0" set "WSH_%%$=SET" ) ) ) for %%$ in (HKCU, HKLM) do ( if defined WSH_%%$ ( %MultiNul% REG DELETE "%%$\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /f /v Enabled || ( cls echo. echo ERROR ### Windows script host is disabled echo. if not defined debugMode pause exit /b ) ) ) My new latest code. will check for Winmgmt service, and set it to 0x2 if necessary also check if windows scripting host is not disabled also validate that we receive a value from WMI query Spoiler: Latest Code Code: for %%$ in (HKCU, HKLM) do ( set "WSH_%%$=" %MultiNul% reg query "%%$\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v "Enabled" && ( for /f "tokens=*" %%# in ('"reg query "%%$\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v "Enabled" | more +2"') do ( set "wsh_val=%%#" if "!wsh_val:~21!" EQU "0" set "WSH_%%$=SET" if /i "!wsh_val:~24!" EQU "0x0" set "WSH_%%$=SET" ) ) ) for %%$ in (HKCU, HKLM) do ( if defined WSH_%%$ ( %MultiNul% REG DELETE "%%$\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /f /v Enabled || ( cls echo #### ERROR:: WMI FAILURE echo: echo - Windows script host is disabled echo: >nul timeout 2 /nobreak goto:TheEndIsNear ) ) ) 2>nul reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winmgmt" /v "Start" | >nul find /i "0x4" && ( %MultiNul% reg ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winmgmt" /f /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d 0x2 || ( cls echo: echo #### ERROR:: WMI FAILURE echo: echo - winmgmt service is not working echo: >nul timeout 2 /nobreak goto:TheEndIsNear ) ) set wmi_CHECK= call :query "AddressWidth" "Win32_Processor" for /f "tokens=1 skip=3 delims=," %%g in ('"2>nul type "%temp%\result""') do set "wmi_CHECK=%%g" if not defined wmi_CHECK ( cls echo: echo #### ERROR:: WMI FAILURE echo: echo - The WMI repository is broken echo - winmgmt service is not working echo - Script run in a sandbox/limited environment echo: >nul timeout 2 /nobreak goto:TheEndIsNear )