I don't have any clue as to what could be causing the problem then. Next time that you do a clean install I can give you the exact sequence that I am using if you want.
Thanks, works nicely on a new en-US Ultimate install, option number 3 (Vista+Server 2008) but I selected first the native Vista updates and then the Server 2008 ones. Also I could switch to Greek by downloading it via Windows Update. Question, could it work on a Greek install if it could be switched to English first by installing the language pack from the multilanguage ISOs? Code: en_fr_de_es_windows_vista_sp2_language_pack_x64_dvd_342425.iso en_fr_de_es_windows_vista_sp2_language_pack_x86_dvd_342424.iso
Windows Update will not work Server 2008 updates do not contain any Greek lang resources for WU components
So the best course of action for languages not listed in first post (must be the languages Server 2008 is available I think) is to install en-us version then after updating to the latest, switch to the desired display language?
KB4015195 keeps saying "The update does not apply to your system". I know it's the correct architecture.
You can try to force install en-US and then ResHack en-US MUIs with "custom" strings and dialogs from MUI file equivalent from language pack or other Windows version (if match strings ids etc.) This is from my Vista2ESD update for Windows Update, it will install en-US files on unsupported languages. Require Vista SP2 mounted install.wim and DISM from Windows 7 or 8.0. I'm using 8.0 DISM Code: REM Get Windows default language reg load HKLM\TEMPNTUSER "%IMAGE%\Users\Default\ntuser.dat" >nul for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%i in ('reg query "HKLM\TEMPNTUSER\Control Panel\International" /v "LocaleName"') do set SLLP=%%i reg unload HKLM\TEMPNTUSER >nul REM KB901037 Microsoft Update dism /image:"%IMAGE%" /add-package /packagepath:"%~dp0updates\extracted\WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX-%ARCH%\update.mum" dism /image:"%IMAGE%" /add-package /packagepath:"%~dp0updates\extracted\WUClient-SelfUpdate-Aux-TopLevel-%ARCH%\update.mum" dism /image:"%IMAGE%" /add-package /packagepath:"%~dp0updates\extracted\WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-TopLevel-%ARCH%\update.mum" reg load HKLM\TempSoftware "%IMAGE%\windows\system32\config\Software" >nul reg add "HKLM\TempSoftware\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Services\Pending\7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d" /v "ClientApplicationID" /t REG_SZ /d "My App" /f >nul reg add "HKLM\TempSoftware\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Services\Pending\7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d" /v "RegisterWithAU" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f >nul reg add "HKLM\TempSoftware\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update" /v "EnableFeaturedSoftware" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f >nul reg unload HKLM\TempSoftware >nul REM SSU dism /image:"%IMAGE%" /add-package /packagepath:"%~dp0updates\extracted\Windows6.0-KB4493730-%ARCH%\update.mum" REM SSU 10-2021 dism /image:"%IMAGE%" /add-package /packagepath:"%~dp0updates\extracted\windows6.0-KB5006750-%ARCH%\update.mum" REM SHA-2 Update dism /image:"%IMAGE%" /add-package /packagepath:"%~dp0updates\extracted\Windows6.0-KB4474419-v4-%ARCH%\update.mum" REM Windows Update from KB4474419 if "%ARCH%" == "x64" ( set "WUID=434" ) else ( set "WUID=369" ) if "%SLLP%" == "cs-CZ" ( set "WULPID=2" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "de-DE" ( set "WULPID=3" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "es-ES" ( set "WULPID=5" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "fr-FR" ( set "WULPID=6" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "hu-HU" ( set "WULPID=7" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "it-IT" ( set "WULPID=8" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "ja-JP" ( set "WULPID=9" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "ko-KR" ( set "WULPID=10" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "nl-NL" ( set "WULPID=11" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "pl-PL" ( set "WULPID=12" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "pt-BR" ( set "WULPID=13" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "pt-PT" ( set "WULPID=14" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "ru-RU" ( set "WULPID=15" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "sv-SE" ( set "WULPID=16" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "tr-TR" ( set "WULPID=17" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "zh-CN" ( set "WULPID=18" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "zh-HK" ( set "WULPID=19" ) else if "%SLLP%" == "zh-TW" ( set "WULPID=19" ) else ( REM en-US set "WULPID=4" ) set "WUFILE=package_%WUID%_for_kb4474419~31bf3856ad364e35~%ARCH2%~~" set "WULPFILE=package_%WULPID%_for_kb4474419~31bf3856ad364e35~%ARCH2%~~" if not exist "%IMAGE%\Windows\servicing\Packages\%WUFILE%" ( REM Windows Update engine ren "%~dp0updates\extracted\Windows6.0-KB4474419-v4-%ARCH%\%WUFILE%" "%WUFILE%.bak" findstr /v /i "parent ServerCore" "%~dp0updates\extracted\Windows6.0-KB4474419-v4-%ARCH%\%WUFILE%.bak" >"%~dp0updates\extracted\Windows6.0-KB4474419-v4-%ARCH%\%WUFILE%" dism /image:"%IMAGE%" /add-package /packagepath:"%~dp0updates\extracted\Windows6.0-KB4474419-v4-%ARCH%\%WUFILE%" takeown /F "%IMAGE%\Windows\servicing\Packages\%WUFILE%" /A >nul 2>nul icacls "%IMAGE%\Windows\servicing\Packages\%WUFILE%" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F >nul 2>nul copy "%~dp0updates\extracted\Windows6.0-KB4474419-v4-%ARCH%\%WUFILE%.bak" "%IMAGE%\Windows\servicing\Packages\%WUFILE%" >nul 2>nul icacls "%IMAGE%\Windows\servicing\Packages\%WUFILE%" /setowner "NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller" >nul 2>nul icacls "%IMAGE%\Windows\servicing\Packages\%WUFILE%" /grant:r *S-1-5-32-544:RX >nul 2>nul del "%~dp0updates\extracted\Windows6.0-KB4474419-v4-%ARCH%\%WUFILE%" ren "%~dp0updates\extracted\Windows6.0-KB4474419-v4-%ARCH%\%WUFILE%.bak" "%WUFILE%" REM Windows Update Language pack ren "%~dp0updates\extracted\Windows6.0-KB4474419-v4-%ARCH%\%WULPFILE%" "%WULPFILE%.bak" findstr /v /i "parent Client-LanguagePack" "%~dp0updates\extracted\Windows6.0-KB4474419-v4-%ARCH%\%WULPFILE%.bak" >"%~dp0updates\extracted\Windows6.0-KB4474419-v4-%ARCH%\%WULPFILE%" dism /image:"%IMAGE%" /add-package /packagepath:"%~dp0updates\extracted\Windows6.0-KB4474419-v4-%ARCH%\%WULPFILE%" takeown /F "%IMAGE%\Windows\servicing\Packages\%WULPFILE%" /A >nul 2>nul icacls "%IMAGE%\Windows\servicing\Packages\%WULPFILE%" /grant *S-1-5-32-544:F >nul 2>nul copy "%~dp0updates\extracted\Windows6.0-KB4474419-v4-%ARCH%\%WULPFILE%.bak" "%IMAGE%\Windows\servicing\Packages\%WULPFILE%" >nul 2>nul icacls "%IMAGE%\Windows\servicing\Packages\%WULPFILE%" /setowner "NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller" >nul 2>nul icacls "%IMAGE%\Windows\servicing\Packages\%WULPFILE%" /grant:r *S-1-5-32-544:RX >nul 2>nul del "%~dp0updates\extracted\Windows6.0-KB4474419-v4-%ARCH%\%WULPFILE%" ren "%~dp0updates\extracted\Windows6.0-KB4474419-v4-%ARCH%\%WULPFILE%.bak" "%WULPFILE%" )
Just copy the needed MUIs mui from a donor vista wim, from \windows\xx-XX Windows\system32\xx-XX and other xx-XX folders and adjust the values under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI There's a way simpler method change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Language\InstallLanguage to 409 en-US reboot install en-US stuff Change 409 back to it's original value (say 410 for it-IT) Reboot
I haven't checked it now, but I rememeber I tried to compare SP2 MUI vs KB4474419 with result KB4474419 can't work with SP2 MUI. Maybe it's caused by different file version or strings aren't in correct place. I don't remember as my language is supported, I haven't dig around it more. My method is for offline image integration with modded MUMs to allow integration of "what you want without operating system version and language restrictions". Of course, can be adapted to online installation too and without reboot as there is no need to change language setting
BTW, does this project can fix 0x80072EFE error when updating Microsoft Security Essentials definitions?
Why the file package_en-US_for_kb4474419... bla bla bla is missing from the extracted KB4474419? UPD: Ahhhhhhh, it is package_4, not package_en-US... I am again was been confused
I am now know that package_en-US is package_4, and also I am force installed that to uk-UA Windows Vista (yes, I will do the uk-UA Windows Vista fully updated ISO first, and only then en-US)