I think the point is that nobody is getting this except the people targeted, and they're not sharing. It does us little good to constantly talk about why don't we get update blahblahblah when nobody can get it in the public.
Microsoft warned from the very first Windows 10 announcement that the preview was an unfinished version of its operating system and although it could seem very reliable and stable, this shouldn’t be installed on production machines.
Sometimes things are just too simple to understand for some people. Many don't understand and think that this is another OS from MS and why doesn't it work with their stuff. Pre-Alpha, Beta, RTM all mean the same thing to them
This is super frustrating. I know the builds are out there and they are free. Only I can't have it. S*cks!
Yes I know they are out there too. But I have yet been able to download. Seen them on Technet after they sent me a news letter.
technet is about to close doors quite soon so they do not send out letters any more. When does your acc expire if any?
I'm just guessing, but I think the "major" updates will happen on a monthly basis. Halloween could bring us a trick or a treat. I'm hoping for the latter.
Not sure if it will happen that regularly (would be indeed interesting). At least it's a good test for the new Upgrade option via Windows Update.
one of these days i've got to make some time to read the first post from cover to cover. don't want to see all that hard work go to waste as i'm sure i can learn a few things from it.
If you followed the Discussion and the Findings thread you'd know the most. Trying to collect the valuable info with a comfortable Menu for navigation as that info drowns mostly inside those threads.