Restore Windows Update for Vista

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by abbodi1406, Sep 12, 2020.

  1. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    #141 xrononautis, Sep 17, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2021
    Fresh install with only the 4 updates listed + SHA2 and 1st SSU from server 2008. No ESU and no newest SSU.

    Also the business is the only version that (in the past) detected the newest SSU and ESU updates on its own but only after I updated the MRT from Windows Update (can't be installed outside WU). I still haven't checked this part yet to see if it is still working.
    Edit: I did a fresh install and updated today (28/09/2021). Again I did the initial scan with only the 6 updates mentioned above. The scan worked but at the point after MRT where normally I would get the newest SSU and ESU updates I got only KB4536953 (a newish but not the newest SSU). After that nothing. Even after I manually installed the newest SSU + ESU prep package still nothing.
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  2. My2GirlsDad

    My2GirlsDad MDL Novice

    Mar 24, 2020
    I don't know if anyone has tried the patch lately with 32bit but I tried it yesterday. I was able to get Vista (1) to work but Server2008 (2) or Both (3) returns the dreaded C8000266 error. This includes with KB4575904 not being installed.

    Anyone else have this experience?
  3. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    This is my experience as well since I started experimenting in July. My understanding is that it is RAM related issue. Since the limit in 32bit is 4GiB address space (meaning most likely 3GB -3.5GB in reality) and Vista peaking at 4.7-4.8GB during the scan. I never spend too much time on 32bit platform though so I can't be certain of anything. What I am doing anyway is that I download every update that shows up in Windows update for both architectures for later offline use.
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  4. My2GirlsDad

    My2GirlsDad MDL Novice

    Mar 24, 2020
    That is what I do also xrononautis. I was just pointing out that even when removing KB4575904, which worked in x64, WU fails.

    Interesting and thanks for your input. Appreciate you.

  5. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    #145 xrononautis, Oct 5, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2021
    The KB4575904 (with the dotnet bypass) used to work just fine in August It would detect the August monthly rollup with no problem. Only in business 64bit ofc. I used to install it in the first wave of updates before even the initial scan without any problem as much as I remember. At any rate it wouldn't fail the scan regardless of vista version. Something changed in September though and KB4575904 installed will fail the scan. There are two things that I suspect:

    1. MRT version 5.93. (In August we had version 5.92) An extra reason for me to suspect the MRT is that if you would do the updates online with only the first Service Stack kb4493730. It wouldn't present any updates past 2020-01 unless you install the MRT. After the MRT you would get (even now actually) the latest Servicing Stack and then the August Monthly Rollup. Now it just don't go past the latest servicing stack.
    2. Something that I have noticed and could be something or could be nothing. While installing the updates fully online I would get kb4018556 and kb4036162 with size of 23kb and they wouldn't really install ofc. Back then this happend only to Enterprise and Ultimate Versions but not in Business (I never checked the other versions). And surprise the business wouldn't get those problems and would detect everything at the end. Now what is happening is that even in Business I get those 23kb updates. They could be related somehow I don't know. I am working on the correct sequence of installation in order to avoid those errors. Basically I just install those updates before the initial scan. I will edit this once I know if it worked or not.

    Edit: I now have managed to go through all the updates without getting orphan updates. MRT v5.94 and SSU 2021-10 detected just fine on their own today.
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  6. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
  7. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020
    #147 CaptainSpeleo, Oct 14, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
    I have Windows Vista Business SP2 64-bit installed in my Dell Precision M6400 laptop.
    A clean install was done about 5 months ago.
    It is set up and configured to detect and install Windows Server 2008 updates.
    It is brought up to date after every "patch Tuesday".

    Windows Update detected and installed these Windows Server 2008 updates for this month - October 2021.
    KB5006736 - security monthly quality rollup
    KB5006750 - servicing stack update

    No update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 and older versions was detected and installed.
  8. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    #148 xrononautis, Oct 14, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2022
    I will leave both the old and new code so that people can see the difference and understand what things need to be updated in the future. (In bold the things that need to be updated)
    2021-10 CSU Install Code (IE version 9.0.270)
    mkdir .\tmp
    expand.exe -f:*Windows*.cab *kb5006671-x64*.msu . >nul
    expand.exe -f:* *kb5006671-x64*.cab .\tmp >nul
    start /w PkgMgr.exe /ip /m:"%cd%\tmp\package_2_for_kb5006671~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~" /quiet /norestart
    start /w PkgMgr.exe /ip /m:"%cd%\tmp\package_3_for_kb5006671~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~" /quiet /norestart
    del /f /q *kb5006671-x64*.cab
    rd /s /q tmp
    2022-03 CSU Install Code (IE version 9.0.275)
    echo Expanding kb5011486-x64
    mkdir .\tmp
    expand.exe -f:*Windows*.cab *kb5011486-x64*.msu . >nul
    expand.exe -f:* *kb5011486-x64*.cab .\tmp >nul
    echo Installing kb5011486-x64
    start /w PkgMgr.exe /ip /m:"%cd%\tmp\package_2_for_kb5011486~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~" /quiet /norestart
    start /w PkgMgr.exe /ip /m:"%cd%\tmp\package_3_for_kb5011486~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~" /quiet /norestart
    del /f /q *kb5011486-x64*.cab
    rd /s /q tmp
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  9. Tarsynear

    Tarsynear MDL Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2021
    #149 Tarsynear, Oct 15, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2022
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  10. ruslanshchur

    ruslanshchur MDL Senior Member

    Sep 13, 2020
    Actually there is an Ukrainian language pack for Server 2008, and it is even available on the official Microsoft site. But yes, there is no official Ukrainian Windows Server 2008 ISOs, and Ukrainian is only supported as a language pack.
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  11. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    I didn't know this fact. Always good to know. Thank you!
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  12. My2GirlsDad

    My2GirlsDad MDL Novice

    Mar 24, 2020
    I was hoping to be able to report that I had found the cause of the dreaded C8000266 error code, by despite my best efforts that is not the case. However I did find another piece to the puzzle that might help someone else maybe find a solution if there truly is one.

    Here's what I found:

    I went back to when the first ESU was released in Feb 2020.

    KB4537830(Feb2020 SSU) and KB4538484(Feb2020 ESU) WU does not give Error Code C8000266 in (2) and (3) of patch.

    KB4550736(Mar2020 SSU) and KB4538484(Feb2020 ESU) WU does not give Error Code C8000266 in (2) and (3) of patch.

    KB4550737(Apr2020 SSU) and KB4538484(Feb2020 ESU) WU does not give Error Code C8000266 in (2) and (3) of patch.

    KB4555448(May2020 SSU) and KB4538484(Feb2020 ESU) WU does give Error Code C8000266 now in (2) and (3) of patch.

    But as many of us remember back then it did work so what has changed since then. I do not know.

    Finally and curiously, if you run either the ESU or SSU separately and independently of each other from May 2020 and beyond WU does not give Error Code C8000266 in (2) and (3) of patch.

    So I put this in the "For What It's Worth" category for anyone who is interested.

    Have a great day everybody!

  13. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    In July, WS2008 ESU had birthday as far I as remember. We changed year in the ESU scheme. Like from year 1st of ESU we went in the second year. If that is indeed the case (I have no clue) the ESU key changed and maybe that includes also the registry fix that we were using. So I am heavily speculating now but I am just saying.. if this is indeed the case they might as well update Windows Update server side to accept only the corporations that have agreement for the Second year of ESU lets say.. There might be a third version for the ESU preparation update which is not available publicly.

    Basically what I have seen is that as far as you don't install the Second ESU preparation package (the one ending in 904) any SSU combination will work (you will get the latest SSU at the end pretty much). But there is server side SSU related work going on as well. As a prof to this I have identified one update (kb2532531) which won't install offline. It will install only after you have restored the windows update and have scanned for updates. After that it can install from the same .msu file that wouldn't apply before the scan. This update is related to bluetooth and is offered only for Vista so I doubt that it is related to the problem that we are facing. But who knows.. xD

    Did anyone try WSUS to see if the ESU updates for Windows are being detected?
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  14. My2GirlsDad

    My2GirlsDad MDL Novice

    Mar 24, 2020
    Thanks xrononautis for your input and am believing you are correct. It does appear to be on the WU server side and without an updated ESU update all hope is lost.

    Appreciate ya.
  15. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    ESU birthday is in January :)

    WU patcher already cover all three ESU years
  16. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    I guess we are not late to the party after all :)
    Thank you for the clarification!
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  17. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    From the article in that link:
    "...if running on Microsoft Azure

    The steps [...] are the same for first, second, and third year coverage"

    So the 4th year won't be the same as the previous years. That alone will be a bit of a challenge about which we know nothing until the time comes. Honestly though... who cares. The people (myself included) who are prepared to stick with those OS beyond that date don't wait for M$ to keep them Secure.

    The challenge that we face is not how to keep our systems secure but rather the (luck of) support for newer hardware and/or how to keep our (Windows Vista and Seven) compatible devices alive. I am already thinking about the life span of the capacitors and how to replace them with new ones on my laptop.

    One thing is for certain! My next laptop will run GNU/Linux. There is no way in hell that I am buying a device with Windows 10,11,12 15 preinstalled. So with that being said I will run probably Virtual Machines with (most likely) seven for the browsing the net or just nostalgia. That means that the security factor is going on the second priority on VM.
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  18. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020
    #160 CaptainSpeleo, Nov 19, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2021
    I've done 2 clean installs and updates of Windows Vista SP2 64-bit during the past 2 days.
    My install and update guide:
    has been edited to reflect what I've done.
    I've tried to find a way to get Windows Update to work like it did several months ago, but I've been unsuccessful.
    The only procedure that seems to work at this time to get it up to date past January 2020 is the time-consuming process of installing 22 security and quality rollups from February 2020 to November 2021.
    All suggestions and recommendations are welcome.