We're hearing a new Windows 10 build is likely to go live today, we'll keep you updated here neow.in/1t8jbqP
Microsoft has released new updates for the Windows Technical Preview a little earlier than they may have wanted, as the updates require a build currently unavailable to the public. Updates KB3008956, KB3008968 and KB3008931 all require build 9860 to be installed. As of writing, Microsoft is yet to push any new Technical Preview build.
Just checked on the VM using the Start Menu -> Windows Update Settings (UI2 app) -> Check for preview builds (think that was it) Nothing atm, but who knows? If so many people are suggesting that it'll go up today, maybe it'll be worth re-checking a lot. I will be curious if upgrading to the newer builds changes cert status, hosts files, or service settings. This may be the best time to figure out what method is best for future-proof privacy mode.
I think MS does the updates starting at 12 pm eastern time. Additional Comment: Only update was for Windows Defender.