Great tool! It is possible to add in the result of the key verification the "Error Code", e.g. Error Code: 0xC004C008
It must be a secret that some tools of the same style can obtain this code. Technically don't know how they do it, but some of them show it and are totally reliable.
Hey, would it be possible to make licence keys for Windows Server (RDS) User / Device CALs work with SimplePidX? Currently all Profiles output "Specified key is valid but can't be verified".
Useless rds cal use agrement number no verification.... Change the License Program to "Service Provider License Agreement" in the dropdown and click next Set the agreement number to 1234567 and click next Fill out the next page with your chosen values and click next The license wizard should report "The requested licenses have been successfully installed"
Who were talking about activating it? If you want to say wrong wrong wrong to everything at least reread my original suggestion..... ................ ..........................
Code: files\libs\keyutils.ahk lines 57 & 61 move the second "|" mark from System to Automatic detection: GuiList .= "Automatic detection|" -> GuiList .= "Automatic detection||" GuiList .= "System||" -> GuiList .= "System|"