Restore Windows Update for Vista

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by abbodi1406, Sep 12, 2020.

  1. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    #161 xrononautis, Nov 20, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2021
    This script will help you install every .msu in the same folder as the script. It will also pick the correct architecture if you have both x64 and x86 in the same folder. Also note that those 22 updates are Security Only updates. If any updates exists (probably they do) we need to track them down individually if we go this path.

    User account control needs to be disabled for this to work!
    @echo off
    CD %~dp0
    set IS_X64=0 && if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="AMD64" (set IS_X64=1) else (if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="AMD64" (set IS_X64=1))
    if "%IS_X64%" == "1" goto X64
    echo Installing x86 Packages...
    for %%f in (*x86*.msu) do (
      echo Installing %%f
      Wusa.exe %%f /quiet /norestart
    goto END
    echo Installing x64 Packages...
    for %%f in (*x64*.msu) do (
      echo Installing %%f
      wusa.exe %%f /quiet /norestart
    goto END
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  2. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020
    #162 CaptainSpeleo, Nov 20, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2021
    I have the 22 Security Only Quality Rollup(SOQR) updates for February 2020 through November 2021 saved in my computers.
    Is this how they should be set up with the mass install script so they can all be installed at the same time?


    P.S. I always turn off User Account Control(UAC) in my computers after I do a clean install, so that step is already out of the way.
  3. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020
    #163 CaptainSpeleo, Nov 20, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2021
    I decided to deploy the script while I'm waiting for a reply from you.
    After the first few updates installed, a prompt appeared to restart the laptop.
    I postponed the restart for 1 hour and allowed the install process to continue.
    After the next few updates installed, the restart prompt appeared again.
    The entire process is taking much longer than I expected, so I postponed the restart for the maximum of 4 hours.
    I'm assuming a restart doesn't need to be done until after ALL the updates are installed?
  4. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    Hello Captain!
    The only requirement is that the filenames have no spaces and somewhere in the filename there is "x64" or "x86". The filenames used by M$ are script friendly by default.
    Regarding the restart it depends on the individual updates. For example the latest Servicing Stack Update won't install without the SHA2 updated is installed and the system is restarted. In this case though of the security only updates one restart at the end should be just fine. Personally the first time that I install a batch of updates I omit the "/quite /norestart" part of the script so that I can see the potential error messages. The script is meant to make your life easier once the whole thing is tested and you know that it works.
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  5. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020
    Thanks for your reply.
    I just had another restart prompt appear, so I postponed it again for another 4 hours.
    It's been about 5 hours since I started, and 16 of the 22 SOQR updates have installed.
    I'm guessing the entire process is going to take about 7 hours.

    As you can see from the file names in the image in post #162, there are no spaces in them.
    I did shorten the file names by removing the long string between x64 and .msu

    After it's all done and the laptop is restarted, I'm going to do a "check for updates" with Windows Update and see what happens.
    Your help has been very much apppreciated.
  6. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    The whole process is taking too long in your case I think. Are you on "Check for updates..." setting? Try to set "Don't check for updates" until the installation is done and you restore the setting after the restart at the end.
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  7. TigTex

    TigTex MDL Senior Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    No need to shorten the names, just make sure all files are MSU files.
    Also there is no need to disable UAC (and if possible, keep it enabled as a security measure)

    Open CMD as admin and run this

    for %%f in *.msu do (
      ECHO= Installing %%f
      wusa.exe %%f /quiet /norestart
  8. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020
    Darn it, I wish I had known that before I started.
    Stopping Windows Update from running drastically sped up the install process.
    But it kept restarting and drastically slowing down the install process again, so I disabled it.
    But when I disabled it, the script closed.
    Fortunately, the script had already installed 18 of the 22 updates.
    After I restarted and it went through the configuration process, I deployed the script again.
    But it started from the very beginning, so I closed it and restarted again.
    I then manually installed the last 4 updates and restarted again.
    Windows Update shows all 22 updates successfully installed.
    Whew, it's been a long day!
  9. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020
    Thanks for your advice and suggestion, but I prefer to keep UAC turned off in Vista and 7 and 10.
    I don't like the annoying pop-ups and greying out of the display, and some functions require it be turned off.
    It's just all-around more convenient for me this way.
  10. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    The script isn't going to install everything again if you run it a second time. It will initiate the msu setup but since it is installed already it won't "apply" and it will just skip to the next. Try it after you you have install everything and the whole process will be over in a minute. Basically it does nothing if the update you are trying to install is already installed.

    Regarding the uac. I really cannot stress enough how important it is to have it on if this is anything beyond a test VM. I personally turn it off just in order to install the updates manually. After that I would turn it on again but since I am testing on VMs I normally delete the VM at this point and start a new one.
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  11. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020
    I just did a "checking for updates" and no updates were displayed.
    Now that the operating system is up to date to November 2021, I'm curious to see how Windows Update works after the next "patch Tuesday" arrives.
    I'll keep you posted.
    Again, thanks for all your help.

    It's time to turn off my computers and eat dinner and settle down in from of the TV.
  12. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020
    #172 CaptainSpeleo, Nov 29, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2021
    In reference to post #167, I'm not sure what you want me to do with that code.
    Am I correct in assuming it's associated with the code in post #161?
    I don't know how to create or read code, so try to be specific in your comments.
  13. Yg#n1wP

    Yg#n1wP MDL Novice

    Feb 9, 2020
    Many thanks to Captain, Tex and xron for the helpful tips!.Following the Captain´s list to the letter, I got Vista Ultimate 64 SP2 up and running on a 2005 Asus mobo with an Athlon 64 3500 CPU. Took 3 days in total from scratch. Runs like a dream.

    A couple of updates had to be repeated and blocking SMB ports caused a crash but - other than that - it runs as smoothly as Win 7 and a tad faster than XP Pro 64 with which, in the case of the latter, it shares a drive.

    It´ll be interesting to see how it handles future updates but so far so good.

    For anyone interested, the following work just fine:

    Security: Webroot SA, Zemana AM, 0Patch.

    Browsers: Opera 12/Opera 36; SeaMonkey 2.46; Otter, New Moon 28; Basilisk 52.9

    Backup: Aomei Pro. Macrium latest a no-go re SHA-2, sadly.
  14. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020

    I'm glad to hear you had success with the Vista install and update guide.
    I'll be doing another Vista clean install and update after the December 14th "patch Tuesday".
    There should be a new Security Only Quality Update.
    There may also be a new Servicing Stack Update and Internet Explorer 9 cumulative update.
    A new guide with the changes will be posted afterwards.
  15. Yg#n1wP

    Yg#n1wP MDL Novice

    Feb 9, 2020
    I left UAC on but will disable it as it´s irritating. I never used it anyway post-Vista. IE9 seems to be erratic which is no surprise but it is hardly used just part of the scenery. VU is so much like Win 7 but I always thought Vista was - aesthetically at least - M$ finest moment.

    As we are still running machines with XP, is it feasable to expect another 5 years from Vista rigs? Or longer?

    ps this machine has 4GB DDR and is as smooth as silk! XP Pro 32 is a tad slower but that is on an IDE drive...:)
  16. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    Do you have kb2763674 installed? This is related to SHA2 application signing. It fixed some problems that I had with applications that would not run at all. Now if the application runs but gives you an error message, specifically saying that vista is not supported, you are out of luck. Although with all honestly who cares. The nature of those applications is such that you can use an older version for ever. For safety there is a really nice windows firewall front end that enables manual control of the firewall for every single application and instance with rules. It is called Windows Firewall Control. I use the version 4.5. Although there should be no problem with other versions. You only need .net 4.5 for this to work (or was it .net 4.0?).

    As to for how long you can use your mobo I think that answer is for as long the capacitors of the motherboard hold.
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  17. Yg#n1wP

    Yg#n1wP MDL Novice

    Feb 9, 2020
    Yes, KB2763674 is installed but Macrium 8 doesn´t want to play along. I´ve found an installer for 7.2 which should work. However, another possibility would be simply to image the entire HDD using Macrium 8 in XP Pro x64. I´ll have to experiment as restoring Vista may not work. Theoretically possible with Vista/XP on independent partitions on the same drive.

    I´ve got another old 2004 mobo with an early Pentium 4 CPU. Although 64 bit capable, the chipset is limited so only 3.2 GB RAM is usable. I have 5 32 bit Linux distros on that rig and hope to keep them fully functional for as long as possible. Linux Mint 19.3 is not upgradable in 32 bit so I´m looking for a way to keep it going after EOL in 2 years. Frankenstein transplants from other 32 bit systems is the likely way forward (cackles...).
  18. ExtremeGrief

    ExtremeGrief MDL Addicted

    Jun 2, 2020
    My vista gets BSOD when installing IE9 update. BAD_POOL_HEADER 0x00000019 (wrong thread)
  19. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    I assume that you mean the latest Cumulative update right?
    What sequence of updates did you follow? Do you have kb4474419+kb4493730+kb5006750+IE9 installed and restarted before attempting to install the cumulative update?
    Do you have UAC on or off? Do you have any antivirus installed?
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