When I connect my external HDDs to my desktop, then they get the power supply from that computer. To use these HDDs (f.e. when travelling) in combination with a TABLET, they will need their own power supply. Is there anything that I can buy and use for that purpose? Thanks, TM
Thank you, but I think you misunderstand my question. I use some 1TB external HDDs for storage, which I connect to my my desktop by connecting them via a normal USB cable, when I need something (like a movie) that is stored there. To connect to a tablet however requieres that these HDDs are externally powered.... so that is what I need "a tool" for.
As John told you... you need an external HDD enclosure to place the drives into, they have it set up for power once it's in the enclosure. For 3.5 drives you plug it into the wall and for 2.5 drives you use the usb's for power Please explain what types of external drives you want to connect to your tablet, and whether or not your tablet provides usb ports
I would tend to think that a tablet would work much better using a cloud service instead of lugging external drives, wall warts and usb cables and such, Kinda defeats the purpose of a tablet if you need a bunch of extra stuff. If you really need to use that external drive, then a laptop would better suit your needs (imho)
Have you thought about a wireless HD ? I have a Seagate on specifically for use in streaming music/films etc to my tablet.......