Thx. If I cancel the installation in VMWare and restart, then I see in Windows that it has been installed. But something is disturbing the process of the installation in VMWare.... I tested the Office installation with the script under a running Windows and it is installed. The two screenshots (the setup and the cmd in my Post before) are closed when the installation is finished, but at the end a window remains open (see screenshot) - might that interfere with the silent installation? No idea... Is the SourcePath = "" relevant? It's not empty in my file. There is the path where I created the file. But then the .ini comes into the Windows ISO. So I ask. Can I leave it like that or does it have to be empty?
to run the script try: Code: start "" YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd If Office folder and YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd are in the same path SourcePath can be set to "" It is useful in my case because I use a deferent method of those described on this thread to install applications All applications are stored in standalone installers made with SFXMaker
Here is my (xxxxx stands for my username): Spoiler: ini [configuration] SourcePath="C:\Users\xxxxx\Desktop\O" Type=Local Version=16.0.13029.20344 Architecture=x64 O32W64=0 Language=de-DE LCID=1031 Channel=Monthly CDN=492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60 Suite=ProPlus2019Retail ExcludedApps=Groove,Teams UpdatesEnabled=True AcceptEULA=True PinIconsToTaskbar=False ForceAppShutdown=True AutoActivate=False DisableTelemetry=True DisplayLevel=True AutoInstallation=True Spoiler: Tree Code: Office Data 16.0.13029.20344 stream.x64.x-none.dat C2RR_Config_20200816-1013.ini YAOCTRIR_Installer.cmd call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\Programme\YAOCTRIR_Installer.cmd" is what i used and before it works.
I do not understand how this can be installed because for me there is a problem with SourcePath If the Office folder is in the same place as YAOCTRIR_Installer.cmd SourcePath should be SourcePath="%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\Programme"
I don't know, but it works. It has always worked so far and I have never changed anything on the path. Maybe the path isn't really relevant. YAOCTRIR_Installer.cmd and Office are in the same place. And as already mentioned, the installation runs through (under Windows). At the end the window stays open. I don't know if that interferes with the VM installation. I also don't know anymore, if the window stayed open with the earlier installations. Will continue to test ^^
This is what works for me: Content of $OEM$ folder or "install.wim\windows\setup\scripts": Code: \---$$ \---Setup \---Scripts | C2R_Config_20191002-1242.ini | SetupComplete.cmd | YAOCTRI_Configurator.cmd | YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd | \---Office \---Data | | | \---16.0.12130.20344 stream.x86.x-none.dat Content of setupcomplete.cmd: Code: @echo off call "%WinDir%\Setup\Scripts\YAOCTRI_Installer.cmd"
It works. But the window (screenshot) always opens and stays open. Is it possible that it can be closed automatically?
I found it. To hide all windows (only the command prompt will be shown in taskbar and after install it closes automatically) you have to change in the .ini file the option "choose DisplayLevel" to ="None" like this: DisplayLevel=None
Great info as usual. if...else do goto... Add this to the top of "SetupComplete.cmd" Code: @echo off set LOGFILE="%SystemDrive%\custom Windows setup.log" call :LOG > %LOGFILE% exit /B :LOG Tested on W7, it seems to log everything. On W10 i had more stuff added and it didn't LOG everything. This line seems more complete >> Code: @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion ( at the end of SetupComplete.cmd add >> call %~dp0KMS_VL_ALL_AIO.cmd /s /a ) > "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\SetupComplete.log" 2>&1 SHUTDOWN /R /T 5 rd /q /s "%WINDIR%\Setup\Scripts" exit If someone knows best way, pls do post
This is an Example of my SetupComplete.cmd - can you add and post it again pls? Code: @echo off REM Modified by Addonkopierer - START REM Windows-Version=x64 for %%x in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%x:\sources\install.wim set DVD=%%x: start /wait %DVD%\Addons\ROExAdd64.exe "LogonUI" "1-LogonUI.cmd" "" "Installiere_Addons" start /wait %DVD%\Addons\ROExAdd64.exe "Office19" "YAOCTRIR-Installer.cmd" "Installiere_Addons" start /wait %DVD%\Addons\ROExAdd64.exe "VBCRedist" "VBCRedist.exe" "/VERYSILENT /LANG=de" "Installiere_Addons" start /wait %DVD%\Addons\ROExAdd64.exe "RegTweaks" "3-RegTweaks.cmd" "" "Installiere_Addons" REM Modified by Addonkopierer - ENDE del /q /f "%0"
These are the options of YAOCTRI for display (from the Reference-C2R_Config.ini): Code: ; to run installation silent, change below to False DisplayLevel=True None doesn't seem to exist, if the reference file still is accurate) As i've shown, no cmd should be shown with the INI settings only, in my old test, i showed, i even set display to true and it still didn't show any window when office got installed by setupcomplete. Creating a new ISO with the latest office and yaoctri version, to test.
heya fellas it comes up ova & ova that using a oem windos key stops setup from runnin & anyway round that ? edit: well duh ntlite seems 2 have a checkbox 2 do it anybody know hiw it works ?
Use an ei.cfg like this one, and it will allow to run oobe.cmd and setupcomplete.cmd scripts: Code: [Channel] _Default [VL] 0
i deploy with dism i thought ntlite did 2 ? edit: im an dumb marsupial i was thinkin of winntsetup the whle time not ntlite still same problem tho - dism /image:<blah> /set-productkey <oem key> will not run setupscripts ?
Jeez I know I'm a bit late in replying but I use a Firstlogon.cmd that's setup in my unattend.xml (C:\Windows\Panther\unattend.xml). Code: <FirstLogonCommands> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <Order>1</Order> <CommandLine>C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd</CommandLine> <Description>Please wait...</Description> </SynchronousCommand> </FirstLogonCommands>
np dude & thanx never ocurred 2 me 2 just feed it synchronouscommand's here hav a tasty fish 4 ur trouble
This setupcomplete Code: @Echo off cd /d "%~dp0" REM WinRAR "Apps\winrar-x64-601d.exe" /S cd /d "%SystemRoot%\Setup\" if exist "%SystemRoot%\Setup\Scripts\" @RD /S /Q "%SystemRoot%\Setup\Scripts\" exit /b I want to add theme.reg and tweaks.hklm.reg and KMS_VL_ALL_AIO to steupcomplete Is there anyone to help me? theme.reg: tweaks.hklm.reg: